Nazi Party On Rise In Germany & Sweden!

The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.

If you can use a Facebook hook up to Serbia or to the Lebanon let me know.
The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.

If you can use a Facebook hook up to Serbia or to the Lebanon let me know.

We really are thinking about this. How wild is that?
The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.

If you can use a Facebook hook up to Serbia or to the Lebanon let me know.

We really are thinking about this. How wild is that?
I will send links via PM shortly. One is a nationally known artist and the other an expert on 14th century Lebanon AND islam.
The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.


You go girl. :rolleyes:
The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.


You go girl. :rolleyes:

I've worked media for most of my career in the music business so I know the game very well and how to play it. One thing I can tell you is the prima donnas who now think they rule the roost I've scoped and profiled.

I thought a couple of years back hells bells we have all these whacked out so called journalists profiling our guys NO ONE is profiling them.

So I started to investigate the so called journalists.


Just wait baby.
The new Nazi's are Muslim. Jezus, I don't think you can get any more ignorant than that.

We'll wait till tomorrow and see if any nutter can top that on USMB. :)
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.


You go girl. :rolleyes:

I've worked media for most of my career in the music business so I know the game very well and how to play it. One thing I can tell you is the prima donnas who now think they rule the roost I've scoped and profiled.

I thought a couple of years back hells bells we have all these whacked out so called journalists profiling our guys NO ONE is profiling them.

So I started to investigate the so called journalists.


Just wait baby.
You got the PM and the contacts?
The Nazis appear to be switching sides and if you are two ignorant to see that and relate/comment on the social impact of such a switch well you are FAR to stupid to own a computer.

Your computer is stuck on right wing extremist sites designed for idiots. You wouldn't know a non biased news source if it slapped you in the face.

Alrighty then. Do you know who owns all the media in the Ukraine for example? Poroshenko owns channel 5. Hillary's largest contributor from the Ukraine owns the rest. Pinchuk.

I've been a busy girl. I promised a long time back to Crusader Frank I would hunt down the media before this election.

Watch me. Watch me now.


You go girl. :rolleyes:

I've worked media for most of my career in the music business so I know the game very well and how to play it. One thing I can tell you is the prima donnas who now think they rule the roost I've scoped and profiled.

I thought a couple of years back hells bells we have all these whacked out so called journalists profiling our guys NO ONE is profiling them.

So I started to investigate the so called journalists.


Just wait baby.
You got the PM and the contacts?

Yes and thank you.

Give me a couple of days. I need a shadow cabinet. Not formed yet. Waiting for it and then I can blast away.
Hitler considered the Arabs "at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash." The only reason he had a relationship with the Mufti was for political purposes, Hitler's own self interest: "Despite the Nazi racial theories which denigrated Arabs as members of an "inferior Semitic race" many Germans made exceptions for some Arabs who assisted the Reich in fighting the British for possession of the Middle East. Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, for example, "was granted honorary Aryan" status by the Nazis for his close collaboration with Hitler and the Third Reich. Wiki

Hitler used the Mufti. He didn't actually consider him a friend or an equal. HE USED HIM.
Hitler considered the Arabs "at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash." The only reason he had a relationship with the Mufti was for political purposes, Hitler's own self interest: "Despite the Nazi racial theories which denigrated Arabs as members of an "inferior Semitic race" many Germans made exceptions for some Arabs who assisted the Reich in fighting the British for possession of the Middle East. Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, for example, "was granted honorary Aryan" status by the Nazis for his close collaboration with Hitler and the Third Reich. Wiki

Hitler used the Mufti. He didn't actually consider him a friend or an equal. HE USED HIM.
In order to use him they would HAVE to be connected. So YOU just made my point!
Hitler considered the Arabs "at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash." The only reason he had a relationship with the Mufti was for political purposes, Hitler's own self interest: "Despite the Nazi racial theories which denigrated Arabs as members of an "inferior Semitic race" many Germans made exceptions for some Arabs who assisted the Reich in fighting the British for possession of the Middle East. Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, for example, "was granted honorary Aryan" status by the Nazis for his close collaboration with Hitler and the Third Reich. Wiki

Hitler used the Mufti. He didn't actually consider him a friend or an equal. HE USED HIM.
In order to use him they would HAVE to be connected. So YOU just made my point!
No, I didn't make your point. Dream on. :cuckoo:
Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?

