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Navy SEALS Group To Broadcast Anti-Obama Commercial

Actually it didn't.....

The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

thats what i posted before.....

So that's your definition of betrayal now? When you said it before (http://www.usmessageboard.com/6251499-post32.html), that was your definition of treason. So they are synonymous?

We've got to agree on terms. Otherwise, the argument is poop.
Actually it didn't.....

The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

thats what i posted before.....

So that's your definition of betrayal now? When you said it before, that was your definition of treason. So they are synonymous?

We've got to agree on terms. Otherwise, the argument is poop.

That is the definition of treason..... But go on I am confusing myself here.

Well, your definition of treason is:

"The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something."

So it would make sense to define what betray means.

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So that's your definition of betrayal now? When you said it before, that was your definition of treason. So they are synonymous?

We've got to agree on terms. Otherwise, the argument is poop.

That is the definition of treason..... But go on I am confusing myself here.

Well, your definition of treason is:

"The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something."

So it would make sense to define what betray means.


To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.
To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.

Holy fuck Pasco. I don't want to be a dick, but I'm going to. If by your accusation of treason, you claim these honorable SEALs are guilty, you'd hold us ALL guilty of treason!

Cause here is your definition:

Treason: The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

Betrayal: To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.

Now, you may be Jesus and have never never lied, but the rest of us have been "untrue to someone or something."

Basically, your argument to call these brave SEALs actions as being treasonous has FAILED.

You should be ashamed to be so self righteous as to accuse such men as such.

When did you serve?
The so called seals..

Yeah, right. Like you have the position to call them "so called".

When did you serve? And were you seal material?

I said so called because except for one they seem to be hiding their identities from the internet , I am wondering is there any more than just one shitty excuse for a soldier.

Gee, I wonder why anyone would conceal their identities from this crooked administration. Maybe they want to stay alive, as well as their families. I wouldn't want this administration to know my real name and location, either. Have you figured out why yet?
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That is the definition of treason..... But go on I am confusing myself here.

Well, your definition of treason is:

"The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something."

So it would make sense to define what betray means.


To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.

you just desribed Obama and liberalism..way to go.....the video did it!
To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.

Holy fuck Pasco. I don't want to be a dick, but I'm going to. If by your accusation of treason, you claim these honorable SEALs are guilty, you'd hold us ALL guilty of treason!

Cause here is your definition:

Treason: The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

Betrayal: To be untrue and or deceitful to someone close to not hold true to your morals and ethics.

Now, you may be Jesus and have never never lied, but the rest of us have been "untrue to someone or something."

Basically, your argument to call these brave SEALs actions as being treasonous has FAILED.

You should be ashamed to be so self righteous as to accuse such men as such.

When did you serve?

First off i am not self righteous and nor have i held everyone there. the seals took an oath to the COC and this country and are trying to toss that out the window to basically bash on the COC.
The so called seals that would do this are no better than shitty mercs who have sold out for big republican bucks, they have disgraced their country and their service just to spread partisan BS, I wonder what the anonymous lobbyists backing them paid for their much too conditional loyalty.

I think the Seals have genuine hate on for the CIC. Obama claims the credit for Bin Laden.

Biggest death of Seals in that one attack and Obama only sends out form letters of condolences.

And now he let former Seals die in Benghazi.

Yeah, it's a genuine hate on.
This particular bunch of birthers with their hideous conspiracy theorizing tea bagging activities have no loyalty to the government whatsoever and are an embarrassment to the uniform.

Why should they have loyalty to the government? Loyalty to the CONSTITUTION they swore to uphold and defend...just like the Chickenshit-in-chief supposedly swore to do...that I understand. The government that the CinC holds so dear...yeah, not so much.
First off i am not self righteous and nor have i held everyone there. the seals took an oath to the COC and this country and are trying to toss that out the window to basically bash on the COC.

Look, tory.

You did not serve. You didn't dodge bullets. You have no standing to talk shit about SEALs. Yes, you are self righteous.

In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation�s call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America�s finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life. I am that man.

My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.

My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.

We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me - my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

We train for war and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my country. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend.

Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail.

NSW - Naval Special Warfare Command

Honestly, you can't be this dumb. Who's sock account are you?
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The so called seals that would do this are no better than shitty mercs who have sold out for big republican bucks, they have disgraced their country and their service just to spread partisan BS, I wonder what the anonymous lobbyists backing them paid for their much too conditional loyalty.

Agreed this is treason nothing more nothing less.

You want treason? How about watching AMERICANS being murdered by common terrorists in live action time while planning your next campaign speech in Las Vegas, going to bed, rising to meet your flight (courtesy the American taxpayer) to the next campaign stop, and lying your fucking communist, muslim-loving ass off about some rinky-dink utube video...yeah, that's real leadership.
First off i am not self righteous and nor have i held everyone there. the seals took an oath to the COC and this country and are trying to toss that out the window to basically bash on the COC.

Look, tory.

