NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville

Could make the same argument for Nazi's and White Supremacists frankly Slade.

They /believe/ they are doing what's best for the nation, for their people, etc... You or I disagreeing with that belief isn't a deciding factor on individual morality. You're playing /your/ agenda, /your/ beliefs, except this is America and our Constitution defends those fucks rights to believe and even say as they wish.

Most modern Nazi's and white supremacists don't kill people, some fringe activists take it too far. See how that shit works? It sucks sometimes, but that's the way it is when you have real freedom.
We fought wars surrounding their beliefs that they think is best. Millions of people died. Nazi's gassed and slaughter the Jews, American's chained up blacks as we bought and sold them with the occasional rape and lynching. We fought a civil war because of it. We had Jim Crow after that which resulted in a revolt and the civil rights movement. I'm sorry EverCurious the views of these groups have been outright rejected and after a ton of bloodshed.

Again, you are stuck on your personal opinion as to "right and wrong" and using that to in a very real sense attacking the freedom this nation is founded on. That right to freedom is the real reason why the right is fighting it, not because they support nazi's or white supremacists, but because they support that freedom of thoughts, beliefs, ideologies that are protected by the constitution. The left has abandoned that in favor of mob rule and PC culture and they're pushing that same narrative again; it pisses the right off, and a lot of us center folks too - it is a lot of why the left lost the white house, it's a lot of why they're losing the next generation, it's a lot of why they are losing classical liberals, it's a lot of why they are bleeding support. Related?

Yes, /I/ think communism, socialism, and anarchists like ANTIFA who would shut down free speech are evil - I want them denounced right along with the nazi's and white supremacists - and that is why the right /isn't/ pissed off about President Trump saying "many sides" here, and why the media and lefties political wrangling ploy will fail. ~shrug~
You make fair points, I agree with some and disagree with others as the agenda of these groups go directly against what our laws state as appropriate. There are forums to freely express your ideas and ideologies and religion in this country and I hold those sacred... But you have to do it within reason. You can't get naked on a stage in Times Square and try to recruit citizens for mass suicide... There are many laws that limit speech if that speech is causing a disruption of the people or threatens harm to others. I see the Nazi and WS causes as promoting harm and threatening others. Perhaps not all "Alt-right" causes but some do. Just like Terror groups get classified as terror groups, I think these hate groups are flirting dangerously close to being classified as something illegal.

ANTIFA and BLM are guilty of the same shit - not being reasonable, being violent. Attacking Trump supporters, attacking police, destroying property, etc. I see them as promoting harm and threatening others just the same.

I believe in freedom, even if I think the ideas being espoused are shit, yes, I would stand up and defend a Nazi or white supremists right to speak. Don't support their ideology, they'd like to kill my son, but I do support their constitutional rights. If they get violent, throw them in jail, if they cannot control themselves then they're not safe to be in public - but until that point they're... just a bunch of morons. Just like ANTIFA, just like BLM, etc. They're all shit sandwich's.
BLM and ANTIFA are fighting for rational causes in an inappropriate way. These are extremists within their groups btw. There are also many people working hard to do good things with anti-racism etc efforts in their communities.

Do you not see the difference between a rotten core and rotten actions to support a good core?
No, fighting against the result of legal elections isn't a *rational* cause. Fighting to eliminate freedom of speech for *some* isn't *rational*.

And there are a lot more antifa/blm members than there are white supremacists..though Obama is pushing crazy lefties into those ranks as fast as he can.

Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)
Hilarious and dumb all rolled into one ignorant post. Not surprising coming from a Nazi sympathizer.

Good lord you're a dumb fuck!!
I just denounced them ya blithering idiot.

And then proceeded to say a group of anti-fascists and people against police brutality are "every bit as bad" as Nazi's. 6 million people put in to ovens, Nazi's.

Like I said, hilarious and dumb.

Do you have the secret location of the ovens here in the US?
All three of these groups are worthless scum yet you just cant admit it.

When did I say there were ovens in the U.S.? Your arguments are getting even weaker. Who thought that was even possible.

I don't love everything about ANTIFA or BLM but to say they are literally equivalents to Nazi's is again, hilarious and dumb. There is NOTHING good about being a Nazi. They other groups at least started as something that most people could agree with. Being against fascism and police brutality. The Nazi's are built upon pure hate. They are not even remotely equal. The fact that this has to be explained to you is.....hilarious and dumb.

Your ignorant ass is trying to compare the nazis of 1945 Germany to a fringe group of idiots.

I thought that's what don the con was doing
Love your foul mouth, dead giveaway for limited ed
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.
so condemn them. why can't you? If you can't, that makes you one of them. it is very simple, the MSM tell us all the time, if you can't condemn you must be one.
Antifa was popularized by sean Hannity, not quite the same as nazi
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
Good lord you're a dumb fuck!!
I just denounced them ya blithering idiot.

