NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

The only thing I need to know about her is that she supported jughead. That right there is reason enough to send her to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
And millions of you voted for a pussy grabber, didn't you?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
Trump had to lock up the Democrat vote.

He will never get a democrat vote again.. it was the moderate dems who kept him afloat in the beginning until he did a 180 and turned on them.. He is a liar. So was Hillary.

Trump will win all 50 states.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

these days it doesn't matter. you make it up and those against her will believe it and push it regardless of being a lie. the precedent has been set by the left in this election that is the way to handle it.

Again Iceberg you didn't see the Obama hate with his every move, or they just made it up..on this forum.
Obama only hates Christians and gun owners.

You know, 2/3 of America.

And are you believing a politician who just says they are christian? Haven't we seen enough?

Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.

Progressives have figured out that the best way to run a national candidate is to find one with as few ideas and as little experience as possible and then project onto that "blank canvas" how amazing and wonderful they are! It worked with Barack Obama! Trust me...they're looking for someone equally as "special" right now because they learned their lesson trying to run an established liberal with a track record in the last race!
And millions of you voted for a pussy grabber, didn't you?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
Trump had to lock up the Democrat vote.

He will never get a democrat vote again.. it was the moderate dems who kept him afloat in the beginning until he did a 180 and turned on them.. He is a liar. So was Hillary.

Trump will win all 50 states.

He may not make it another year and having Pence is even worse.. He is a creepy man. ( something is going on in the closet with that man.

That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

these days it doesn't matter. you make it up and those against her will believe it and push it regardless of being a lie. the precedent has been set by the left in this election that is the way to handle it.

Again Iceberg you didn't see the Obama hate with his every move, or they just made it up..on this forum.
oh i saw it. i thought a bulk of it was stupid as well.

but now that trump has won, the left is inventing ways / reasons to impeach with the core issue being they lost and hate trump.

now if that is a good reason to make shit up, then where do we stand next time around? if you look, the more we allow or condone this behavior the more it is pushed by the next party in power. only when it's brought up we can't agree it's stupid and bad PERIOD, we have to say "but look they started it" in a child like fashion. most parents i know would not let their kids do this but they do it all the time in this matter.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

I love Oprah. Huge private jets, Limos, huge mansions, she's my favorite carbon footprint.

Even better, free cars for everyone.
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
Trump had to lock up the Democrat vote.

He will never get a democrat vote again.. it was the moderate dems who kept him afloat in the beginning until he did a 180 and turned on them.. He is a liar. So was Hillary.

Trump will win all 50 states.

He may not make it another year and having Pence is even worse.. He is a creepy man. ( something is going on in the closet with that man.

all this "he will be impeached any day now" stuff is getting pretty old.
She knew him growing up in Kenya " Where is her birth certificate ? ..oh brother are you feeling threatened Easy..LOL.
No, I was just making a joke about her 'supposed drug use'. Just like in the past though, when a democrat / snowflake thinks she / he is about to lose they pull out Obama's 'birther' argument...like Hillary and her team 1st did.

As you snowflakes have been arguing lately, Hillary is old news so stop talking about her and bringing up her past. Focus on the 'DNC's Future' - Oprah Winfrey. :p
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

these days it doesn't matter. you make it up and those against her will believe it and push it regardless of being a lie. the precedent has been set by the left in this election that is the way to handle it.

Again Iceberg you didn't see the Obama hate with his every move, or they just made it up..on this forum.
Obama only hates Christians and gun owners.

You know, 2/3 of America.

And are you believing a politician who just says they are christian? Haven't we seen enough?

What's that have to do with Obama hating Christians and gun owners?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
Trump had to lock up the Democrat vote.

He will never get a democrat vote again.. it was the moderate dems who kept him afloat in the beginning until he did a 180 and turned on them.. He is a liar. So was Hillary.

Trump will win all 50 states.

He may not make it another year and having Pence is even worse.. He is a creepy man. ( something is going on in the closet with that man.

Buy a new record, that one has been skipping for a year now.
She knew him growing up in Kenya " Where is her birth certificate ? ..oh brother are you feeling threatened Easy..LOL.
No, I was just making a joke about her 'supposed drug use'. Just like in the past though, when a democrat / snowflake thinks she / he is about to lose they pull out Obama's 'birther' argument...like Hillary and her team 1st did.

As you snowflakes have been arguing lately, Hillary is old news so stop talking about her and bringing up her past. Focus on the 'DNC's Future' - Oprah Winfrey. :p

Well, did she lie? But Easy I have concerns about her dedication to all cultures.. so Let's just see where this goes.

