NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville

Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence,

none of the trumpies obviously never visited a concentration camp or were in an air raid shelter.,
Nazi violence cannot be compared with left wing protester 'violence'.
But our draft dodger obviously doesn't see the difference.

But I bet our Nazi torch bearers wished they had been guards

Oh good grief lib none of these protesters were in the Nazi party none served in WWII none were concentration camp guards. :rolleyes:
Could make the same argument for Nazi's and White Supremacists frankly Slade.

They /believe/ they are doing what's best for the nation, for their people, etc... You or I disagreeing with that belief isn't a deciding factor on individual morality. You're playing /your/ agenda, /your/ beliefs, except this is America and our Constitution defends those fucks rights to believe and even say as they wish.

Most modern Nazi's and white supremacists don't kill people, some fringe activists take it too far. See how that shit works? It sucks sometimes, but that's the way it is when you have real freedom.
We fought wars surrounding their beliefs that they think is best. Millions of people died. Nazi's gassed and slaughter the Jews, American's chained up blacks as we bought and sold them with the occasional rape and lynching. We fought a civil war because of it. We had Jim Crow after that which resulted in a revolt and the civil rights movement. I'm sorry EverCurious the views of these groups have been outright rejected and after a ton of bloodshed.
the nazis fought in the US? when?
Are you slow? Take 5 seconds to think before you react with these stupid questions
dude you posted that not me, it's why I asked the question. didn't you know what a question was? holy fk.
If you couldn't tell that I was talking about Germany during WWII then you have serious comprehension issues. Try and keep up
Excuses excuses... I don't even know if they are worth a response. You just babble bullshit. The GOP Trump haters were not the only ones that came out against him. Many that have had his back spoke out against him. The HEADS OF EACH OF OUR MILITARY BRANCHES SPOKE OUT. That never happens. This is a clusterfuck, admit it!

Facts not excuses, facts you cannot dispute which is why you didn't even try. There are over 300 million people in the US how many spoke out 80?
No, but keep telling yourself that and belittling the situation, it just makes you look like even more of an asshole. Watch that Vice Documentary, they covered the rally in details with many interviews from the leader. Then come back and defend them...

I'm not defending them, I'm defending their rights under the Constitution. When public opinion turns against you will you be okay with having your rights under the Constitution stripped from you simply because mob rule has decided your views are vile? Hell no.
Trump said there were good people among the torch and club carrying White Supremicists who marched chanting anit-semetic propaganda. No doubt there was violence from some of the anti-Klanners, but Trump made a false equivalency for which there is ZERO support, yet you feel a need to defend it. Strange.

Trump said there were people who attended to protest the removal of the statues, who were not white supremacists and who were not chanting anti-sematic propaganda and who were not engaged in violence. In other words just good people who opposed the removal of the statues. Do you dispute this fact or are you broad brushing the entire group for the actions of a few?
And there is NO evidence of their existence.
LOL, this is today's big reveal? Jesus Christ, MSNBC ran the clips of the two sides fighting about 1 million times in the last few days.

A cablenews practice I despise btw, i.e., running any clips of anything over and over and over and over and over.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.
so condemn them. why can't you? If you can't, that makes you one of them. it is very simple, the MSM tell us all the time, if you can't condemn you must be one.
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
I answered your question, but you don't like my answer which is typical loony leftist habit. and you won't condemn them therefore you are one of the antifa's thanks for letting us know. Hey everyone slade is an antifa, he won't condemn them.
How old are you? Seriously...
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.

You can condemn BLM Antifa 1000 times. These white supremacist sympathizers do not care. They just want to deflect the heat off of the white supremacist. They somehow think bringing up BLM and antifa will someone make people forget about the white supremacist.

These past few days have made me realize that these white supremacist sympathizers do not care about facts or reasoning. They will never understand why they are complicit when it comes to white supremacy.
Excuses excuses... I don't even know if they are worth a response. You just babble bullshit. The GOP Trump haters were not the only ones that came out against him. Many that have had his back spoke out against him. The HEADS OF EACH OF OUR MILITARY BRANCHES SPOKE OUT. That never happens. This is a clusterfuck, admit it!

Facts not excuses, facts you cannot dispute which is why you didn't even try. There are over 300 million people in the US how many spoke out 80?
No, but keep telling yourself that and belittling the situation, it just makes you look like even more of an asshole. Watch that Vice Documentary, they covered the rally in details with many interviews from the leader. Then come back and defend them...

