NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Said individual was busted for 50#'s of crack at LAX. A draft boosted her skirt

Give us a link you moron..

Or don't you believe the WAPO report?
Oprah and BONOBO have three things in common! HAAA HAAA!
They are both negroes. They are both fags. And they are both drug addicts.
You’re fucking crazy.
Oprah is heterosexual, and what she did in her20’s makes her “ drug addicted?”
Have I told you you’re an idiot?
Harvey Weinstein and Oprah Winfrey are good friends, will that hurt her when she runs in 2020
n all likelihood, no.
  1. Has she declared that she's running? AFAIK, she has not.
  2. I think the photo in the OP is from 2014. What makes you certain they ever were or remain anything other than individuals to whom the other is sociably cordial and perhaps able to conduct business? It may be that you are not a frequent recipient of "peck on the cheek" kisses and thus don't realize that's what's depicted in your OP's photo, OP-er.
  3. Have you ever had a close friend whom you discovered had done something reprehensible to others and not to you? If so, how did you handle the friendship? Did you remain true to your friend in their greatest hour of need for friends? Did you drop them like a hot potato? If you did the latter, you were nothing but a "fair weather friend."
    • Does the concept of "fallen from grace" escape you so profoundly that you don't "get" how it would be that among people who never were genuinely close friends or family members of Harvey, whatever they were once willing to forebear they may well now not be so willing?
    • Is human nature so novel to you that you don't get that amon acquaintances, the name of the game is rarely more than "what have you done for me lately?" It may be that you, like some people, callously use the term "friend" in association with folks whom you merely know and encounter on some temporally regular basis.
  4. I don't even know that Oprah knew of Harvey's abusive behavior. Do you know she was, at the time of the photo, aware of it?
  5. Is that photo even legit? I have looked for it and I can't find any credible publication that ran it. All I can find is instances of hoi polloi posting it in various forums.
I’d love to see our classless prez try to come up with a derogatory name for Oprah.
The feedback would be swift and ferocious.

His childish rants are so yesterday.
Time to have an adult back in the WH.

Oprah/ Adam Schiff ticket would be a sure winner.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

An aspiring actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey and Naomi Campbell to dupe her into thinking he would help her with her career — only to use her for sex.

British actress Kadian Noble said Tuesday she was head-over-heels impressed when she first met Weinstein at an event in London because he was hanging out with model Campbell and had megastar Oprah “swinging off his arm.”


Page six as a source?
You idiots must already be scared of a Oprah candidacy to start your smearing campaign.

Oprah is everything Trump isn’t.
A real billionaire
People love her
She’s extremely intelligent
She’s stable
Accomplished things trump couldn’t like having her own TV network
Wouldn’t be funneling money to billionaires.

She’s a dream candidate.
She’s the antiTrump!
Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.
Oprah actually is a successful business person that earned her money, not inherit it from daddy like Trump.

Oprah hasn’t filed bankruptcy 6 times like Trump.

Oprah actually is loved by millions of people all over the world. Unlike Trump.

What exactly was Trumps experience again?
Then Michael Savage is absolutely correct: liberalism is a mental disorder. What kind of delusion makes liberals will elect another black for president when America has already had an 8-year up close and personal tour of what a hate-filled, stupid, violent, despicable race the blacks are? The black crybabies have made it clear they're an exercise in violent, sadistic exercise in hatred of whites and liberal CRETINS think that a white-majority country is going elect a member of this horrid race as president again???
No, the Oprah whore's blatant, Michelle-Obama-like, spoiled-brat hatred of whites will hurt her far, far more. For years, whenever that deluxe-sized pile of shit wrote a book, she'd insist on a black publisher. Before she was rich enough to afford a private jet and flew commercial, she insisted on only black flight attendants to deal with her. When she booked a private cruise for coke-whore Maya Angelou's birthday, the first thing she did was fire the white cruise director to replace him with a black one. Since her show ended, she has spewed how much she wanted "old white men" dead. Everyone is soooo TIRED of the hate-filled, psychotic obsession the black humanoids have with race.

I consider myself a speciesist, not a racist. I don't consider that race of violent, animal hate human at all; naggers are a humanoid subspecies just genetically close enough to humans to produce fertile offspring. But negroid and Casucasoid brains have enough physiological differences, there's no way we could be the same species. Especially since blacks are pure Cro-magnon without the tiniest trace of Neanderthal mixed into them that all HUMAN races have.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
Lizzie isn’t running.
Oprah is your worst nightmare.
A real billionaire, stable, smart and quick as a whip. Everything Trump is not.
Black vote would come out in Barack Obama numbers.
I’m so old I remember the left said a celebrity billionaire was no qualification to be President.
I think the fact that by 2020 no one under 40 will know who she is will hurt her. If she comes off as entiled and arrogant that will hurt her more.

These are the problems that the Clintons have.

Worse yet if you are over 40 and a man you might have been married and know her as the reason your wife didn't do house work
Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

The only thing I need to know about her is that she supported jughead. That right there is reason enough to send her to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
And millions of you voted for a pussy grabber, didn't you?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
again - name one president who didn't grab one either before or during office.
Most and none bragged about their acts like the Orange.
The only thing I need to know about her is that she supported jughead. That right there is reason enough to send her to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
And millions of you voted for a pussy grabber, didn't you?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
again - name one president who didn't grab one either before or during office.
Most and none bragged about their acts like the Orange.
You poor butthurt baby. Perhaps when you grow up you can be a liberal. Oh shucks! My bad. You can't do both now can you?
Probably not. But i thought it was very embarrassing for her the rest to be wearing black as a 'Silent Protest.' If they weren't silent all those years, a lot less women would have been raped. Like Rose McGowan said, it was all just "Hollywood Fakery." But that being said, it probably won't her. People are just Sheeple in the end.
The only thing I need to know about her is that she supported jughead. That right there is reason enough to send her to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
And millions of you voted for a pussy grabber, didn't you?
Since we didn't want the enabler of a rapist/racist husband who wanted to continue the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, yeah we wanted MAGA.
So you voted in a pussy grabber.
again - name one president who didn't grab one either before or during office.
Most and none bragged about their acts like the Orange.
didn't ask who bragged.
didn't ask for colorful commentary.

i asked you to name any other president who DID NOT grab one now and then.

so - you can't. all you need to say. you can't. hell you can't even prove trump did, just that he said it.

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