Trump isnt the change most people hoped for. Hes a crass low class, sexist man with a robot for a wife.
Enter Oprah....a well liked talk show host for many years she now has become the strong African American speaker for the people (especially women) Reese Witherspoon will now define her life as before Oprahs speech and after Oprahs speech. gag!
Hollywood has a way of turning serious issues into grandstanding BS.
Whats the common denominator? $$$$, and not just Im doing well in life $.
No one knows for sure but rumor has it Oprah is part of the BBerg group.
I PRAY the hippo runs!
The GOP will drag her past through the mud. That's why she'll NEVER run!
The first gay negro woman President. Cocaine addict.
Sort of has a 'ring' to it.
Not a chance. She isn't even the top contender from her own profession.

She has two others who would destroy her in the primary...

Again Iceberg you didn't see the Obama hate with his every move, or they just made it up..on this forum.

That's a 'unique' version of the story snowflakes like to pass on....

There is a difference between 'Obama Hate' and butt-hurt insane Anti-Trump Sedition.

Barry ADMITTEDLY was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alinsky - even quoted him in his Inauguration speech, was mentored by anti-American hate-spewing racist Jeremiah Wright, and was buddies with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders, not to mention he was sired by an anti-Colonialist father who wanted to see the decline of the US.

Evidence shows he spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting defending, and dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists worldwide, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...and who were ALLOWED to needlessly kill 4 more on 9/11/12.

Evidence shows he and his criminal organization aided, abetted, and protected the Russians in 2009 and again from 2014 - 2016, hiding crimes, helping the Russians acquire 20% of our Uranium, and facilitating Russian Hacking, PsyOps missions inside the US, and interference in our elections.

Evidence shows he illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, attempted to pay Hezbollah Millions, protected Hezbollah's terrorist-funding drug operation, protected ISIS' terrorist ops-supporting Black Market Oil Ops, and held the Coalition to an ROE (Rules of Engagement) policy it protected the terrorists - since Trump changed that policy Americans have been kicking terrorist ass!

Evidence shows Obama and his administration illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / US SENATORS / USSC JUSTICES, illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who opposed his re-election, and violated both Constitution and Law.

Not once did Conservatives seriously call for 'military coups', call for assassinations, or TRY TO CARRY OUT THOSE ASSASSINATIONS like Snowflakes / Liberals did. Conservatives did not threaten the lives of Electoral College voters, organize and march for the Russians, take Russian money to spread fake racial tension and hate across the country like Liberals did.

All of this is summarized by stating that no one hated OBAMA THE MAN - I don't know the man and feel no animosity against him, but there was more than enough reason to HATE his Islamic extremist / enemy / criminal-supporting policies, his violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, etc.... The man gave REASON to have him Impeached NUMEROUS TIMES, and every one is based on FACT and EVIDENCE.

After Bush won the Presidency Democrats held hundreds of committee hearings, wasted hundreds of hours of Congressional time, poured over thousands of documents, and spent millions of tax dollars to try to 'get Bush because of their hatred.... The final result was the indictment of 'Scooter Libby' as justification for their Witch Hunt. NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMES WAS EVER FOUND AGAINST BUSH.

Jump ahead to the Trump Witch Hunt...or 'Bush Witch Hunt Part Deux'...

INSANE LIBERALS - who supported a scandalous criminal Democrat who miserably FAILED as Secretary of State, allowed Americans to needlessly die, jeopardized our national security, sold this country out to Russia, committed numerous election crimes, rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, screwed Bernie out of the nomination, and was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes evidence shows she did commit - ARE PISSED Hillary lost, that Trump won.

They have resurrected the Bush Witch Hunt, this time against Trump, for no other reason that they refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the 2016 election, because Hillary was beaten, and because Trump is not a Democrats.

EVERY ploy the Democrats / snowflakes have attempted to use against Trump has BOOMERANGED back on them, instead exposing DEMOCRAT crimes, producing ZERO evidence against Trump, and leaving Liberals with only the options of continuing the witch hunt to appease the rabid liberal haters, to continue the witch hunts to continue to distract from proven Liberal crimes, and walk away with the same type of 'Scooter Libby' indictments as last time in an attempt to justify their hate-driven quest.

People hated Obama's failed liberal agenda, policies, failures, aiding and abetting terrorists / enemies, violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, etc.....not the MAN.

Snowflakes hate the MAN, Donald Trump while avoiding / refusing to acknowledge his Presidential win and his political successes to date.

Pathetic liberals begging Oprah to run...they should concede 2020 and move on
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
It's about time that there was a lesbian in the White House!!!

Well, aside from Condy Rice and Dick Cheney's daughter.

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