NBC claims that Biden did not wonder off


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Misleading videos and false claims that President Joe Biden wandered off aimlessly from the G7 conference last week continued to go viral despite debunking and fact checks that tried to correct the record.
Google recommended false versions of the story as “top stories.” Deceptive video clips continued to accumulate millions of views on X. Copies of the videos were replayed on TikTok and YouTube with little context. Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, applied fact-checking labels to some posts but not to all.

The persistent nature of the misleading videos illustrates how major tech platforms and partisan media are playing off each other in the 2024 election cycle, keeping viral stories in people’s feeds after they’ve been proven to be misleading or even false.

In a familiar playbook, hyper-partisan outlets will continuously push a piece of misleading information on their platforms and on social media, causing motivated followers who are primed to believe the outlets to amplify it further. That inundates tech platforms, which are unwilling or unable to correct the record quickly enough. The bad information then continues to outpace efforts to fact check it.

The story revolved around Biden and other world leaders being greeted by a skydiving demonstration last Thursday at the Group of Seven meeting in Italy. Video shows Biden walking away from the leaders and toward a group of parachutists who had just landed, giving them two thumbs-up.

Yes, NBC "News" is telling you that your eyes have lied to you.
The crazy Left-Wing Media "fact checking" and "debunking" itself is illegitimate.
NBC "News" is just another cog in the Democrat propaganda machine.
This kind of flamboyant lying is what makes the Democrat Party totalitarian cult.
Once again, Magadonia and the GOP prove how terrified they are over at the Trump camp over the possibility and probability of Biden trouncing Biden again as he did in 2020. With 66.6% turnout, Biden won with 81,283,501 votes to Trump's (the incumbent President) 74,223,975 votes. That is a win of 51.3% to 46.8% in a win for Biden, over the incumbent; very unpopular, sitting President.

This disinformation has been going on nonstop for quite some time.

"As you can see at the 4 second mark, 8 of the 10 world leaders, including Biden are looking towards the man on the right packing the parachute," Krassenstein wrote on X.

"Biden began saying something to him as the others had their attention shifted in the other direction because another man began talking to the group suddenly."

"Once again, focusing on an edited-down 30-second clip doesn't tell a full story," he added. "Stop being disingenuous."

Last week, a video of Biden at a D-Day anniversary event in Normandy, France, went viral after, critics said, it appeared to show that the president was attempting to sit in a chair that didn't exist. As the Associated Press later reported, however, a full clip of the moment shows that Biden looked over his shoulder for his chair and paused before taking a seat.
When the lady in pink grabbed his arm and brought him back, that blew his cover his faithful are tying to fabricate.

This one combined with Obama taking him by the hand to lead him away, are incidents that his handlers are going to have to stop!

However, objectively these incidents will either fade into nothing or be amplified by his performance in the debate.

I would suggest that he will get away with the former.

Misleading videos and false claims that President Joe Biden wandered off aimlessly from the G7 conference last week continued to go viral despite debunking and fact checks that tried to correct the record.
Google recommended false versions of the story as “top stories.” Deceptive video clips continued to accumulate millions of views on X. Copies of the videos were replayed on TikTok and YouTube with little context. Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, applied fact-checking labels to some posts but not to all.

The persistent nature of the misleading videos illustrates how major tech platforms and partisan media are playing off each other in the 2024 election cycle, keeping viral stories in people’s feeds after they’ve been proven to be misleading or even false.

In a familiar playbook, hyper-partisan outlets will continuously push a piece of misleading information on their platforms and on social media, causing motivated followers who are primed to believe the outlets to amplify it further. That inundates tech platforms, which are unwilling or unable to correct the record quickly enough. The bad information then continues to outpace efforts to fact check it.

The story revolved around Biden and other world leaders being greeted by a skydiving demonstration last Thursday at the Group of Seven meeting in Italy. Video shows Biden walking away from the leaders and toward a group of parachutists who had just landed, giving them two thumbs-up.

Yes, NBC "News" is telling you that your eyes have lied to you.
The crazy Left-Wing Media "fact checking" and "debunking" itself is illegitimate.
NBC "News" is just another cog in the Democrat propaganda machine.
This kind of flamboyant lying is what makes the Democrat Party totalitarian cult.
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It was debunked. You should quit watching and listening to shit sources of propaganda. Fools be fooled.

Misleading videos and false claims that President Joe Biden wandered off aimlessly from the G7 conference last week continued to go viral despite debunking and fact checks that tried to correct the record.
Google recommended false versions of the story as “top stories.” Deceptive video clips continued to accumulate millions of views on X. Copies of the videos were replayed on TikTok and YouTube with little context. Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, applied fact-checking labels to some posts but not to all.

The persistent nature of the misleading videos illustrates how major tech platforms and partisan media are playing off each other in the 2024 election cycle, keeping viral stories in people’s feeds after they’ve been proven to be misleading or even false.

In a familiar playbook, hyper-partisan outlets will continuously push a piece of misleading information on their platforms and on social media, causing motivated followers who are primed to believe the outlets to amplify it further. That inundates tech platforms, which are unwilling or unable to correct the record quickly enough. The bad information then continues to outpace efforts to fact check it.

The story revolved around Biden and other world leaders being greeted by a skydiving demonstration last Thursday at the Group of Seven meeting in Italy. Video shows Biden walking away from the leaders and toward a group of parachutists who had just landed, giving them two thumbs-up.

Yes, NBC "News" is telling you that your eyes have lied to you.
The crazy Left-Wing Media "fact checking" and "debunking" itself is illegitimate.
NBC "News" is just another cog in the Democrat propaganda machine.
This kind of flamboyant lying is what makes the Democrat Party totalitarian cult.
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Sad that these "news" organizations have given up any pretense that they practice journalism and have gone 100% into the propaganda business for the Democrats.

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