Nazism vs. Communism

Communist dictatorships have killed tens of millions
Fascist dictatorships have killed tens of millions.

This whole nazis are better than commies Superman v Batman "controversy"

is bogus
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.

a) Both were run by despots and cronies and used murder to maintain their power;
b) Totalitarian states were in existence in Russia for nearly two decades before Hitler took power in Germany
c) Both engaged in pogroms against the Jews and Homosexuals
d) Which is worse, lining up people and shooting them to die in a ditch, or putting people into a poison gas environment? Both are evil, and the numbers of those murdered are horrific on both sides
e) No one posting on this message board to my knowledge is a card carrying communist. Too many use the RED SCARE as if it exists; it, and like the deep state conspiracy theory, are limited to a small minority known as the idiot fringe.
f) The idiot fringe is also populated by those on the far right and the far left, a loud and bellicose minority which gets more attention than they deserve.
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.


Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.

Oh pleeeeeease.

'National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsiɪzəm, ˈnæt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party.'

Nazism - Wikipedia

That means that if you are Nazi, you are for EVERYTHING the Nazi Party was for - racial hierarchy, Aryan supremacy. And the marginalization, imprisonment and/or murder of communists, Jews, gypsies, the mentally/physically defective, homosexuals and MANY others.

Communism has nothing to do with racial hierarchy. It has nothing to do with imprisoning and murdering people arbitrarily for differences in religion, sexual preference of mental/physical defects.
Now, there have been many murderous regimes - who called themselves 'communist'. But they carried out their monstrous acts as a separate fanaticism - not because it was part and parcel with communism's origins.

And your nonsensical justification for backing up Nazism is that a lot less people were victimized under Nazism than communism? Well DUH. Nazism only happened in one country in one, specific era (1933-45). Communism has been going on for over 100 years in many countries. You are comparing apples and oranges in this regard.

Now, I am no fan of communism, but obviously, you have a hatred for communism and either an ignorance or a soft spot for nazism.

Have a nice day.
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I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.

The National Socialists were the competitors for minions with the international the left wingers today try to hide the crimes of communism by declaring that national socialism isn't socialism....they do this throughout the media....also, since the crimes of the national socialists were actually exposed by a famous trial at Nuremburg, the whole world heard of their atrocities...the communists murdered their victims in places the media didn't see, and when they william duranty, they lied about it to protect communism....
Nazism is a very specific political identity. "Communism" is not. What Americans really mean is Marxist Communism, that, of course, had a dismal run and, in fact, was never implemented, only mouthed by leaders who sought authoritarian rule.
There have been many forms of communal systems, among which are monasteries in various religions, early Christian communities, and even normal families, where goods are held in common for its members.
Capitalism has a similar history; i.e., it is not one, specific ideology, merely one economic system out of many choices. There have been successes with it and their have been tragic excesses with it.
What we need to be is eclectic, adaptive, concerned with what works.
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.


Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.

Oh pleeeeeease.

'National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsiɪzəm, ˈnæt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party.'

Nazism - Wikipedia

That means that if you are Nazi, you are for EVERYTHING the Nazi Party was for - racial hierarchy, Aryan supremacy. And the marginalization, imprisonment and/or murder of communists, Jews, gypsies, the mentally/physically defective, homosexuals and MANY others.

Communism has nothing to do with racial hierarchy. It has nothing to do with imprisoning and murdering people arbitrarily for differences in religion, sexual preference of mental/physical defects.
Now, there have been many murderous regimes - who called themselves 'communist'. But they carried out their monstrous acts as a separate fanaticism - not because it was part and parcel with communism's origins.

And your nonsensical justification for backing up Nazism is that a lot less people were victimized under Nazism than communism. Well DUH. Nazism only happened in one country in one, specific era (1933-45). Communism has been going on for over 100 years in many countries.

Now, I am no fan of communism, but if you really cannot see the VAST differences between communism and Nazism...then you must be either emotionally deranged and/or incredibly ignorant and/or monumentally stupid.