And then proceeded to say a group of anti-fascists and people against police brutality are "every bit as bad" as Nazi's. 6 million people put in to ovens, Nazi's.

Like I said, hilarious and dumb.

Do you have the secret location of the ovens here in the US?
All three of these groups are worthless scum yet you just cant admit it.

When did I say there were ovens in the U.S.? Your arguments are getting even weaker. Who thought that was even possible.

I don't love everything about ANTIFA or BLM but to say they are literally equivalents to Nazi's is again, hilarious and dumb. There is NOTHING good about being a Nazi. They other groups at least started as something that most people could agree with. Being against fascism and police brutality. The Nazi's are built upon pure hate. They are not even remotely equal. The fact that this has to be explained to you is.....hilarious and dumb.

Your ignorant ass is trying to compare the nazis of 1945 Germany to a fringe group of idiots.

I thought that's what don the con was doing
Love your foul mouth, dead giveaway for limited ed

Yeah...my dumbass retired at 46.
We fought wars surrounding their beliefs that they think is best. Millions of people died. Nazi's gassed and slaughter the Jews, American's chained up blacks as we bought and sold them with the occasional rape and lynching. We fought a civil war because of it. We had Jim Crow after that which resulted in a revolt and the civil rights movement. I'm sorry EverCurious the views of these groups have been outright rejected and after a ton of bloodshed.

Again, you are stuck on your personal opinion as to "right and wrong" and using that to in a very real sense attacking the freedom this nation is founded on. That right to freedom is the real reason why the right is fighting it, not because they support nazi's or white supremacists, but because they support that freedom of thoughts, beliefs, ideologies that are protected by the constitution. The left has abandoned that in favor of mob rule and PC culture and they're pushing that same narrative again; it pisses the right off, and a lot of us center folks too - it is a lot of why the left lost the white house, it's a lot of why they're losing the next generation, it's a lot of why they are losing classical liberals, it's a lot of why they are bleeding support. Related?

Yes, /I/ think communism, socialism, and anarchists like ANTIFA who would shut down free speech are evil - I want them denounced right along with the nazi's and white supremacists - and that is why the right /isn't/ pissed off about President Trump saying "many sides" here, and why the media and lefties political wrangling ploy will fail. ~shrug~
You make fair points, I agree with some and disagree with others as the agenda of these groups go directly against what our laws state as appropriate. There are forums to freely express your ideas and ideologies and religion in this country and I hold those sacred... But you have to do it within reason. You can't get naked on a stage in Times Square and try to recruit citizens for mass suicide... There are many laws that limit speech if that speech is causing a disruption of the people or threatens harm to others. I see the Nazi and WS causes as promoting harm and threatening others. Perhaps not all "Alt-right" causes but some do. Just like Terror groups get classified as terror groups, I think these hate groups are flirting dangerously close to being classified as something illegal.

ANTIFA and BLM are guilty of the same shit - not being reasonable, being violent. Attacking Trump supporters, attacking police, destroying property, etc. I see them as promoting harm and threatening others just the same.

I believe in freedom, even if I think the ideas being espoused are shit, yes, I would stand up and defend a Nazi or white supremists right to speak. Don't support their ideology, they'd like to kill my son, but I do support their constitutional rights. If they get violent, throw them in jail, if they cannot control themselves then they're not safe to be in public - but until that point they're... just a bunch of morons. Just like ANTIFA, just like BLM, etc. They're all shit sandwich's.
BLM and ANTIFA are fighting for rational causes in an inappropriate way. These are extremists within their groups btw. There are also many people working hard to do good things with anti-racism etc efforts in their communities.

Do you not see the difference between a rotten core and rotten actions to support a good core?
No, fighting against the result of legal elections isn't a *rational* cause. Fighting to eliminate freedom of speech for *some* isn't *rational*.

And there are a lot more antifa/blm members than there are white supremacists..though Obama is pushing crazy lefties into those ranks as fast as he can.

Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to "STAND DOWN" to Ignite Race War (Video)
You're right but that is only a fraction of their protesters. I'm not a fan of the ORG so im not going to defend them but if you can't tell the difference between them and the Nazis then i've lost all hope for you
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

They are MUCH WORSE than the people you call "alt right", They are communist bent on the destruction of our nation and unseating a duly elected president. THAT makes them MUCH WORSE, and much more dangerous. In fact you ignorant liberals are supporting the complete destruction of this nation and you are too stupid to understand the FACTS and the many parallel events throughout history. Remember the "fools and their money are soon parted", there is also "fools lose their freedom with their lies.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.
Actually if the CITY had not violated the march permit and forced the protest out of the park and instead defended the marchers when attacked as was their fucking job this would not have happened. Remind me WHO had a permit? Who was LEGALLY there? And who did the cops attack and force out of the park ILLEGALLY?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

They are MUCH WORSE than the people you call "alt right", They are communist bent on the destruction of our nation and unseating a duly elected president. THAT makes them MUCH WORSE, and much more dangerous. In fact you ignorant liberals are supporting the complete destruction of this nation and you are too stupid to understand the FACTS and the many parallel events throughout history. Remember the "fools and their money are soon parted", there is also "fools lose their freedom with their lies.
Another completely dishonest statement, but believe it if it makes you feel better...
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Why wouldnt he condemn them in the same light? Whos is committing the most violence in the US? Nazis or Left-wing rioters? If you have an ounce of intellectual honesty, youll say the latter.

