Natural diversity vs. genetically modified organisms from Big Agri

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Seems like homogenizing all of our seed crops is riskier than letting Mother Nature maintain robustness through NATURAL evolution. I furhter side w/ mother Nature given certain Repubs :eusa_whistle: are in the pockets of Big Agri

Vermont gov signs law to require labels on GMO foods
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Standing on the Statehouse steps before a legion of activists, Vermont's governor signed a new law Thursday that could make the state the first to require labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms — and also could make it the first to be sued over the issue.

Sounds like this more about profit than people:

Farmer Assurance Provision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The bill is commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Protection Act” by its critics

Legal effect

If a biotech crop had already been approved (or deregulated) by the USDA and a court reversed that approval, the provision directed the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status at the request of a grower or seed producer, to allow growers to continue the cultivation of the crop while legal challenges to the safety of those crops would still be underway.
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Well gee Dot -- we can't do anything about that because we have to have an all or nothing "save the Planet" plan.. Just another example of shit that aint getting done because of the Global Warming domination.

I'm not against Biotech.. But I SURE AS HELL don't trust the FEDS to stay on top of this. You blame it on Monsanto -- I think it's FDA and Agriculture that's more likely to kill people...
so are you pro- frankenseeds, and the crowding out of the natural selection, or not? :mad:
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Obama protected Monsanto, is he now a Republican?

This is like the lies the Libs tell on slavery, the KKK and the Dem Party
so are you for frankenseeds, and the crowding out of the natural selection or not?

I'm for using modern science to mimick genetic evolution. The concept of frankenseeds isn't all that great to me, because it's a product protection deal to prevent folks "sharing" the product. Much like the gimmicks that the recording industry had to invent to retain music as a business. If you invest $30Mill developing a strain of green beans with a longer shelf life, you shouldn't have people ripping off that product for free. Because TECHNOLOGY aint free, just like music isn't free. It's a business.

I DON'T LIKE this tinkering with "alternate DNA" that's in the news this week. This is TRULY alien and monstrous. And it's gonna be YEARS before the Feds even get their pants on to understand the dangers of messing with that..

So it's a mixed bag bud...
Gotta tell ya Dot. The title is a false choice and ill informed. There are very few naturally selected food crops. They are ALMOST ALL engineered by man in one way or another. So again you are using rhetoric that really doesnt match the issue...
Like so many technologies developed and used before we fully understood the implicatons and results of the use, I expect bio-tech to be both a blessing and a curse. We do not fully understand all the implications in changing the genetic of a plant or animal, so we are playing the Magicians Apprentice. Yet, with 7 billion people on the planet, and an increasingly unpredictable climate, we absolutely need crops that will yeild more in inclement weather conditions.
So, Dotcom, you appear to be anti-science?

I'm pro-mother nature. Where do you think monsanto gets their seeds from to monkey around w/ in the first place?

Saw this & it reminded me of my thread:

University of Michigan botanical garden's rare 80-year-old agave preparing to bloom for the first time |
“This plant is an original, native plant, and you don’t see that much anymore,” Palmer said. “There’s more value from plants from the wild because they have a broader genetic diversity. Science has realized that there’s more value in diversity.”

Mother nature, not some bio engineer employed by a favored tech company, ensures the longevity of a plant or any other organism for that matter.
Monsanto basically has control of gmo stuff especially seeds. There is no current evidence they are safe nor is there evidence they are harmful. An experiment which may take a long time to get results. That's why I grow my own garden with no chemicals.
I try to use antique/heirloom/heritage (whichever you prefer) seeds, but I am not freaked out by hybrids. I guess it might boil down to exactly how a seed is modified and with what.

It is a difficult position for gardeners/growers. BT has always been said to be organic and safe, and now that Monsanto is using it, it suddenly is a dangerous chemical. Hard to know what to make of that.
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my point is that the *cough* "hybrids" will crowd out Mother Nature's handiwork then we'll just be stuck w/ a bunch of copyrighted flora that may not be able to withstand unforseen events as mother Nature's are.
my point is that the *cough* "hybrids" will crowd out Mother Nature's handiwork then we'll just be stuck w/ a bunch of copyrighted flora that may not be able to withstand unforseen events as mother Nature's are.

Mother Nature's plants have been known to not survive unforeseen events---like giant objects from the sky crashing down on the Yucatan. Man is after all part of nature too and just because we do not add to the process the way bees do, does not mean that it is inherently bad for us to do things.

Sounds like it is the IP that bothers you more than the seeds. It isn't like the world is full of wild corn and tomatoes that will be crowded out. It is more an issue in landscaping plants than food crops if that crowding out is your concern.
I don't want a bunch of junk seeds foisted upon us especially of the food crop variety. The EU doesn't want many GMO's, & their associated lawsuits, either
Seems like homogenizing all of our seed crops is riskier than letting Mother Nature maintain robustness through NATURAL evolution. I furhter side w/ mother Nature given certain Repubs :eusa_whistle: are in the pockets of Big Agri

Vermont gov signs law to require labels on GMO foods
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Standing on the Statehouse steps before a legion of activists, Vermont's governor signed a new law Thursday that could make the state the first to require labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms — and also could make it the first to be sued over the issue.

Sounds like this more about profit than people:

Farmer Assurance Provision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The bill is commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Protection Act” by its critics

Legal effect

If a biotech crop had already been approved (or deregulated) by the USDA and a court reversed that approval, the provision directed the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status at the request of a grower or seed producer, to allow growers to continue the cultivation of the crop while legal challenges to the safety of those crops would still be underway.

Do you have any idea how stupid you are?

Wait, this is a dotcom thread, I retract my question.
so are you pro- frankenseeds, and the crowding out of the natural selection, or not? :mad:

Which "natural" food is it you are worried about crowding out? Corn, wheat, potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, and just about everything else you eat has been genetically modified by humans over the centuries, it is called artificial selection, and has been around since the first time someone stuck a seed in the ground.

And the assholes want me to believe that conservatives are anti science, progressives are positively terrified by it, which is why they want everyone to go back to the dark ages.

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