Nazis Are Not Socialists

Hard to believe a thread that starts with

National SOCIALISTS are "not socialists"

is actually still going. The left has tried to paint the GOP as nazis for a long time. Everyone with a brain figures out quickly that the Dems are much closer to NAZI ideology than the GOP...

1. gun control/confiscation
2. socialism
3. state sponsored DNA discrimination
4. state sponsored abortions
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the people

Anyone with even one fully functioning braincell realizes that the ideology of the Dems and the GOP bares no resemblance to Nazi ideology.

No resemblance? Really?

1. Centralized state where all spending it directed to the welfare state and the military. Check
2. Continuous wars across the globe. (although they refuse to call it wars like Obama). Check.
3. Massive spending, so much so Hitler refuses to pass a budget. Check.
4. The Nazi regime was the first regime to focus on the environment and animal rights. Check
5. Implemented Keynesian economics before he could even publish his work. Check.

Try again.
The Dem ideology is remarkably similar to the Nazi ideology.

SOLYNDRA is a perfect example of NAZI economics = government picking winners and losers

All the rest (gun control, discrimination, abortion) sticks like glue.

If you believe that, you have a very poor understanding of history, and it's a terrible insult to those who suffered under the Nazi's.
The Dem ideology is remarkably similar to the Nazi ideology.

SOLYNDRA is a perfect example of NAZI economics = government picking winners and losers

All the rest (gun control, discrimination, abortion) sticks like glue.

If you believe that, you have a very poor understanding of history, and it's a terrible insult to those who suffered under the Nazi's.

No one has suffered under Progs? All those wars, all those bombs? How about the unborn 50 million plus?

Oh, that's right, they don't "feel" anything so it's OK.
Hard to believe a thread that starts with

National SOCIALISTS are "not socialists"

is actually still going. The left has tried to paint the GOP as nazis for a long time. Everyone with a brain figures out quickly that the Dems are much closer to NAZI ideology than the GOP...

1. gun control/confiscation
2. socialism
3. state sponsored DNA discrimination
4. state sponsored abortions
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the people

Anyone with even one fully functioning braincell realizes that the ideology of the Dems and the GOP bares no resemblance to Nazi ideology.

No resemblance? Really?

1. Centralized state where all spending it directed to the welfare state and the military. Check
2. Continuous wars across the globe. (although they refuse to call it wars like Obama). Check.
3. Massive spending, so much so Hitler refuses to pass a budget. Check.
4. The Nazi regime was the first regime to focus on the environment and animal rights. Check
5. Implemented Keynesian economics before he could even publish his work. Check.

Try again.

Read my answer to LaDexter.

People who try to equate our modern political parties to the Nazi's show a gross ignorance of both modern politics and the Nazi's.
The Dem ideology is remarkably similar to the Nazi ideology.

SOLYNDRA is a perfect example of NAZI economics = government picking winners and losers

All the rest (gun control, discrimination, abortion) sticks like glue.

If you believe that, you have a very poor understanding of history, and it's a terrible insult to those who suffered under the Nazi's.

No one has suffered under Progs? All those wars, all those bombs? How about the unborn 50 million plus?

Oh, that's right, they don't "feel" anything so it's OK.

The wars started by the Cons you mean?

Even there - you can't make a valid comparison.

Try making those arguments to Holocaust survivors.
People who try to equate our modern political parties to the Nazi's show a gross ignorance of both modern politics and the Nazi's.

Translation = Coyote is angry because he cannot refute the truth, issue by issue, of the 90% correlation between the stated Dem agenda and the NAZI agenda...
If you believe that,

Where is it wrong?

Do Dems not support gun control, state sponsored DNA discrimination, socialism???

Learn some history dude. Anyone who seriously attempts to compare modern American political parties and leaders to the Nazi's or Hitler is seriously fucked in the head.

Food for thought...

The Nazi's opposed abortion and women of the right types were forced to bear Aryan children for the state. Does that mean the Republicans are Nazi's? No. But it seems to meet your criteria.

Trump's campaign was about America for (White) Americans - promoting and uplifting white power. Surely, according to your criteria that makes him Hitler and Trumpers Nazi's? No. It does not.