Don't bother replying, I would not waste a second more reading your hate-filled nonsense on this subject.

Have a nice day. is a lecture on Marx and his "Racial Trash," that would need to be murdered because they were too far behind the historical curve...

Communism has nothing to do with racial hierarchy. It has nothing to do with imprisoning and murdering people arbitrarily for differences in religion, sexual preference of mental/physical defects.

I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.
I really don't see all that big of a difference other than methods and labels they use.

From what I can ascertain, the only reason the Nazi regime was considered "right wing" is because they were genocidal racists and they allowed industry to be privately owned. How being a racist makes them right wing I have no idea. The powers that be have erected this false political spectrum of the Communist on the Left and the Nazi on the right and everyone else is in between. The whole premise is absurd, especially when the Nazi regime self identified as Socialists. As for owning industry, Hitler at least was smart enough to know that he knew nothing about running industry. No, that was better left to the experts. Hitler knew that all that really mattered was control of industry, which he certainly did have.

During WW2, it was commonly known that it was not hard to convert a hard line communist to Nazism and vice versa. In fact, both Hitler and Stalin attacked Poland and divided it up like sharing a pizza, yet we are told in our history books that only Germany was the aggressor and only Germany deserved to have war declared on them by the other nations.

No matter what, capitalism was not practiced, when the state dictates what, and how much gets produced, you don't have a free market economy. When the state can dictate who owns what property, you don't have property rights. Those come from a leftist mentality that government has authority to strip ownership of land without due process and good cause, which is beyond needing your shitty 1/4 acre with a single wide on it for a Wal-Mart. They have more property rights concern in China than we do, which should disturb everyone.

Calling Nazi's "right wing" illustrates a serious deficiency in the understanding of political concepts.

I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.
I really don't see all that big of a difference other than methods and labels they use.

From what I can ascertain, the only reason the Nazi regime was considered "right wing" is because they were genocidal racists and they allowed industry to be privately owned. How being a racist makes them right wing I have no idea. The powers that be have erected this false political spectrum of the Communist on the Left and the Nazi on the right and everyone else is in between. The whole premise is absurd, especially when the Nazi regime self identified as Socialists. As for owning industry, Hitler at least was smart enough to know that he knew nothing about running industry. No, that was better left to the experts. Hitler knew that all that really mattered was control of industry, which he certainly did have.

During WW2, it was commonly known that it was not hard to convert a hard line communist to Nazism and vice versa. In fact, both Hitler and Stalin attacked Poland and divided it up like sharing a pizza, yet we are told in our history books that only Germany was the aggressor and only Germany deserved to have war declared on them by the other nations.

No matter what, capitalism was not practiced, when the state dictates what, and how much gets produced, you don't have a free market economy. When the state can dictate who owns what property, you don't have property rights. Those come from a leftist mentality that government has authority to strip ownership of land without due process and good cause, which is beyond needing your shitty 1/4 acre with a single wide on it for a Wal-Mart. They have more property rights concern in China than we do, which should disturb everyone.

Calling Nazi's "right wing" illustrates a serious deficiency in the understanding of political concepts.


Calling Nazi's "right wing" illustrates a serious deficiency in the understanding of political concepts. is a great tactic to protect the theories of left wing socialist economic theories that always end in poverty and mass murder....
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.

Do you mean fascism? The economic system where risk is transfered from the private sector to the public sector, but profit remains practiced by Benito Mussolini and Barak Obama. As opposed to communism, where private property is abolished and the state owns the property and means of practiced by the Soviets, Hugo Chavez, and certain parts of California.

At the end of the day...they all end up in the same place. The individual is irrelavent, and the interests of the state reign supreme.
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.
They're two sides of the same murderous despotic coin, battling to the death for supremacy.

Do you mean fascism? The economic system where risk is transfered from the private sector to the public sector, but profit remains practiced by Benito Mussolini and Barak Obama. As opposed to communism, where private property is abolished and the state owns the property and means of practiced by the Soviets, Hugo Chavez, and certain parts of California.

