Navy would ground Blue Angels under sequestration


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Sequestration maybe the only way to cut our spending, however it does have a downside.
Navy would ground Blue Angels under sequestration.
On a related note:
The Air Force has directed the base to cancel all temporary duties that are not mission critical, such as attendance at or hosting conferences and symposiums, and to curtail flying not directly related to readiness, such as air shows, flyovers and familiarization rides.

Navy would ground Blue Angels under sequestration - St. Louis Business Journal

Oh well maybe next time the Senate might be able to get a budget put together.

On the other hand, sequestration might be just what they had in mind.... The budgets get cut and there is no one to blame since they will all claim it was forced on them.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) said Wednesday he was unimpressed by efforts from fellow House Republicans to lay blame for the sequester on President Obama, calling the moves "disingenuous."
"I think it's a mistake on the part of Republicans to try to pin the sequester on Obama," Amash told Buzzfeed. "It's totally disingenuous. The debt ceiling deal in 2011 was agreed to by Republicans and Democrats, and regardless of who came up with the sequester, they all voted for it. So, you can't vote for something and, with a straight face, go blame the other guy for its existence in law."
Last week, Republicans on Capitol Hill switched their Facebook and Twitter avatars to a passage from Bob Woodward's recent book that reports the sequester was first proposed by the White House. Additionally, they sent messages critical of the president and sequester using the Twitter hashtag #Obamaquester. It was part of an effort to lay blame at the feet of President Obama for the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts set to take effect on March 1.

Read more: GOP Rep. Amash: Effort to blame Obama for sequester cuts 'disingenuous' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Blue Angels are not essential to our national defense
Never said they were.... but they put on one hell of a great show.
I agree. I saw them perform last summer in Baltimore. What they could do is set up a website to accept contributions from the public to help defray the cost of their operations. I bet they could pick up enough money to keep operating, as their shows are a draw that attracts spectators and tourists (who spend money locally) to events such as the one I attended in Baltimore.
Do we need the Blue Angels? Really?

I would rather fund the Blue angles than send Israel $3 billion for its military each year.

Not me

Israel is a strong ally in the Middle East

Effective March 1, the Blue Angels will be grounded and cancel performances at 30 shows in 2013, the Dayton Business Journal reports.
The U.S. Navy is expected to save $20 million by the move, but it also will curtail one of its top recruiting tools, according to the Washington Times.

So you are saying that it would be wrong to divert the $20 Million to keeping the Blue Angels flying from the $3 billion we give to Israel's military annually . I bet you also call yourself a patriot.
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Of course they are.
The Blue Angels are a big PR draw for the Navy, by grounding the group they stir up popular support for spending. When, instead, they could shave a ton of money by actually going after the desk bound chair polishers and their sacred cows.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) said Wednesday he was unimpressed by efforts from fellow House Republicans to lay blame for the sequester on President Obama, calling the moves "disingenuous."
"I think it's a mistake on the part of Republicans to try to pin the sequester on Obama," Amash told Buzzfeed. "It's totally disingenuous. The debt ceiling deal in 2011 was agreed to by Republicans and Democrats, and regardless of who came up with the sequester, they all voted for it. So, you can't vote for something and, with a straight face, go blame the other guy for its existence in law."
Last week, Republicans on Capitol Hill switched their Facebook and Twitter avatars to a passage from Bob Woodward's recent book that reports the sequester was first proposed by the White House. Additionally, they sent messages critical of the president and sequester using the Twitter hashtag #Obamaquester. It was part of an effort to lay blame at the feet of President Obama for the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts set to take effect on March 1.

Read more: GOP Rep. Amash: Effort to blame Obama for sequester cuts 'disingenuous' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

I agree, it was created as a crude stick to beat them both over the head with to get serious, well, obama got his tax hikes, now what?

I think its a failure of all 3 entities, senate house ( to an extent only) and the WH, obama and his team thought it up and here we are.

To turn around now and cry it will cut essential services is bullshit, its 3% of last years spending. Split that down the middle and it means discretionary spending and defense take a 1.5% cut each..........obama never thought the gop would sit still for the cuts in Defense, he thought wrong. Obama and the dems wanted to cut defense, well? Here you are, your turn now......
Whenever the flow of funds to the government is threatened, be it at the local, state, or federal level, the visible things people actually care about are held hostage.

The Federal government, including the DOD, has so much redundant and unnecessary bureaucracy that funds for the Blue Angels could easily be found.
Whenever the flow of funds to the government is threatened, be it at the local, state, or federal level, the visible things people actually care about are held hostage.

The Federal government, including the DOD, has so much redundant and unnecessary bureaucracy that funds for the Blue Angels could easily be found.

But signs of sacrifice must be shown and the Vlue angels are an extravegance.
How would it look to cut vets benefits while keeping the Blue Angels flying?
yeah they provided us with intelligence about Iraq to help push us into invading.
The intelligence turened out to be mostly false.

so did germany, Britain ( and they were right about the yellow cake btw hello) et al..why single them out?

Becuase we kinda fought their war for them.

Are you referring to the United States bailing out Britain (and all other European countries) in WW1 and WW2?
I would rather fund the Blue angles than send Israel $3 billion for its military each year.

Not me

Israel is a strong ally in the Middle East

Effective March 1, the Blue Angels will be grounded and cancel performances at 30 shows in 2013, the Dayton Business Journal reports.
The U.S. Navy is expected to save $20 million by the move, but it also will curtail one of its top recruiting tools, according to the Washington Times.

So you are saying that it would be wrong to divert the $20 Million to keeping the Blue Angels flying from the $3 billion we give to Israel's military annually . I bet you also call yourself a patriot.

Patriot? No

I'm just a lowly sewer worker

However, in the world of global politics, I would rather have a dependable ally like Israel
in the Middle East than depend on the rougues gallery around them. I would also rather have Israel defending themselves than US troops

The Blue Angels road show can go on hold until Congress gets their act together

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