Nazi Sub used to smuggle hitler to argentina (possibly) discovered in Argentina

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The Nazis made over 1,000 U-Boats during World War 2, most of which were sunk all over The Atlantic.

But finding a sunk U-boat in The South Atlantic equals Hitler escaped to Argentina?

Yeah ... I'm gonna let you think about for a moment.
The Nazis made over 1,000 U-Boats during World War 2, most of which were sunk all over The Atlantic.

But finding a sunk U-boat in The South Atlantic equals Hitler escaped to Argentina?

Yeah ... I'm gonna let you think about for a moment.
By the end Hitler was a very sick and drug addicted shell. He was also the most recognizable man in the world. Not possible to hide him for very long. Word would get out. Implausible.
Like Superman wearing glasses, all he had to do was cut off his mustache.
Hitler could have been a truly great leader if he had not had such a love of war and such intense hatred of the Jewish People.

After everyone is dead, people can make up all sorts of nit-wit ideas that fit their romanticized delusions.
The real problem was that we all imagined these Nazis living in South America plotting the return of the Fourth Reich.

When in fact, the few that were there were just trying to live quiet lives, hoping everyone forgot the awful shit they did.

Mengele lived on a farm and worked as a carpenter. He wasn't growing clones of Hitler or some shit like that.
Eichmann worked in an office, under his real name, which is how the Mossad was able to capture him.

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