Navy SEAL Releasing Real Account Of Bin Laden Takedown


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

A former member of SEAL Team 6, the author was a team leader in the operation that resulted in the death of Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011. According to a description of the book provided by the publisher, the author gives a “blow-by blow narrative of the assault, beginning with the helicopter crash that could have ended Owen’s life straight through to the radio call confirming Bin Laden’s death,” and is “an essential piece of modern history.”


Book Will Describe Raid That Killed Bin Laden -
A detailed first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, written under a pseudonym by a member of the Navy SEALs who participated in the mission and was present at bin Laden’s death, will be released next month, the publisher said on Wednesday.
Who honestly cares about this crap? The war on terror was one of the most poorly run wars in WORLD history... From Bush and Republicans to Obama and his Democrats. The most powerful country in the world managed to FINALY kill the guy that started it all at the expense of our reputation as a country, trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives… I guess morons need something to feel gitty about.
Who honestly cares about this crap? The war on terror was one of the most poorly run wars in WORLD history... From Bush and Republicans to Obama and his Democrats. The most powerful country in the world managed to FINALY kill the guy that started it all at the expense of our reputation as a country, trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives… I guess morons need something to feel gitty about.

If he ever existed?
The man exsisted and now hes dead.

You just dont like the fact that He was ignored by Bush and team so he could have a boogey man to point to
A detailed first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, written under a pseudonym by a member of the Navy SEALs who participated in the mission and was present at bin Laden’s death, will be released next month, the publisher said on Wednesday.

Maybe you'd use your real name but this SEAL is smart enough not to endanger himself and loved ones by providing a virtual road map of their whereabouts to murderous terrorists.
obama "leaked" the real name of this Seal as Mark Bissonette and further leaked his hometown.

And obama wonders why the military criticizes his regime!

What is obama hoping for? He knows that this team is on the hit list of every terrorist group in the world. Is obama's goal to enlist the help of Al Quaeda in removing his critics?
A detailed first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, written under a pseudonym by a member of the Navy SEALs who participated in the mission and was present at bin Laden’s death, will be released next month, the publisher said on Wednesday.

Maybe you'd use your real name but this SEAL is smart enough not to endanger himself and loved ones by providing a virtual road map of their whereabouts to murderous terrorists.

Or protect himself from legal challenges because there is a potential he is leaking sensitive and classified material.

Bradley Manning is in jail for that.
obama declassified everything so that Kathryn Bigelow could make a hero obama movie about the raid. Good luck with saying that the book contains classified material after that.

Maybe you'd use your real name but this SEAL is smart enough not to endanger himself and loved ones by providing a virtual road map of their whereabouts to murderous terrorists.

Or protect himself from legal challenges because there is a potential he is leaking sensitive and classified material.

Bradley Manning is in jail for that.

Yeah, we cause WikiLeaks man to go into exile taking sanctuary in a non-extradition country for leaking the shit he did yet we give Obama and his cronies a free pass to leak whatever classified shit they want to just to make themselves look like fucking heroes.

Obama is a traitor to this country.

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