Someone remind me a little, at the end of World War 2 did the Allies make nice with Nazis and say all is forgiven now that the war is over? Or are we still allowed to kill Nazis on sight? (drooling.)
This has to be the stupidest thread ever. The premise seems to be that Nazis hate immigrants therefore they love Jews and have won the support of the GOP. Amirite?
Look if one is a crazy mother fucker like Hitler and one wants to find the perfect army.................geeze louize all you have to do is find ISLAM.
And what if one just happened to be the supposed "leader of the free world". How would one go about toppling a foreign government without ruffling the feathers of an American populace tired of war?
It does not at all prove my statement wrong. Hitler connected with the Arabs for political purposes only. He was a sly fox, there is no denying that.

Your inability to realize that signifies your limitations.
Unless YOU can provide a link that confirms your statement then its PURELY opinion and has NOTHING to do with DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACT.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab World refers to political and military links between Germany and Arab nationalists during the era of Nazi Germany (1933–1945). The relationship between the Nazi movement and the leadership of the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration and in some instances emulation. Cooperative relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as British and French imperialism, colonialism, communism, and Zionism. Wiki

It had nothing to do with Hitler actually liking Islam. He used the Arab leaders as support for his own ends. He USED them. Aren't you familiar with people like that, especially dictators and politicians, who will use whatever is available to further their own ends, who charm and manipulate to get what they want though their own real feelings are full of contempt. Such people exist in all facets of life, but particularly in psychopaths such as Hitler.

He admired Islam. I would too.
He didn't give a flying fuck about Islam other than saying so promoted his political aims.

Oh then you don't understand the relationship at all.

Do you not understand this?
i am so sorry to hear that tinyprancer will not come to germany. on the other hand we have enough refugees to deal with right now. and all of them are better people than tinyprancer, ha.
Unless YOU can provide a link that confirms your statement then its PURELY opinion and has NOTHING to do with DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACT.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab World refers to political and military links between Germany and Arab nationalists during the era of Nazi Germany (1933–1945). The relationship between the Nazi movement and the leadership of the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration and in some instances emulation. Cooperative relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as British and French imperialism, colonialism, communism, and Zionism. Wiki

It had nothing to do with Hitler actually liking Islam. He used the Arab leaders as support for his own ends. He USED them. Aren't you familiar with people like that, especially dictators and politicians, who will use whatever is available to further their own ends, who charm and manipulate to get what they want though their own real feelings are full of contempt. Such people exist in all facets of life, but particularly in psychopaths such as Hitler.

He admired Islam. I would too.
He didn't give a flying fuck about Islam other than saying so promoted his political aims.

Oh then you don't understand the relationship at all.

Do you not understand this?
off topic maybe but the use of the word Nazi might be a way to bring disrepute on people and orgs that just object to being flooded by muslim invaders . ----------- just a thought !!

Pis----no question-----apologists for Islamic atrocities are now referring to ANY
SWEDE OR GERMAN OR DANE who opposes the influx of muslim
immigrants as "NAZIS" I have found no indication that the anti immigration
people are "NAZIS" --------they do not so declare themselves and do not quote
Adolf and Goebbels and other Nazis--------but muslims still teach that stuff to
children in their grammar schools
agree Rosie and I like the photos that were posted showing real original Nazis in conference with 'muslim' leaders and the 'Nazi muslim' soldiers that fought for 'hitler' .
even cooler, an anti-immigration spokesfreak compared the german minister of justice to goebbels.

the same asshole posed as hitler on facebook.

follow those *****, you morons.
agree Rosie and I like the photos that were posted showing real original Nazis in conference with 'muslim' leaders and the 'Nazi muslim' soldiers that fought for 'hitler' .

Nazi literature published and promulgated in the USA since the 1930s has consistently been pro arab muslim.
The bulk of that literature was written by-----Nazis of Germany and some by
American Nazis. It was not written by hitler-----but it was definitely written FOR
HIM It was not simply "anti british" "anti colonialism" <<<< not at all and
anti Zionism. It has been pro arab muslim and anti jewish
off topic maybe but the use of the word Nazi might be a way to bring disrepute on people and orgs that just object to being flooded by muslim invaders . ----------- just a thought !!
You are right. Most of the protesters have nothing to do with Nazi-stuff but the term "Nazi" is commonly used in Germany to silence criticism. Also, agents provocateurs are a common tool of the regime, a regime that knows and allows no dialog about its decisions.


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