The Nazis are the left wing "antifas" they are also the fascist. They have tried to redefine BOTH words to label their BETTERS in an onerous bad light. LEFTIST ARE NAZIS communist, and the most vile scum on the planet or any other. They are liars, cowards, criminals and murderers.

NBC and the BBC: There were violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville - Hot Air

"Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight."

Bottom line: There was violence on both sides as Trump suggested.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville

The liberal media claimed Trump refused to condemn the white supremacists.
- They LIED! Trump condened the kkk, the neo-Nazis, the white supremacis, AND EVERY other hate group.

The liberal media then claimed Trump did not condemn them 'fast' enough, that he did not do so well enough, using the specific wirds they demanded he use.

The liberal media then attacked Trump because Trump CORRECTLY pointed out violent Left Wing came to Charlottesville and illegally carried out violent attacks against the vile yet legal protesters.
- Read the initial thread post again.

Liberals then claimed Trump equated the violent Left with the white supremacists.
- That is a lie. I repeatedly posted Trump's EXACT words, as reported by CNN - at no time, in no words, and in no way did Trump say that.

The butt-hurt left has attempted to declare that THEIR BRAND OF HATRED is somehow 'Morally Superior' to the kkk, white supremacists.

I am beither claiming it is ir that it is not, but when you have defend 'your side' in such an argument no matter what 'your side' is pretty damn repugnant.

At least the white supremacists do not try to hide ir deny who they are.

Liberals are trying to argue that breaking the law - any law - in defense of their ideology is ok...but anyone else who do so are to be condemned.

Liberals are arguing that beating and bloodying political opposition supporters and hiring others to do so is 'Morally Superior' or justifiable.

Liberals are arguing that violent riots, looting, arson, detruction of property, terrorism, and threatening the lives of other Americans to get what they want is 'Morally Superior' or justifiable.

Liberals are arguing that engaging in illegal violence to strip others of their Constitutional Right to Assemble or of Free Speech because they don't like /agree with it is ok, is 'Morally Superior' or justifiable...and then date call anyone / condemn anyone else as 'Nazis'.

They are PISSED that anyone would remind them that THIS is who rhey have been and who they are and that anyone would dare compare them to the white supremacist in Charlottesville (which Trimp did NOT do, but he would have been justified in doing so).

Snowflakes on this board gave willingly admitted that they are for / have no problem with stripping Americans of their Constitutional Rights if those they seek to strip them from voice anything other than what they believe.
- Yeah, that's how it starts...

Thank God for our Founding Fathers and the Cobstitution, which makes us who we are - the greatest country in the world.
They both had permits. Next lame excuse.
No, they did not. As reported, only the supremacists did.

Yup. They followed the law.

The crazy mob did not. Because their objective is to overthrow the government, and therefore, the law...and to eliminate free speech in this country.
Really? you interviewed them all?

It's always the motivation of criminal mobs who show up to shut down people for words.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.
so condemn them. why can't you? If you can't, that makes you one of them. it is very simple, the MSM tell us all the time, if you can't condemn you must be one.
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
You haven't condemned them antifa
How old are you? Seriously...
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.

You can condemn BLM Antifa 1000 times. These white supremacist sympathizers do not care. They just want to deflect the heat off of the white supremacist. They somehow think bringing up BLM and antifa will someone make people forget about the white supremacist.

These past few days have made me realize that these white supremacist sympathizers do not care about facts or reasoning. They will never understand why they are complicit when it comes to white supremacy.
What white supremace sympathizer? You? Cause you're the only with that thought. Bigot. Are you ISIS maybe? Hmm maybe this is their ploy EVERYONE
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.

You can condemn BLM Antifa 1000 times. These white supremacist sympathizers do not care. They just want to deflect the heat off of the white supremacist. They somehow think bringing up BLM and antifa will someone make people forget about the white supremacist.

These past few days have made me realize that these white supremacist sympathizers do not care about facts or reasoning. They will never understand why they are complicit when it comes to white supremacy.
Sadly, i think you are right for some of these guys.... Im used to the political squabbling, but this takes it to a whole different level. Very sad
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Nope. The left is trying to paint their hate groups as patriots. Not happening. Try again.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.
so condemn them. why can't you? If you can't, that makes you one of them. it is very simple, the MSM tell us all the time, if you can't condemn you must be one.
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
You haven't condemned them antifa
What have I done then? Do you have reading problems?
False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

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