I'm not defending them, I'm defending their rights under the Constitution. When public opinion turns against you will you be okay with having your rights under the Constitution stripped from you simply because mob rule has decided your views are vile? Hell no.
Trump said there were good people among the torch and club carrying White Supremicists who marched chanting anit-semetic propaganda. No doubt there was violence from some of the anti-Klanners, but Trump made a false equivalency for which there is ZERO support, yet you feel a need to defend it. Strange.

Liar. Even NBC thinks you're a liar.
NBC says there were brownies amongst the torch carrying Nazis. do tell fake shiska
How old are you? Seriously...
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.

You can condemn BLM Antifa 1000 times. These white supremacist sympathizers do not care. They just want to deflect the heat off of the white supremacist. They somehow think bringing up BLM and antifa will someone make people forget about the white supremacist.

These past few days have made me realize that these white supremacist sympathizers do not care about facts or reasoning. They will never understand why they are complicit when it comes to white supremacy.
Sadly, i think you are right for some of these guys.... Im used to the political squabbling, but this takes it to a whole different level. Very sad
Is there any question about how Trump feels about the border? Illegal immigration? Obamacare? Isis? No, because he strongly communicates about things that he is passionate about. Whats not on that list? These "Alt-Right" hate groups, interesting isn't it?

While the nation argues about it and while David Duke is thanking him for his support he tweets insults to senators and CEO's... #pathetic
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
I've stated my position on BLM and ANTIFA several times on this thread and have condemned plenty. You just got finished trying to call me out on BLM and I pointed to an earlier post where I even POSTED the video's of them doing their anti-cop garbage... so now you move on to ANTIFA. You're a joke man, i'm not playing your little games.

You can condemn BLM Antifa 1000 times. These white supremacist sympathizers do not care. They just want to deflect the heat off of the white supremacist. They somehow think bringing up BLM and antifa will someone make people forget about the white supremacist.

These past few days have made me realize that these white supremacist sympathizers do not care about facts or reasoning. They will never understand why they are complicit when it comes to white supremacy.
Sadly, i think you are right for some of these guys.... Im used to the political squabbling, but this takes it to a whole different level. Very sad

It proves that an American President truly is a powerful, influential role model. Sadly in this case.



We don't need no stinkin' facts!

Our truth is handed down from on high - that Soros fella, he stands mighty tall!

Whoops.....I dozed off and got in touch with my inner liberal. Now fuck off. I'm back to normal.
Could make the same argument for Nazi's and White Supremacists frankly Slade.

They /believe/ they are doing what's best for the nation, for their people, etc... You or I disagreeing with that belief isn't a deciding factor on individual morality. You're playing /your/ agenda, /your/ beliefs, except this is America and our Constitution defends those fucks rights to believe and even say as they wish.

Most modern Nazi's and white supremacists don't kill people, some fringe activists take it too far. See how that shit works? It sucks sometimes, but that's the way it is when you have real freedom.
We fought wars surrounding their beliefs that they think is best. Millions of people died. Nazi's gassed and slaughter the Jews, American's chained up blacks as we bought and sold them with the occasional rape and lynching. We fought a civil war because of it. We had Jim Crow after that which resulted in a revolt and the civil rights movement. I'm sorry EverCurious the views of these groups have been outright rejected and after a ton of bloodshed.

Again, you are stuck on your personal opinion as to "right and wrong" and using that to in a very real sense attacking the freedom this nation is founded on. That right to freedom is the real reason why the right is fighting it, not because they support nazi's or white supremacists, but because they support that freedom of thoughts, beliefs, ideologies that are protected by the constitution. The left has abandoned that in favor of mob rule and PC culture and they're pushing that same narrative again; it pisses the right off, and a lot of us center folks too - it is a lot of why the left lost the white house, it's a lot of why they're losing the next generation, it's a lot of why they are losing classical liberals, it's a lot of why they are bleeding support. Related?

Yes, /I/ think communism, socialism, and anarchists like ANTIFA who would shut down free speech are evil - I want them denounced right along with the nazi's and white supremacists - and that is why the right /isn't/ pissed off about President Trump saying "many sides" here, and why the media and lefties political wrangling ploy will fail. ~shrug~
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.

NBC and the BBC: There were violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville - Hot Air

"Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight."

Bottom line: There was violence on both sides as Trump suggested.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville

1 person is dead and 18 injured. All of them counter-protestors. There were no injured white supremacists. Trump is wrong. The alt-right loved it.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.

Hilarious and dumb all rolled into one ignorant post. Not surprising coming from a Nazi sympathizer.

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