Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

Hey aren't you the one who keeps lying about Ted having native American roots? Are we still waiting for that link or are you just going to keep repeating the lie and re enforce the idea that you are a liar? See if you can find the link for him denying he raped that 12 year old kid. Maybe it's in the same place and same article as the one about him being a native American.

Why would he deny that he raped a 12 year old?

I have never denied flying a jet in to the WTC.

What you demagogues don't get is that outside of your filthy party, you need actual EVIDENCE, rather than just slander and libel. Ted is an enemy of the party - so you and your fellow goose steppers make the most outrageous claims. That they are lies never bothers you - I mean, party is all with you.
Who the fuck cares what they think about TN?
I'm betting he doesn't give a sweet flying fuck what they think.
The indians got a bad deal in the arch of history of man. So did the Blacks in Africa.
No amount of anything will ever 'fix' the past.
The fact that groups of people have basically risen above and now dominate other groups is nothing more than social Darwinism.
That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Who the fuck cares what they think about TN?
I'm betting he doesn't give a sweet flying fuck what they think.
The indians got a bad deal in the arch of history of man. So did the Blacks in Africa.
No amount of anything will ever 'fix' the past.
The fact that groups of people have basically risen above and now dominate other groups is nothing more than social Darwinism.
That's the way the cookie crumbles.

I mostly agree. The reality of life is that advanced people will subjugate primitive people. The Indians hadn't even invented the wheel, and clashed with a culture that circumnavigated the globe. It simply wasn't going to end well for them.
Then just scroll through a few pages of this thread. They've been linked multiple time. Or do we have to re-do the entire thread just because YOU showed up?



You morons link to the hate sites that program you. You little Goebbels of the left are some DUMB motherfuckers. Ted is an enemy of the party, so you slander and libel - there is nothing approaching "evidence" or "fact" in the idiocy you post. The MOST CREDIBLE shit you fucktards come up with is "High Times," to little goose steppers like you, that is the epitome of journalistic integrity.

You know that I'm not a member of a party - looks like the myriad of sites linking this information are in conflict with your programming.
Hey aren't you the one who keeps lying about Ted having native American roots? Are we still waiting for that link or are you just going to keep repeating the lie and re enforce the idea that you are a liar? See if you can find the link for him denying he raped that 12 year old kid. Maybe it's in the same place and same article as the one about him being a native American.
Why would he deny that he raped a 12 year old
What a stupid question. Why would a person want to go through life known as a pedophile? Why would a person defend them self from such an awful allegation?

I have never denied flying a jet in to the WTC.
You could never make that denial. You would be dead if you had done that. Could you possibly come up with more moronic and idiotic answers?

You have continually claimed that Ted Nugent was of native American heritage and been asked to provide a source for making such a claim. It has been suggested that if you can not provide a source you are just a blatant liar trying to defend draft dodging pedophile for being a racist along with those other attributes. So, where is the source that says he is of native American heritage?
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You know that I'm not a member of a party -

Sure, a little thinkprogress drone like you is "independent.."


looks like the myriad of sites linking this information are in conflict with your programming.

Oh? All the ones you spend your time on?

Common Dreams
Daily KOS

You know that I'm not a member of a party -

Sure, a little thinkprogress drone like you is "independent.."

looks like the myriad of sites linking this information are in conflict with your programming.

Oh? All the ones you spend your time on?

Common Dreams
Daily KOS


Yeah - just keep making up stuff to argue with... because you can't argue with any of the facts I post.
What a stupid question. Why would a person want to go through life known as a pedophile? Why would a person defend them self from such an awful allegation?


You little Goebbels aren't going to stop, after he denied it. You're fucking demagogues - lying is what you do. You seek to smear the enemies of the party, not examine facts.

No one rational is ever going to believe a word you say, you slander to fit in with your fellow goose steppers.

I have never denied flying a jet in to the WTC.
You could never make that denial. You would be dead if you had done that. Could you possibly come up with more moronic and idiotic answers?

And Ted would be in prison if your lies had any basis, fucktard.

You have continually claimed that Ted Nugent was of native American heritage and been asked to provide a source for making such a claim. It has been suggested that if you can not provide a source you are just a blatant liar trying to defend draft dodging pedophile for being a racist along with those other attributes. So, where is the source that says he is of native American heritage?

Continually, Herr Goebbels? :rofl:

I stated that Nugent claims in an article I read on bow hunting that it gets him closer to his Native roots.

Now you have to understand - I have zero respect for you - you are a scumbag demagogue - your whole schtick here is to tell the most outrageous lies you can against enemies of the party.

YOU calling ANYONE a "liar" is beyond absurd. You stand in an open latrine and claim others stink.
The 12 year old girl claims he did.

So I guess you gotta attack the victim... predictable.

Just interesting to make what great lengths some people will go to to protect their heroes - even if they are only protecting their memory of their hero ....

It's kinda sad.
The 12 year old girl claims he did.

No, one didn't - you are blatantly lying, for your party.

A 45 year old heroin addict claimed she gave Nugent a blow job when she was 12. She also claimed that the Foo Fighters lead singer is screwing her daughter.

You don't care how absurd it is, the party must be served - which means you must lie. Party above all.

So I guess you gotta attack the victim... predictable.

Courtney Love is the "victim?" :eek:

Oh and I didn't attack Love, i pointed out the fact that YOU are a liar and a demagogue.

Just interesting to make what great lengths some people will go to to protect their heroes - even if they are only protecting their memory of their hero ....

Are you doing all this for Barack, your little tin god?

It's kinda sad.

Indeed Herr Goebbels, indeed.
Are slander and libel "free speech," shitting bull?

Ask Nugent.

You have a direct lie in your sig - which even "Forward Progressives" site told you was a blatant lie - so I'm asking you - since you are engaged in slander and libel.

How is it a lie?

Some context on unclean vermin:

According to Nugent, those who protest against him are unclean vermin; therefore, since at least two Native American casinos have cancelled his shows - they must not like him.

The cancellation of his shows, by Native Americans, is the ultimate protest.

Therefore, by default, Nugent must also consider them unclean vermin.
The strangest thing about this series of post is that challenges were made to show links to Nugents denial that he raped the kid and proof that he had native American roots. Neither challenge was met. Nugent never denied the charge and no link has been provided showing that he has native American roots or ancestry. The pedophile defender seems to just be stuck on stupid.
No, one didn't - you are blatantly lying, for your party.

LOL - don't sputter all over your keyboard ... you'll short something out.

(Yeah, she did - apparently your hero had sex with a 12-year-old. The fact that the experience likely screwed her up is not really a defense now is it?)
How is it a lie?

You claim he said it about American Indians - you know this is not true. You say this in hopes of deceiving others for the purpose of slandering an enemy of the party.

It's the definition of a lie.

Some context on unclean vermin:

According to Nugent, those who protest against him are unclean vermin; therefore, since at least two Native American casinos have cancelled his shows - they must not like him.

Those who demagogue against him in an effort to disrupt his livelihood are those he called unclean vermin - you know - people like you. You can't deny he is right.

The cancellation of his shows, by Native Americans, is the ultimate protest.

Nah, that was caving in to political pressure.

Therefore, by default, Nugent must also consider them unclean vermin.


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