NBA Playoffs!!!

I have not watched much -- just the second SAS game while playing poker at a tourney.
Woohoo finally they are here!

I think Detroit has it real easy this year, the only 3 teams that pose any kind of threat are in the other bracket (Miami, Indiana, Nets) so they will only have to face one of them in the conference final. I think the Nets have the best chance of beating Detroit but its all wishful thinking.

I also think Kings will put up more of a fight for Spurs since they got Ron Artest they have done alot better.

At this point I'd have to say Detroit would beat the Spurs if the Finals were today, but I am hoping my Spurs will get better as the playoffs progress so they stand a chance agaist Detroit.

Any other NBA fans here?

No one is talking NBA finals this year. Odd. I came here to ponder out loud who I hate more Dwight Howard or Carmello Anthony? Dwight at least plays in the playoffs. Carmelo can't even get his team to the playoffs in the weak ass East.

Carmelo has always been an overrated punk. He's a giant crybaby. Any call that doesn't go his way he whines about, and he always folds in the playoffs. He's got the raw skill, but no mental fortitude.

I can't really follow NBA much anymore but that his how I remember Carmelo.
He would be a good piece on a good team but he's not a franchise player.
San Antonio and Chicago are hot, so far.

Everybody else is still close.

Utah is hurting without their star player.
That was a great game last night. Leonard was the man but gasoline hit the winning shot.

How's clippers gonna do without Blake?
San Antonio and Chicago are hot, so far.

Everybody else is still close.

Utah is hurting without their star player.

Rockets beat the Thunder by 37 points....just sayin.
Why do teams do better after Dwight Howard leaves? I can't stand that guy. Bad attitude.

And how can the thunder compete after losing Durant?

Is Durant out for the rest of the playoffs? Boy that would suck for him. This year should have been a "slam dunk". Even if Golden state wins would he count this as winning a championship if he didn't participate? Would you?

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