NBC, MSNBC Sink To Bottom Of Who The Public Trusts...

I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have. This is a Democratic Polling firm's findings.

NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. “It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O'Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O'Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What's more, O'Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates...

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts | WashingtonExaminer.com
GE now longer owns NBC & MSNBC. Comcast does.

Yep, GE figured out the lunatics were running the show and they want their companies to be profitable so they pawned them off on a sucker.
I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have. This is a Democratic Polling firm's findings.

NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. “It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O'Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O'Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What's more, O'Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates...

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts | WashingtonExaminer.com

With Candy Crowley as anchor on CNN, I'd put them way down on the bottom of most horrible bad air rags.
The Washington Examiner? The paper that said Obama is moving the Ohio Chrysler plant to China?

The Poll was not conducted by the Washington Examiner.

I'm not sure who is speaking for the "public" but they would have to be very ignorant.

I was talking to a group young people about American imperialism and they didn't know we still had conquered territory of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines....let alone the conquered land we call the the southwest.

But who is there to fill that void in education?

Listen: Rush Limbaugh's New Kids Book Features Pilgrims, Horse Snot | Mother Jones
Then there's the conquered territory known as colloquially as Dixie.

Oh, Snap! :eusa_whistle:
I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have. This is a Democratic Polling firm's findings.

NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. “It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O'Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O'Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What's more, O'Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates...

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts | WashingtonExaminer.com
GE now longer owns NBC & MSNBC. Comcast does.

Yep, GE figured out the lunatics were running the show and they want their companies to be profitable so they pawned them off on a sucker.

Umm... when you own the joint you get to call the shots about who's running the show. An owner isn't some passive entity.
I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have.

GE doesn't own them anymore.

Oh. Wait. I see you left something out of your OP.

Fox News also leads the 'least trusted' list in our annual poll.
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GE now longer owns NBC & MSNBC. Comcast does.

Yep, GE figured out the lunatics were running the show and they want their companies to be profitable so they pawned them off on a sucker.

Umm... when you own the joint you get to call the shots about who's running the show. An owner isn't some passive entity.

Not really. News groups are notoriously difficult to deal with. In general you have to fire them as they ignore direction that contravenes what they wish.
Yep, GE figured out the lunatics were running the show and they want their companies to be profitable so they pawned them off on a sucker.

Umm... when you own the joint you get to call the shots about who's running the show. An owner isn't some passive entity.

Not really. News groups are notoriously difficult to deal with. In general you have to fire them as they ignore direction that contravenes what they wish.

They're not a 'news group'; they're a broadcast network. The oldest one we have in fact. And first thing, remember that NBC is far more than just News. WAY more. As a commercial venture it's just like any other business: you hire the people to take the ship in the direction you want it to go. If they aren't doing it, you put them on course or you fire them and hire someone who will. Now an owner with a lighter editorial hand might just say, "here's the tiller, figure out a plan and just make me a profit". Although being GE, I didn't trust their news to objectively cover say, nuclear power or US foreign policy, with GE being deeply entrenched in defense contracts and nuke plants, any more than I trust it now to objectively report on media empires.

But as for the everyday workings, I spent three decades in broadcasting and trust me, if a new owner (or present owner) wants that ship to make a hard turn tomorrow, it does so, on a dime.
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Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?

Nutters love them some easy.
MSNBC has ceased to be a legitimate news organization and has become a defacto liberal Democratic propaganda outlet just as Fox News is the conservative Republican propaganda outlet.
MSNBC has ceased to be a legitimate news organization and has become a defacto liberal Democratic propaganda outlet just as Fox News is the conservative Republican propaganda outlet.

Well the diiference is, NBC is now officially the least trusted source for News & Information. Even many of their fellow Communists think so. This particular Poll was conducted by them.
If a respondant says they trust ANY news outlet, they're a moron. Only by utilizing as many news outlets as you have time to consult then amalgamating the coverage into a coherent picture is news then worth trusting. But any 1 source is going ot be biased and unreliable regardless of who it's from.

