Nazi Party On Rise In Germany & Sweden!

I don't understand what she is doing. I understand a true Syrian refugee program BUT TO OPEN BORDERS to all and everyone from Africa she is insane. Take her out now.

This is crazy.
all these invading refugees . mostly men should be back in their areas fighting their enemies , allying with the Kurds and 'yazidis' , Christians and other fighters against 'Islamic state' IMO !!
You are an ignoramus.

Stupid person.

This is outrageous. Merkel needs to be overthrown right now.
Agree, and this is all in reaction to her flooding Germany with muslims. I saw one report of 1,000 syrians being shipped to one little German town of 102 people. Just how in the hell is that supposed to work, and why should the German people put up with it?

Fuck it, I'd join the damn Nazis too if they were planning to stand against it.

Yes one small town of 102 forced to accept 750 people?
German town of 100 must take 1,000 Syrian migrants

Police prepare for violence as 500 migrants arrive in German town

It shouldn't be any surprise that the German people are rising up against this.
I don't understand what she is doing. I understand a true Syrian refugee program BUT TO OPEN BORDERS to all and everyone from Africa she is insane. Take her out now.

This is crazy.
all these invading refugees . mostly men should be back in their areas fighting their enemies , allying with the Kurds and 'yazidis' , Christians and other fighters against 'Islamic state' IMO !!
You are an ignoramus.

Stupid person.


you are being too kind

fucking traitor and communist and scum....that's what Germany thinks of the bitch
Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.

The essense of this situation is not that the Nazis used to love Muslims and now have 'switched sides;' it is that the Nazis are crazy, violent extremists who hate anything and anyone that they don't directly identify with, much like the current day American Bible thumping Christians who are racists and hate and want to destory everything that does not fit in with their world view.....ahem.
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Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well this ain't a history thread, this is about the here and now.
Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well the connection stands as documented history and proves your statement false. As to his feelings? Who knows? Were YOU there?
Merkel is going to go down as she should. I don't understand her. I personally thought her a remarkable woman up until this crazyness. what has she done?

Merkel is a loser

an idiot in other words.

and all Germany knows it.

What is happening is wild at the moment.

no shit

you bet your ass it is

Did you hear now?

Oh I died laughing. I think it was the President of South Africa who looked Merkel in the eye and said "what fool would take in people without papers".

Then he said he would not take in any one without papers.

So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well this ain't a history thread, this is about the here and now.
And right here and right now it appears that one time allies islam and Nazis are no more.
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well the connection stands as documented history and proves your statement false. As to his feelings? Who knows? Where YOU there?
It does not at all prove my statement wrong. Hitler connected with the Arabs for political purposes only. He was a sly fox, there is no denying that.

Your inability to realize that signifies your limitations.
Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.

What part of the nazis were muslim didn't you get?

Huh, whaaa?
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well the connection stands as documented history and proves your statement false. As to his feelings? Who knows? Where YOU there?
It does not at all prove my statement wrong. Hitler connected with the Arabs for political purposes only. He was a sly fox, there is no denying that.

Your inability to realize that signifies your limitations.
Unless YOU can provide a link that confirms your statement then its PURELY opinion and has NOTHING to do with DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACT.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German.
Then YOU don't know your history.



Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

That's the history.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well the connection stands as documented history and proves your statement false. As to his feelings? Who knows? Where YOU there?
It does not at all prove my statement wrong. Hitler connected with the Arabs for political purposes only. He was a sly fox, there is no denying that.

Your inability to realize that signifies your limitations.
Unless YOU can provide a link that confirms your statement then its PURELY opinion and has NOTHING to do with DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACT.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab World refers to political and military links between Germany and Arab nationalists during the era of Nazi Germany (1933–1945). The relationship between the Nazi movement and the leadership of the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration and in some instances emulation. Cooperative relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as British and French imperialism, colonialism, communism, and Zionism. Wiki

It had nothing to do with Hitler actually liking Islam. He used the Arab leaders as support for his own ends. He USED them. Aren't you familiar with people like that, especially dictators and politicians, who will use whatever is available to further their own ends, who charm and manipulate to get what they want though their own real feelings are full of contempt. Such people exist in all facets of life, but particularly in psychopaths such as Hitler.

Hitler hated people of color. The vast majority of Muslims are people of color. Only a small minority of all the Muslims in the world live in the Middle East. Figure it out. Use some critical thinking skills.
Strange feelings about this one. The Nazi party at least THIS time is going after islam and LAST time they were partners of islam. Now the Euro news service IS calling them radical right wingers but being a nationalist has NOTHING to do with a wing its a thinking based on your country serving YOU first before all others.

700 islamic "refugees" have disappeared off the radar and Germans have NO idea what they they are up to or where they are at. Seven hundred terrorists hidden in a sea of refugees. Of course if you looked into that sea of refugees the liberals would scream "Racial Profiling!"

These refugees/terrorists ARE the result of the Obama war in Syria much like the ones coming here. I think we conservatives NEED to remember to not only give Obama FULL credit for starting a war in Syria AND the resulting terrorist killings of Germans but ALSO he laid the ground work NEEDED to inspire and rise the Nazi party.

But then he IS a peace prize winner right?
So, essentially, you are blaming a resurgence of Nazis in Europe on the Muslims? That would mean that the Jews in Europe in the 30s were responsible for the Nazis and for being put in concentrations camps. Blame the victim: cool.
NOT when it appears the Nazis have switched sides. And it appears they have.
Switch sides? Are you guys really that stupid. You think it is an issue of Jews versus Muslims? Muslims were not even an issue in Nazi Germany. But if they were there, they would have been shunted of to the camps with the Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, etc. The Nazi's didn't, and still don't, like anyone who is not white and Teutonic. Duh and duh again. They are all about the Fatherland, about being pure German. The Nazis did not like anyone of color, whether they were Aryan or not. Millions of black Africans are/were Muslim and the Nazis would have put them all to death given the chance.

This forum, and a few right wing extremist sites are his only source for news.
I do know my history, and you are swayed by the simplicity of your mind. Hitler used a connection to the Arabic world for political purposes, to use them as support against the European nations and allies in general he was fighting. He had no natural liking for anyone who was not Teutonic, white and Christian. The majority of Muslim people do not live in the Middle East, only a small minority. The majority of Muslims are Africans and Asians. They are dark skinned, people the Nazis loathed.

Any connection Hilter feigned toward Muslims was for political purposes only.
Well the connection stands as documented history and proves your statement false. As to his feelings? Who knows? Where YOU there?
It does not at all prove my statement wrong. Hitler connected with the Arabs for political purposes only. He was a sly fox, there is no denying that.

Your inability to realize that signifies your limitations.
Unless YOU can provide a link that confirms your statement then its PURELY opinion and has NOTHING to do with DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACT.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab World refers to political and military links between Germany and Arab nationalists during the era of Nazi Germany (1933–1945). The relationship between the Nazi movement and the leadership of the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration and in some instances emulation. Cooperative relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as British and French imperialism, colonialism, communism, and Zionism. Wiki

It had nothing to do with Hitler actually liking Islam. He used the Arab leaders as support for his own ends. He USED them. Aren't you familiar with people like that, especially dictators and politicians, who will use whatever is available to further their own ends, who charm and manipulate to get what they want though their own real feelings are full of contempt. Such people exist in all facets of life, but particularly in psychopaths such as Hitler.

He admired Islam. I would too.

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