You did not serve. You didn't dodge bullets. You have no standing to talk shit about SEALs. Yes, you are self righteous.

In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation�s call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America�s finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life. I am that man.

My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.

My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.

We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me - my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

We train for war and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my country. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend.

Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail.

NSW - Naval Special Warfare Command

Honestly, you can't be this dumb. Who's sock account are you?


Are you really this stupid? Because i didn't serve i have no say. Republicans are foolish They will step all over the consitiution but when it comes to there guns it is the holy grail.

Look you are an idiot if they were doing a Pro-Obama ad you would be all over them like white on rice. I am doubtful you served either you are standing on two stubs sir.
Well, Hallelujah! We got ourselves one who wants to talk about treason.

Let's here your definition of treason.

Copy and paste.... that dumbass wouldn't know.

Bet he will post a wiki link :lol:

The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

Back on the short bus with ya.

Think again:
"The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given."

I would consider the Hoover-strength dick-sucking our current so-called president provides to numerous terrorist governments to be treasonous.
Are you really this stupid? Because i didn't serve i have no say. Republicans are foolish They will step all over the consitiution but when it comes to there guns it is the holy grail.

Look you are an idiot if they were doing a Pro-Obama ad you would be all over them like white on rice. I am doubtful you served either you are standing on two stubs sir.

Look at my avatar.

That's the Red Dragon. I was born in Wales.

But yes. I did still serve in United States Army.

What's your excuse?

You are a typical liberal. Talk shit about our elite, but have not the balls to do what they do.

You've been defeated in all possible ways. Go to bed.
Too late to swiftboat, Karl Rove.

Obama got Bin Laden, Bush didn't.

Obama got Gaddafi, Reagan didn't.
The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

Back on the short bus with ya.

How'd I miss this post?

Wait, you wanna play with that definition?

Let me first ask: will you apply that definition uniformly and objectively?

Fuck no! You are asking a lubturd to apply some definition uniformly and objectively. That ain't gonna happen. There are two ways to apply any specific definition: the way that benefits libturds, and the way that defames conservatives. You only get to pick one.
So now SEALS are white supremacists because they are angry at a weak president who allowed their guys to be killed (Benghazi) and yet uses their guys to brag about his presidency (Osama)

Liberals are mindless tits...part of the Borg.

I have found no evidence that there is more than one verified seal involved in this, also this particular group buys into the birther conspiracy theories in a big way, they get zero respect for that shit.

I think I would be hesitant to disclose my name as well... this regime has a knack for eliminating Navy Seals :eusa_whistle:

Whoo boy, that's the truth!!!
Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan Reportedly Kills Members of SEAL Team 6 | Fox News
Are you really this stupid? Because i didn't serve i have no say. Republicans are foolish They will step all over the consitiution but when it comes to there guns it is the holy grail.

Look you are an idiot if they were doing a Pro-Obama ad you would be all over them like white on rice. I am doubtful you served either you are standing on two stubs sir.

Look at my avatar.

That's the Red Dragon. I was born in Wales.

But yes. I did still serve in United States Army.

What's your excuse?

You are a typical liberal. Talk shit about our elite, but have not the balls to do what they do.

You've been defeated in all possible ways. Go to bed.


And you are a typical Republican making ASSumptions you lot are foolish. I call it like i see it you are a dumbass that thinks the military somehow doesn't have to answer to the CNC stop being a dumbass. There are guidelines in the military that prevent people in the military from doing just this and even guildlines against talking bad against the CNC Clearly you didn't serve or you would know this back under the short bus.
I have noticed something on here Republicans are very aggressive and can only attack attack attack. They live in the stone age and aren't acceptive of anything other then there views and what they want. Lols Republicans wonder why there party is in chaos.
Because this group is also involved in birtherism, they are obviously not too interested in the real story, just a dirty anonymous lobbyist funded (Rove probably) political hit on the president.

again.. its not been broadcast yet.... so there is no way to "know" just what they will say.

If you see someone on TV who is a vocal proponent of bigfoot existing or alien abductions or vampires or some other similar hogwash it does not say much for their bullshit filter or yours if you give it an ounce or credence.

But vampires, as represented by Hollyweird, don't really exist, do they.

The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.

That is your definition of treason.

My argument is going to be: if you can apply that definition to these Seals, then you must apply it to Obama.

Now, if you want to say either the Seals are not guilty of treason OR Obama is, we can let this go.

What do you want to do?

May i ask how and why do you think Obama is Guilty? Seals have sworn an oath to this country and COC which happens to be Obama at the moment true or not? If True then during a declared state of war which i believe we to be in they shouldn't be participating in this garbage.

Obama should have sworn to defend this Nation from enemies, foreign AND domestic. Has he done that? FUCK NO!!! He sat idly by and allowed foreign enemies to murder Americans with impunity. He even lied, both personally and by virtue of his mouthpieces, Clinton, Rice, and sundry others...for WEEKS after the murder of Americans by foreign enemies of this Nation.

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