Navy would ground Blue Angels under sequestration

Not me

Israel is a strong ally in the Middle East

yeah they provided us with intelligence about Iraq to help push us into invading.
The intelligence turened out to be mostly false.

so did germany, Britain ( and they were right about the yellow cake btw hello) et al..why single them out?

They were absolutely not right about the yellow cake.

And Bush lied about that in the SOTU. Along with the aluminum pipes.
I find it absolutely amazing that supposedly Patriotic Americans citizens would place the Israeli Military before the US Military.
However, in the world of global politics, I would rather have a dependable ally like Israel
in the Middle East than depend on the rougues gallery around them.
I have never been able to figure out exactly what dependable thing does Israel do for America? .......... :confused:

Dependably drags us into fights that have nothing to do with us.
I'm fine with grounding the Blue Angels. Now keep slashing. Fire up the chainsaws and get to work...start with a 30% cut before the end of the year. The money simply is not there!
However, in the world of global politics, I would rather have a dependable ally like Israel
in the Middle East than depend on the rougues gallery around them.
I have never been able to figure out exactly what dependable thing does Israel do for America? .......... :confused:

Dependably drags us into fights that have nothing to do with us.

If one is going to assert that the USA has been dragged into wars by "dependable allies", I think that Saudi Arabia should be on that list as well as Israel.
The money simply is not there!

If we are giving $3 Billion a year to Israel, then there is no question that the money is there. The priorities are just set wrong. When it comes to tax payer money, then the first priority is that the US needs come before any other country.

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