Nazi Pelousy MUST send the Articles of Impeachment to Senate, or Trump wasn't impeached.

The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, well it doesn't say WHEN she needs to send it by, does it? Does Merrick Garland ring a bell?
Where did I say anything about a time frame, Moron.

Learn to read.
LOL, you idiot. You can't even read the const. LOL

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

What the hell is a chuze?
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
that's not what he'd be kissing. LOL

But it is sort of funny. Trump has the thinist skin of any person elected potus, which is a job that demands a thick skin. Not only leave him with the legacy of the only one impeached but not acquitted but also I think the possibility of a senate trial would hang over him until he leaves office. I mean I wouldn't kick him out for what he did, but still Pelosi knows how to goad the guy.
Thin skin! Bwhahhaa! Whatever he has he is showing you the corruption and stank of many of these politicians.
Check out which law professor is arguing that Trump hasn’t technically been impeached yet –

“If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,“
@NoahRFeldman writes.

20191204120157003_hd (1).jpg
How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time! Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Well, I think it's clear at this point that President Trump is PROUD of being impeached! He's not ashamed of it. He will be USING THAT FACT in his political speeches from here on out!
Impeachment is actually a good thing!!!

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
Impeachment is actually a good thing!!!

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

You have evidence? Nancy would like to speak to you, son.
Check out which law professor is arguing that Trump hasn’t technically been impeached yet –

“If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,“
@NoahRFeldman writes.

View attachment 295654
Your shrill desperation is showing, hun.

Your passively detached reactions to what's happening to your world, speaks even louder. Given how President Trump is ripping it to shreds, I'm surprised you're not in a psych ward by now.

You're truly a study in controlled terror. :04:
Check out which law professor is arguing that Trump hasn’t technically been impeached yet –

“If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,“
@NoahRFeldman writes.

View attachment 295654
Your shrill desperation is showing, hun.
You clowns are just looking retarded at this point. The clown show failed, your vote failed, now you want to delay sending it to the Senate because your emergency removal is a fucking joke. Yet you're still desperately hanging on to the lone branch you have left, And it shrinks by the day.
Check out which law professor is arguing that Trump hasn’t technically been impeached yet –

“If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,“
@NoahRFeldman writes.

View attachment 295654
Your shrill desperation is showing, hun.
You clowns are just looking retarded at this point. The clown show failed, your vote failed, now you want to delay sending it to the Senate because your emergency removal is a fucking joke. Yet you're still desperately hanging on to the lone branch you have left, And it shrinks by the day.

Everything you write is correct, it always is, But I believe that faggot from Harvard is trying to give the Dems some cover, from committing more
acts of suicide. They have impeached the President of the United States. They have told everybody he is guilty and now they are denying him
a trial...a chance to clear his name...and their chance to prove him guilty. All of this is uncharted waters. Nobody has ever been down this road

It would be pretty simple for the Majority in the Senate to argue these points before the SCOTUS. Again, there is no precedent. Precedent would
be set. The constitution works against the House. Only the Senate has control of a trial. The House has zero say in the matter. For example
on Feb 1, 2020 the Senate petitions the SCOTUS for a ruling to give the POTUS the opportunity to defend the charges against him or
SCOTUS voids the Charges. Thus meaning it never happened. Whatever Pelosi does, she is wrong. She better gets the charges over
there and not worry about any questioning of John Bolton or the others. The House, really can't do that anyway. The Impeachment
is Over. They have already voted and decided. The Impeachment inquiry is over. If they want to go after Bolton, they have to start
all over again. Any request right now we are back at square one...Separation of Powers. They have to go thru the process all
over again. I bet the American people would love that.

I bet that woman doesn't even know how to fuck.
There is no evidence. Is that why Snake in The Grass and Resident Lying Weasel Chuck Schummer is asking for more evidence and more witnesses?

Impeachment is actually a good thing!!!

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
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There is no evidence. Is that why Chuck Schummer is asking for more evidence and more witnesses?

Impeachment is actually a good thing!!!

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


"Gotta get one last try, just to be sure. I know there's something in there, something we overlooked...."
He is not impeached until the articles of impeachment have been handed over to the senate.

Thus Nancy is holding up impeachment....will she decide to just drop it?....the most sensible thing to do.

The sham has backfired on the dimcrits thus you gotta know when to fold them.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
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