At the end of the day...they all end up in the same place. The individual is irrelavent, and the interests of the state reign supreme.
The profit only remains "private" to the point that the business "owner" stays in line with the dictates of The State...If said businessman strays from the edicts of his masters, all bets are off....It's communism with an extra step.
I got to thinking, why is communism more politically correct than Nazism? Nazism is banned in entire countries, and in places like the US you become an outcast within society.

However, this is not the case with communism. On these boards, we have proud communists, but not so much when it comes to Nazism. In fact, leaning towards Communism is fairly common as we still have entire communist governments still in existence, but none are Nazis.

So which ideology is more evil? Consider this from Wiki.

Comparison of Communism and Nazism[edit]

Courtois considers Communism and Nazism to be distinct, but comparable totalitarian systems. He says that Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis".[6]:15 Courtois claims that Nazi Germany's methods of mass extermination were adopted from Soviet methods. As an example, he cites the Nazi SS official Rudolf Höss who organized the infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Höss:[6]:15

The Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.

Courtois argues that the Soviet crimes against peoples living in the Caucasus and of large social groups in the Soviet Union could be called "genocide" and that they were not very much different from similar policies by Nazis. Both Communist and Nazi systems deemed "a part of humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory".[6]:15 Courtois further stated:

The "genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide of a "race"—the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime.

He added:

After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. [...] [M]ore recently, a single-minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented the assessment of other episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their heads in sand. [...] Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million of the Nazis.
They're two sides of the same murderous despotic coin, battling to the death for supremacy.

View attachment 229301
This is the true political spectrum. You either lean towards individualism or statism. Most people want various amounts of both.

America was intended to fall between conservatism and libertarianism
so nazis around 1933- 1945
communists from 1918 - 1950s
so you see the problem comparing deaths by either?
This is the true political spectrum. You either lean towards individualism or statism. Most people want various amounts of both.

America was intended to fall between conservatism and libertarianism
And it has failed.
Only because Godvernment got involved in education. It is in their best interest to thwart the restraints of the Constitution. And I haven't given up on the country yet. I won't as long as I can vote.
Which is more evil? I will say Nazism, if we are talking pure IDEOLOGY, rather than the applications of it.

Nazism is, at it's core, a racial and nationalistic ideology - in so much as it can be called an "ideology" and a lot of historians point out that it is a hodge podge of ideologies centered around the racial nationalism that included eugenics.

Communism, as an ideology is relatively benign by comparison, for example there Israeli Kibutz's are "communistic" and while it doesn't work particularly well as an economic system, it isn't necessarily evil until totalitarianism comes in. What makes it notably evil was what was done under it's ideology by totalitarian leaders such as Stalin and Pol Pot and Mao.

I don't think there is any such benign aspect to Nazism.
Because those that invented and lead Communism now control and lead education,political and judicial systems so they can control what's taught and learned.

Ummm...Marx and Engels "invented communism" and are long is communism.

Fascism however is alive and well unfortunately and threads like this are trying to legitimize it

Some seem to be trying to revive the spector of communism ... but it is unlikely. It failed as an economic system, and eventually as a social system, lacking individual incentivism and an understanding of human nature.

I doubt communism will re-emerge as a state ideology, but it's possible with increasing rightwing facism growing around the world, there could be a leftwing extreme counter movement.
Which is more evil? I will say Nazism, if we are talking pure IDEOLOGY, rather than the applications of it.

Nazism is, at it's core, a racial and nationalistic ideology - in so much as it can be called an "ideology" and a lot of historians point out that it is a hodge podge of ideologies centered around the racial nationalism that included eugenics.

Communism, as an ideology is relatively benign by comparison, for example there Israeli Kibutz's are "communistic" and while it doesn't work particularly well as an economic system, it isn't necessarily evil until totalitarianism comes in. What makes it notably evil was what was done under it's ideology by totalitarian leaders such as Stalin and Pol Pot and Mao.

I don't think there is any such benign aspect to Nazism.
The passed souls of over 140 million of victims of communism would beg to differ.

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