Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

The discussion has now degenerated into debating the victims of child rape are emotionally and negatively effected by the rape. Does raping a kid somehow influence their future? Are child rapist somehow unfairly treated and their crimes taken to seriously? Who believes that kind of chit?
How is it a lie?

You claim he said it about American Indians - you know this is not true. You say this in hopes of deceiving others for the purpose of slandering an enemy of the party.

It's the definition of a lie.

Some context on unclean vermin:

According to Nugent, those who protest against him are unclean vermin; therefore, since at least two Native American casinos have cancelled his shows - they must not like him.

Those who demagogue against him in an effort to disrupt his livelihood are those he called unclean vermin - you know - people like you. You can't deny he is right.

The cancellation of his shows, by Native Americans, is the ultimate protest.

Nah, that was caving in to political pressure.

Therefore, by default, Nugent must also consider them unclean vermin.


Are you suggesting that NO Native Americans protested against him?
The discussion has now degenerated into debating the victims of child rape are emotionally and negatively effected by the rape. Does raping a kid somehow influence their future? Are child rapist somehow unfairly treated and their crimes taken to seriously? Who believes that kind of chit?

The thread is exactly how it started, leftist liars slandering and libeling an enemy of the party.

You gutter scum spewing filth at those who your party wants destroyed. Shitting Bull the fake Indian posted a series of lies - and you have added more lies.

You do Pol Pot proud.
No, one didn't - you are blatantly lying, for your party.

LOL - don't sputter all over your keyboard ... you'll short something out.

(Yeah, she did - apparently your hero had sex with a 12-year-old. The fact that the experience likely screwed her up is not really a defense now is it?)
If the 12 year old claimed she had sex with Nugent, the police would have stepped in at the time and investigated whether she liked it or not or if she was really screwed up she would have sued him by now. Kinda like the 13 year old did with Sharon Tates husband/director Roman Polanski who hauled ass and left the country.
Nugent turns into a whining little wimp when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech. Poor baby...

"They call in and complain that I’m a racist, they claim I’m a pedophile, that I dodged the draft. They call all the promoters, they call all the venues, they call all my sponsors, every day.”

Two More Ted Nugent Concerts Canceled
Nugent turns into a whining little wimp when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech. Poor baby...

"They call in and complain that I’m a racist, they claim I’m a pedophile, that I dodged the draft. They call all the promoters, they call all the venues, they call all my sponsors, every day.”

Two More Ted Nugent Concerts Canceled

That's his marketing strategy.

He's made a living out of trying to shock people.

If the words "controversial" or "offensive" weren't in the sentence, would we EVER read anything about Ted Nugent?

It is a has-been's strategy for getting some ink and trying to sell a few tickets.

And the people who hate those he offends - love it.
Nugent turns into a whining little wimp when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech. Poor baby...

"They call in and complain that I’m a racist, they claim I’m a pedophile, that I dodged the draft. They call all the promoters, they call all the venues, they call all my sponsors, every day.”

Two More Ted Nugent Concerts Canceled

That's his marketing strategy.

He's made a living out of trying to shock people.

If the words "controversial" or "offensive" weren't in the sentence, would we EVER read anything about Ted Nugent?

It is a has-been's strategy for getting some ink and trying to sell a few tickets.

And the people who hate those he offends - love it.

Very true. It's much like how the Fox News and hate radio types keep pulling in the looney bucks.

HOWEVER, Nugent seems to have a thin skin when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech - which I find enjoyable.
If the 12 year old claimed she had sex with Nugent, the police would have stepped in at the time and investigated whether she liked it or not or if she was really screwed up she would have sued him by now. Kinda like the 13 year old did with Sharon Tates husband/director Roman Polanski who hauled ass and left the country.

The lying scumbags are basing this off of an off-hand claim Courtney Love - heroin addict and mental case - made at the age of 45 - followed by claims that Dave Grohl was screwing her daughter.

No one took Love seriously - not even these Khmer Rouge morons - they only repeat it in service of their filthy party,
The discussion has now degenerated into debating the victims of child rape are emotionally and negatively effected by the rape. Does raping a kid somehow influence their future? Are child rapist somehow unfairly treated and their crimes taken to seriously? Who believes that kind of chit?

