Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Twenty-Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Science itself has been neglected for the most part and replaced with the projections of bureaucrats, both elected and unelected. Professional political scientists at best. Unfortunately, this has caused people to distrust genuine science.

Anyway. That said, there has been an absence of mainstream discussion with regard to natural immunity. And ever since the products were rushed to market, the discussion of natural immunity has effectively dissappeared in the interest of promoting universal vaccination as well as empowering the federal government the opportunity to provide a captive market for it to the manufacturers (there's a word for that....hmm..wonder what it could be...) every six months as a condition of participating in society, employment, and the marketplace.

But, placing that aside, and unlike the absence of a scientific record regarding the safety and functionality of these experimental vaccines, genuine science and an actual scientific record with regard to natural immunity does actually exist.

These following studies demonstrate what was and is already known. That natural immunity for a SARS-type virus is robust, long-lasting, and broadly effective even in the case of mutations, generally more so than vaccines...

This is what a lot of doctors and Virologists are coming forth with..............actual scientific PROOF that the "vaccine" does more harm than anything else. Also that most people with fair to strong immune systems that have never gotten the "jab", that have gotten COVID say that it's no worse than the flu or a bad cold.
Science itself has been neglected for the most part and replaced with the projections of bureaucrats, both elected and unelected. Professional political scientists at best. Unfortunately, this has caused people to distrust genuine science.

Anyway. That said, there has been an absence of mainstream discussion with regard to natural immunity. And ever since the products were rushed to market, the discussion of natural immunity has effectively dissappeared in the interest of promoting universal vaccination as well as empowering the federal government the opportunity to provide a captive market for it to the manufacturers (there's a word for that....hmm..wonder what it could be...) every six months as a condition of participating in society, employment, and the marketplace.

But, placing that aside, and unlike the absence of a scientific record regarding the safety and functionality of these experimental vaccines, genuine science and an actual scientific record with regard to natural immunity does actually exist.

These following studies demonstrate what was and is already known. That natural immunity for a SARS-type virus is robust, long-lasting, and broadly effective even in the case of mutations, generally more so than vaccines...

Mission statement of your RWNJ fake news site:

*The motive force of the Brownstone Institute is the global crisis created by policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. That trauma revealed a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to forego freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of a public health crisis. The consequences were devastating and will live in infamy"
Mission statement of your RWNJ fake news site:

*The motive force of the Brownstone Institute is the global crisis created by policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. That trauma revealed a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to forego freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of a public health crisis. The consequences were devastating and will live in infamy"

Rather than attacking the source providing links to the studies, what are your thoughts on the studies themselves?


You're not interested in the topical content at all, are you?
This is what a lot of doctors and Virologists are coming forth with..............actual scientific PROOF that the "vaccine" does more harm than anything else. Also that most people with fair to strong immune systems that have never gotten the "jab", that have gotten COVID say that it's no worse than the flu or a bad cold.
I wish this were true.. I lost my Wife and Mother-in-law three days apart last December. They both had immune system problems. I have CHF and needed oxygen for about two weeks. I survived but they did not. The danger is very real. For most who are in good health this is as you say a minor issue. For those who are high risk, not so much.
Mission statement of your RWNJ fake news site:

*The motive force of the Brownstone Institute is the global crisis created by policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. That trauma revealed a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to forego freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of a public health crisis. The consequences were devastating and will live in infamy"
I see you still dont deal with the facts presented... How about trying something intellectually honest for change and try reading the studies and articles. Then come back and debate the fundamentals of science.
HE is a left wing puppet... All he does is regurgitate what he is told to say.

He certainly provides very litte value to discussion around here. Seems like he's only interested in purposefully disrupting discussion. In my circles he'd have been deleted a long time ago. Bad element...
I wish this were true.. I lost my Wife and Mother-in-law three days apart last December. They both had immune system problems. I have CHF and needed oxygen for about two weeks. I survived but they did not. The danger is very real. For most who are in good health this is as you say a minor issue. For those who are high risk, not so much.

Thats so sad. Condolences.

But getting the flu or pneumonia has the same effects on people with low or no immune systems.
Even people who have never had Chicken Pox or Measles in their life, but good immune systems otherwise, are more susceptible to these things when they get older, because their immune systems never had to fight off anything and build up tolerance.

Everybody I know personally that has contracted COVID, even those over 50 years old, have told me it's no worse than having a bad cold or the flu. Thats not to say you won't die from it, but there are other things like the flu and pneumonia that can cause death in the older set as well.

From what I also hear from people who have contracted it, never got the jab, and didn't really get that sick from it, they were all on vitamin regiments as well as heavy doses of Vit D. Not that it's a guard against COVID, but a lot of doctors says it does help a great deal.

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