Reality check:
The Nazi's committed genocide - "an explicit attempt to destroy a nation, ethnicity, or race, or practitioners of a religion"
Two thirds of Europe's Jewish population were murdered - because they were Jewish and for no other reason. As were disabled, Jehovah's Witness', Gypsies, Communists and other "undesirables".
Nazi's conducted horrific medical experiments on children and adults.
The list goes on.

Bernie sums it up well:

Before You Compare Something to Hitler and Nazis...Don't

So, allow me to be perfectly blunt to avoid any further confusion. There can be no comparison. And, in my view, it matters little if the association is direct or through the back door. The attempt to annihilate an entire people is beyond such facile analogies and any attempt to do so sadly trivializes the act of genocide. And it is the trivialization that makes people so angry.

A government's policy on climate change or immigration or the manner in which it governs cannot be compared to those who perpetrated one of the worst crimes in all history. Godwin's rule is correct: the debate stops once Nazi parallels are invoked.

As for why people insist on making such comparisons, I'm not sure. Clearly, like Nazi swastikas painted on the walls of a synagogue, they have a certain perverse public relations value. Comparing a person or an issue to one of history's most demonic regimes and its leader is provocative to be sure, and it will make the news. Attempting to raise one's profile by invoking the name of Adolf Hitler may work in the short term, but in the long run, it will be seen for what it really is: a dismal attempt at self-promotion. And in the end, the real issue being advocated gets lost in the condemnation that inevitably ensues.

Whatever the rationalization, it has to stop. Trivializing Hitler and the Nazi regime is not only supremely dangerous and foolish, it is also insensitive and a slap in the face to all who suffered under that regime. It is time we begin to appreciate the beauty of the English language. According to U.S. author Paul JJ Payack, president of the Global Language Monitor, there are over 1,013,913 words in the English language, give or take. Surely advocates and lobbyists are creative enough to use all that richness properly and paint images that are worthy of the issue they espouse. Falling back on Hitler and the Nazis only tells us that they lack both imagination and sensitivity.
People who try to equate our modern political parties to the Nazi's show a gross ignorance of both modern politics and the Nazi's.

Translation = Coyote is angry because he cannot refute the truth, issue by issue, of the 90% correlation between the stated Dem agenda and the NAZI agenda...

90%? Did you fail math as well? Ever heard of the Hitler Fallacy?
Anyone who seriously attempts to compare modern American political parties and leaders to the Nazi's or Hitler is seriously fucked in the head.


It is the people DENYING the correlation who are fucked in the head.
Human Beings are funny little creatures. So many still so obsessed with the Nazis. People sure is craaazy. :cuckoo:
Abortion in Germany - Wikipedia

" Nazi Germany's eugenics laws liberalized abortion for both Aryan and non-Aryan women. Aryan women could obtain an abortion simply by demonstrating that either parent had an hereditary defect or that the child would be born with a congenital defect. Non-Aryan women were encouraged to contracept and abort, in order to reduce their population"
Most Jews, except for a few very rich ones, vote Democratic. They're not supporting Neo-Nazi tactics for obvious reasons.

I wonder how many Jews voted for Hitler, since he was a big socialist and all.

wonder not-------Adolf had already published his magnum opus by (?) circa 1925---
He was known in jewish circles. -----your bring up an interesting point. I was a child circa 1960. Way back then what we call "holocaust" denial was a kind of issue in my Nazi like town-------in the form of "I do not want to know about that jewish crap"
Some people in my town got annoyed that "the DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" made
it early to the local single movie house. I was amazed-----lots of my little
playmates had never HEARD of some guy named adolf hitler------to me he
was on the same level as MING---emperor of mars and nemesis of
FLASH GORDON. --in short-----jews did not vote for Adolf I did ask my mom--what she knew and when-------She knew way back then-----as a child in
the early 1930s
Abortion in Germany - Wikipedia

" Nazi Germany's eugenics laws liberalized abortion for both Aryan and non-Aryan women. Aryan women could obtain an abortion simply by demonstrating that either parent had an hereditary defect or that the child would be born with a congenital defect. Non-Aryan women were encouraged to contracept and abort, in order to reduce their population"

abortion on demand is legal in LOTS OF COUNTRIES right now-----In Russia
it is a sub for contraception and used as such
13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.
thats been debunked more times than the crowd size of trumps inaugural address