The thread is exactly how it started, leftist liars slandering and libeling an enemy of the party.

You gutter scum spewing filth at those who your party wants destroyed. Shitting Bull the fake Indian posted a series of lies - and you have added more lies.

You do Pol Pot proud.

The folks you call leftest liars may in fact just be folks who dislike child rapist to the point that they don't want the crime forgotten. They want people to remember that just as child rape follows the victim for life, it can follow the perpetrator also.
The fact is there are pages upon pages of articles about Nugents crime on google and bing that the accused leftist liars use as resources to back up what they claim and allege. What there are not, are pages of Nugent denying the charge. There is the story and all anyone should have to know. The guy never denied raping a child. Investigative reporters from the biggest news organizations in the world have looked into the allegations and all came to the same basic conclusion. Nugent has never denied being a child rapist.
Nugent turns into a whining little wimp when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech. Poor baby...

"They call in and complain that I’m a racist, they claim I’m a pedophile, that I dodged the draft. They call all the promoters, they call all the venues, they call all my sponsors, every day.”

Two More Ted Nugent Concerts Canceled

That's his marketing strategy.

He's made a living out of trying to shock people.

If the words "controversial" or "offensive" weren't in the sentence, would we EVER read anything about Ted Nugent?

It is a has-been's strategy for getting some ink and trying to sell a few tickets.

And the people who hate those he offends - love it.

Very true. It's much like how the Fox News and hate radio types keep pulling in the looney bucks.

HOWEVER, Nugent seems to have a thin skin when he's on the receiving end of freedom of speech - which I find enjoyable.

Yes, "shocking" people is a pretty big industry. Like Howard Stern.

I don't think it is Nugent whining so much as it is him trying to fire up his faithful to the point of buying a CD or a ticket to a show.... well, yeah .... by whining.
Looks like Uncensored2008 has been beaten into submission.
The 12 year old girl claims he did.

So I guess you gotta attack the victim... predictable.

Just interesting to make what great lengths some people will go to to protect their heroes - even if they are only protecting their memory of their hero ....

It's kinda sad.

It was a grown woman named Courtney Love who claimed she gave head to Ted when she was twelve. She is a well known pathological liar and all round nut case. Kurt Cobain's widow.

This heroine of your fabricated fairy tale of Ted the pedophile is a piece of work. Do you even know who she is?

You keep talking about a 12 year old. Not true. Courtney calls up Howard Stern show one day stoned out of her gourd and makes this claim.

She also claimed Dave Grohl and Billy Corgan wanted to get it on with her daughter. She lied about a relationship with Gwen Stephani's husband and told other lies about Stephani.

This bitch, not a twelve year old spread lies so bad about Dave Grohl that her own daughter was pleading for Twitter to delete her mothers account.

Oh and speaking of Francis, she had to get a restraining order against her own mother for herself, her guardians and her freaking dog.

Courtney Love is a lying crazy bitch from hell. Oh and her madness killed two family pets.
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It was a grown woman named Courtney Love who claimed she gave head to Ted when she was twelve. She is a well known pathological liar and all round nut case. Kurt Cobain's widow.

This heroine of your fabricated fairy tale of Ted the pedophile is a piece of work. Do you even know who she is?

You keep talking about a 12 year old. Not true. Courtney calls up Howard Stern show one day stoned out of her gourd and makes this claim.

She also claimed Dave Grohl and Billy Corgan wanted to get it on with her daughter. She lied about a relationship with Gwen Stephani's husband and told other lies about Stephani.

This bitch, not a twelve year old spread lies so bad about Dave Grohl that her own daughter was pleading for Twitter to delete her mothers account.

Oh and speaking of Francis, she had to get a restraining order against her own mother for herself, her guardians and her freaking dog.

Courtney Love is a lying crazy bitch from hell. Oh and her madness killed two family pets.

The Khmer Rouge don't care. Nugent is an enemy of the party - there is NOTHING these little Goebbels won't say to slander and libel him - it's just the way the left operates. They'll tell the same lies about you, or your kids, if the party tells them to. Not a SHRED of integrity in any of them. These leftists define gutter scum.

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