All new agencies are owned by much larger corporations. If a person's so naive and primitive so as to believe there's no special interest, bias, prejusdice, or manipulation going on, sure go ahead, believe the pretty people on tv have your back. (rolls eyes)
If a respondant says they trust ANY news outlet, they're a moron. Only by utilizing as many news outlets as you have time to consult then amalgamating the coverage into a coherent picture is news then worth trusting. But any 1 source is going ot be biased and unreliable regardless of who it's from.

All new agencies are owned by much larger corporations. If a person's so naive and primitive so as to believe there's no special interest, bias, prejusdice, or manipulation going on, sure go ahead, believe the pretty people on tv have your back. (rolls eyes)

Good points. But personally, i don't trust any of them. They're all just Actors & Actresses reading their Government-approved scripts. It's all just a big stage show. Most in the Media are mere Crisis Actors. They're just playing their roles. But that being said, it seems most trust NBC the least at this point.
MSNBC has ceased to be a legitimate news organization and has become a defacto liberal Democratic propaganda outlet just as Fox News is the conservative Republican propaganda outlet.
Except on FOX you hear plenty of the left wing
perspective as well. Propaganda is typically one sided.
Most low information lefties depend on the comedy channel for news anyway.
If a respondant says they trust ANY news outlet, they're a moron. Only by utilizing as many news outlets as you have time to consult then amalgamating the coverage into a coherent picture is news then worth trusting. But any 1 source is going ot be biased and unreliable regardless of who it's from.

All new agencies are owned by much larger corporations. If a person's so naive and primitive so as to believe there's no special interest, bias, prejusdice, or manipulation going on, sure go ahead, believe the pretty people on tv have your back. (rolls eyes)

That's why the poll found that both MSNBC and Fox are the least trusted. They play the same game.

Well, they all play the same game but these two compete with each other to see which one can lower the bar more. Which is a stupid quest, but there it is.

Rupert Murdoch began this level of idiocy when he brought his tabloid rag mentality to broadcasting. Real news is expensive to do, so instead of spending all that cash on flying reporters around and having bureaus all over the globe, Fox came in concentrating on having talking heads sit in a studio and talk about the news rather than going out to report it, and talk about politicians and people rather than policies. This gives them the emotional hook that snares viewers, but at the expense of objective journalism. It is in effect a gossip channel about newsmakers, rather than a news channel. Real actual news has no emotional value. And emotional value is entirely what FNC and its ilk are after. Because emotional hooks mean people paying attention, and people paying attention means advertisers paying big bucks, and big bucks is the prime directive.

CNN, which was doing real news at the time, started losing audience simply because the unshakable truism is that the unwashed masses would rather be entertained than informed, and with FNC doing so much entertaining, CNN eventually capitulated and brought on the Nancy Graces and the News McNuggets of HLN, even going so far as to hire Glenn Beck, in a naked quest for those dollars. Then MSNBC came along and dove into the same pit. This is what commercialism does -- dumbs down for the dollar.

That's why PBS came out smelling the best in this poll, and why the citizen looking for real news has to look either there, or outside the country.
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Most low information lefties depend on the comedy channel for news anyway.

Yeah, that is pretty hilarious. But not surprising. And it does explain why so many Communists/Democrats come off as being so damn snotty & dumb. I was reading the other day that this is where they get a lot of their 'News & Information' from too. It really does explain a lot...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqEZYQF5Xo]"Whoopi's Goldberg" FART REMIX - YouTube[/ame]
Most low information lefties depend on the comedy channel for news anyway.
Hit the nail on the head there. Many don't know the difference between what really happened and a SNL skit. And I don't think it matters to them anyway.
Most low information lefties depend on the comedy channel for news anyway.

Yeah, that is pretty hilarious. But not surprising. And it does explain why so many Communists/Democrats come off as being so damn snotty & dumb. I was reading the other day that this is where they get a lot of their 'News & Information' from too. It really does explain a lot...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqEZYQF5Xo]"Whoopi's Goldberg" FART REMIX - YouTube[/ame]

^^ Thinks a fake YouTube video represents "left media".... :lmao:

There's the contrast: I post a succinct analysis of the commercial news business, how it got that way, what factors drive it and what it costs the public citizen... you post a fake fart video.

Speaks volumes about your sources.

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