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word 'Nazi' is a German abbreviation for 'National Socialist' (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was 'The National Socialist German Workers' Party' (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
Dr. John Joseph Ray

Amazing. Having been called out for failing to read the thread he proceeds to dig himself even deeper, burrowing into the depths of yet more points already refuted as soon as the dead-end thread opened. See "Pennsylvania Dutch" (who are not Dutch), the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea" (which is not democratic), "10,000 Maniacs (whose membership has never approached ten thousand), and Post "Grape Nuts" (which contains neither grapes nor nuts in any form). Oh and also see the "Gymnastic and Sports Division", which is what Hitler called his brownshirts --- whose job was to go out and beat up socialists ---- Dumbass.

Naziism is a far-right movement. That's where it started and that's where it lives. And no amount of whining on a political message board about "ignorance is strength" is going to wipe out known history, so put a lid on it.

The righwing doesn't like to own up to it's extremists. They'd rather just call them all left. Much more convenient.

And far less work to just parrot a myth, punctuated with "because I said so, I don' need no steenking link", than to actually do one's homework. It's the path of least resistance.

It's rhetorically analogous to the welfare leech they claim to despise -- take a handout from some blogger from parts unknown instead of doing one's own research.

To be clear, Hitler cared nothing about socialism, he only cared about power. Socialism was simply a tool that was convenient because it required abject control over the economy to implement, and it tapped into those supporters of socialism.

Most politicians are much the same. They are only fanatics about one thing, power. There are only so many ways to run a government with centralized control, socialism is but one of them.

You are a profoundly moronic idiot. And still failed to read the thread, which would have saved you digging this particular hole.

From upthread, once again for the slow kids ---

>> From the outset, the DAP was opposed to non-nationalist political movements, especially on the left, including the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism" and anyone considered a part of or aiding so-called "international Jewry" <<​

*DAP = "German Worker's Party", the adjective "socialist" having shuffled into and out of the name. The socialists -- which the DAP/NSDAP opposed, were represented by the Social Democratic Party. When they re-adopted the "socialist" term they did so merely because it would sell when they needed to sell popular support. In the same way North Korea tries to "sell" itself as the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea". That's the only reason the word is even in there.

Meanwhile... back at the same link....

>> Hitler was formally elected party chairman on 28 July 1921, with only one opposing vote. The committee was dissolved, and Hitler was granted nearly absolute powers as the party's sole leader.[61] This was a post he would hold for the remainder of his life. Hitler soon acquired the title Führer ("leader") and, after a series of sharp internal conflicts, it was accepted that the party would be governed by the Führerprinzip ("leader principle"). Under this principle, the party was a highly centralized entity that functioned strictly from the top down, with Hitler at the apex as the party's absolute leader. Hitler at this time saw the party as a revolutionary organization, whose aim was the overthrow of the Weimar Republic, which he saw as controlled by the socialists, Jews and the "November criminals" who had betrayed the German soldiers in 1918. The SA ("storm troopers", also known as "Brownshirts") were founded as a party militia in 1921, and began violent attacks on other parties. <<​

----- and those 'other parties' that the brownshits were violently attacking for the NSDAP? Yup, that same socialist Social Democratic Party and the Communists.

And by the way as far as the concept of 'naming something is different from being something' --- Hitler called this paramilitary group of storm troopers the "Gymnastics and Sports Division" of the party. So for those who insist on slavishly following whatever names an entity calls itself --- good luck looking up athletic stats.

So no, socialism doesn't 'lead to' fascism. The latter opposed the former. Violently.

