NBA players allowed to wear Social Justice Statements on their jerseys instead of names.

Blacks get to show their support for a violent racist organization like BLM.

Can you just imagine the uproar if a white player would do the same by printing KKK on his jersey?
Youre comparing apples to oranges you inbred idiot. KKK is a white supremacist group.
and black lies matter is a black supremacist group.
You've been listening to the right wing retards again. You should learn to think on your own.
I get it now,,,People that don;t agree with you are right wing retards. Boy you should learn your place,,,,, nobody asked for your opinion
The NBA will die.

It hasn’t been worth a fuck for 20 years anyways.

Zero parity. All the good players eventually sell out and go to the big markets. How fucking lame.

Not to mention basketball players are the biggest pussies going these days.
That's when I stopped watching the NBA...when James and other top names began scrambling to bigger markets screwing over small market fans I turned it off....
But the league progressively made more money each year so I guess you turning it off had zero effect. it must suck to know that you are so irrelevant that no one and I do mean no one wants your money.
I didn't turn it off to inflict financial damage on the league...I turned it off because of the players unseemly greed and lack of loyalty......why do you always put money first? that a black thing?....
If you turned it off because of the players unseemly greed and lack of loyalty then youre just a hypocrite. You should have never watched it because of the owners unseemly greed and lack of loyalty. Money is first because its a business and its a green thing.
Being a fan today is watching a bunch of carpetbaggers going from team to team taking away some of the celebration. We have massive costs in part because of this. And many teams do not even have a chance in these sports year after year after year. Its time to bring everything up since we have brought politics into sports.
You dont have to watch. No one is making you. If you dont want people telling you when and where you can work then you shouldnt be upset that players go from team to team.
I don't watch pro sports....I find it boring and predictable....
I have never watched golf, I have never watched basketball and I have never watched soccer and I have never missed a damn thing
Social justice statements instead of names? To me, the name and number should always be there, but anything else can be left up to the player.

God bless you always!!!


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