And again, the first political prisoner concentration camp ---- Dachau, beginning in 1933 ---- became the destination point FOR these Social Democrats (socialists) Communists and labor unions. <<

So there ya go, shit-fer-brains.... Hitler didn't "use" or "preach" socialism --- he tried to obliterate it.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word 'Nazi' is a German abbreviation for 'National Socialist' (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was 'The National Socialist German Workers' Party' (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
Dr. John Joseph Ray

Amazing. Having been called out for failing to read the thread he proceeds to dig himself even deeper, burrowing into the depths of yet more points already refuted as soon as the dead-end thread opened. See "Pennsylvania Dutch" (who are not Dutch), the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea" (which is not democratic), "10,000 Maniacs (whose membership has never approached ten thousand), and Post "Grape Nuts" (which contains neither grapes nor nuts in any form). Oh and also see the "Gymnastic and Sports Division", which is what Hitler called his brownshirts --- whose job was to go out and beat up socialists ---- Dumbass.

Naziism is a far-right movement. That's where it started and that's where it lives. And no amount of whining on a political message board about "ignorance is strength" is going to wipe out known history, so put a lid on it.

The righwing doesn't like to own up to it's extremists. They'd rather just call them all left. Much more convenient.

And far less work to just parrot a myth, punctuated with "because I said so, I don' need no steenking link", than to actually do one's homework. It's the path of least resistance.

It's rhetorically analogous to the welfare leech they claim to despise -- take a handout from some blogger from parts unknown instead of doing one's own research.

To be clear, Hitler cared nothing about socialism, he only cared about power. Socialism was simply a tool that was convenient because it required abject control over the economy to implement, and it tapped into those supporters of socialism.

Most politicians are much the same. They are only fanatics about one thing, power. There are only so many ways to run a government with centralized control, socialism is but one of them.

You are a profoundly moronic idiot. And still failed to read the thread, which would have saved you digging this particular hole.

From upthread, once again for the slow kids ---

>> From the outset, the DAP was opposed to non-nationalist political movements, especially on the left, including the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism" and anyone considered a part of or aiding so-called "international Jewry" <<​

*DAP = "German Worker's Party", the adjective "socialist" having shuffled into and out of the name. The socialists -- which the DAP/NSDAP opposed, were represented by the Social Democratic Party. When they re-adopted the "socialist" term they did so merely because it would sell when they needed to sell popular support. In the same way North Korea tries to "sell" itself as the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea". That's the only reason the word is even in there.

Meanwhile... back at the same link....

>> Hitler was formally elected party chairman on 28 July 1921, with only one opposing vote. The committee was dissolved, and Hitler was granted nearly absolute powers as the party's sole leader.[61] This was a post he would hold for the remainder of his life. Hitler soon acquired the title Führer ("leader") and, after a series of sharp internal conflicts, it was accepted that the party would be governed by the Führerprinzip ("leader principle"). Under this principle, the party was a highly centralized entity that functioned strictly from the top down, with Hitler at the apex as the party's absolute leader. Hitler at this time saw the party as a revolutionary organization, whose aim was the overthrow of the Weimar Republic, which he saw as controlled by the socialists, Jews and the "November criminals" who had betrayed the German soldiers in 1918. The SA ("storm troopers", also known as "Brownshirts") were founded as a party militia in 1921, and began violent attacks on other parties. <<​

----- and those 'other parties' that the brownshits were violently attacking for the NSDAP? Yup, that same socialist Social Democratic Party and the Communists.

And by the way as far as the concept of 'naming something is different from being something' --- Hitler called this paramilitary group of storm troopers the "Gymnastics and Sports Division" of the party. So for those who insist on slavishly following whatever names an entity calls itself --- good luck looking up athletic stats.

So no, socialism doesn't 'lead to' fascism. The latter opposed the former. Violently.

And again, the first political prisoner concentration camp ---- Dachau, beginning in 1933 ---- became the destination point FOR these Social Democrats (socialists) Communists and labor unions. <<

So there ya go, shit-fer-brains.... Hitler didn't "use" or "preach" socialism --- he tried to obliterate it.

Hitler opposed what he did not control as do all socialist governments. They must have abject control over all of society to function.

As I said, Hitler did not care about any particular ideology, rather, he simply saw the best tools with which to function, one of them being socialism.
Amazing. Having been called out for failing to read the thread he proceeds to dig himself even deeper, burrowing into the depths of yet more points already refuted as soon as the dead-end thread opened. See "Pennsylvania Dutch" (who are not Dutch), the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea" (which is not democratic), "10,000 Maniacs (whose membership has never approached ten thousand), and Post "Grape Nuts" (which contains neither grapes nor nuts in any form). Oh and also see the "Gymnastic and Sports Division", which is what Hitler called his brownshirts --- whose job was to go out and beat up socialists ---- Dumbass.

Naziism is a far-right movement. That's where it started and that's where it lives. And no amount of whining on a political message board about "ignorance is strength" is going to wipe out known history, so put a lid on it.

The righwing doesn't like to own up to it's extremists. They'd rather just call them all left. Much more convenient.

And far less work to just parrot a myth, punctuated with "because I said so, I don' need no steenking link", than to actually do one's homework. It's the path of least resistance.

It's rhetorically analogous to the welfare leech they claim to despise -- take a handout from some blogger from parts unknown instead of doing one's own research.

To be clear, Hitler cared nothing about socialism, he only cared about power. Socialism was simply a tool that was convenient because it required abject control over the economy to implement, and it tapped into those supporters of socialism.

Most politicians are much the same. They are only fanatics about one thing, power. There are only so many ways to run a government with centralized control, socialism is but one of them.

You are a profoundly moronic idiot. And still failed to read the thread, which would have saved you digging this particular hole.

From upthread, once again for the slow kids ---

>> From the outset, the DAP was opposed to non-nationalist political movements, especially on the left, including the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism" and anyone considered a part of or aiding so-called "international Jewry" <<​

*DAP = "German Worker's Party", the adjective "socialist" having shuffled into and out of the name. The socialists -- which the DAP/NSDAP opposed, were represented by the Social Democratic Party. When they re-adopted the "socialist" term they did so merely because it would sell when they needed to sell popular support. In the same way North Korea tries to "sell" itself as the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea". That's the only reason the word is even in there.

Meanwhile... back at the same link....

>> Hitler was formally elected party chairman on 28 July 1921, with only one opposing vote. The committee was dissolved, and Hitler was granted nearly absolute powers as the party's sole leader.[61] This was a post he would hold for the remainder of his life. Hitler soon acquired the title Führer ("leader") and, after a series of sharp internal conflicts, it was accepted that the party would be governed by the Führerprinzip ("leader principle"). Under this principle, the party was a highly centralized entity that functioned strictly from the top down, with Hitler at the apex as the party's absolute leader. Hitler at this time saw the party as a revolutionary organization, whose aim was the overthrow of the Weimar Republic, which he saw as controlled by the socialists, Jews and the "November criminals" who had betrayed the German soldiers in 1918. The SA ("storm troopers", also known as "Brownshirts") were founded as a party militia in 1921, and began violent attacks on other parties. <<​

----- and those 'other parties' that the brownshits were violently attacking for the NSDAP? Yup, that same socialist Social Democratic Party and the Communists.

And by the way as far as the concept of 'naming something is different from being something' --- Hitler called this paramilitary group of storm troopers the "Gymnastics and Sports Division" of the party. So for those who insist on slavishly following whatever names an entity calls itself --- good luck looking up athletic stats.

So no, socialism doesn't 'lead to' fascism. The latter opposed the former. Violently.

And again, the first political prisoner concentration camp ---- Dachau, beginning in 1933 ---- became the destination point FOR these Social Democrats (socialists) Communists and labor unions. <<

So there ya go, shit-fer-brains.... Hitler didn't "use" or "preach" socialism --- he tried to obliterate it.

Hitler opposed what he did not control as do all socialist governments. They must have abject control over all of society to function.

As I said, Hitler did not care about any particular ideology, rather, he simply saw the best tools with which to function, one of them being socialism.

You have got to be mentally retarded.

Socialism was in the existing German system against which Hitler fought, first with the beer hall putsch and then by getting elected OVER socialists. Then he had them beat up when they tried to oppose him, and then he sent the to a fucking concentration camp.

Here's the part I don't get.

----- Y'all history revisionistas are obviously getting paid to try to float this turd. You've been doing it for years, not one reader has ever bought the story, and yet ---- you go on yammering. So please explain --- why do they keep paying you, expecting different results?? Shouldn't you be fired by now?

I mean I shot this shit down in half a second. Simple cut and paste, since it's established history and we've shot it down before.

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