NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

WALSH: Stop Congratulating Yourselves, Hollywood. You Hypocritical, Self-Serving Cowards.

Imagine if Penn State had thrown itself a party months after the Sandusky scandal broke, given itself awards, and wagged its finger at everyone else, scolding us for our failure to defend the innocent.

WALSH: Stop Congratulating Yourselves, Hollywood. You Hypocritical, Self-Serving Cowards.
Misogynists like you hate it when women ( or anyone) assert themselves for a great cause.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
It's about time that there was a lesbian in the White House!!!

Well, aside from Condy Rice and Dick Cheney's daughter.

Why would Dick Cheney's daughter be in the White House?
She must have gone a few times to see her dad... or Condy.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
It's about time that there was a lesbian in the White House!!!

Well, aside from Condy Rice and Dick Cheney's daughter.

Why would Dick Cheney's daughter be in the White House?
She must have gone a few times to see her dad... or Condy.

So, in other words, "After considering my previous statement, I withdraw it based on the fact that I had no idea what I was talking about!"
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
It's about time that there was a lesbian in the White House!!!

Well, aside from Condy Rice and Dick Cheney's daughter.

Why would Dick Cheney's daughter be in the White House?
She must have gone a few times to see her dad... or Condy.

So, in other words, "After considering my previous statement, I withdraw it based on the fact that I had no idea what I was talking about!"
Are you quoting yourself? Because that works for me.
Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.

Like Trump? No experience what so ever.

The plus' for Operah

She is clearly an acomplished person
Successfull businesswoman
Articulate, intelligent, and has self control
She is rare on that she is truly a selfmade wealthy woman

The negatives
No experience in politics (but that seems to be a plus these days)
Dont know what her platform would be
Trump had quite a lot of experience with foreign government activities set him forward. Ran for president before. He’s ten times political to her. Got any thing on Russia yet? I do. Peter Steele.
WALSH: Stop Congratulating Yourselves, Hollywood. You Hypocritical, Self-Serving Cowards.

Imagine if Penn State had thrown itself a party months after the Sandusky scandal broke, given itself awards, and wagged its finger at everyone else, scolding us for our failure to defend the innocent.

WALSH: Stop Congratulating Yourselves, Hollywood. You Hypocritical, Self-Serving Cowards.
Misogynists like you hate it when women ( or anyone) assert themselves for a great cause.
Why do you accuse me of something you have no proof of? Would you like to quote my misogynist posts? And what makes you think you are qualified to judge anyone?
Said individual was busted for 50#'s of crack at LAX. A draft boosted her skirt
more deplorable lies.

No lie. Gubmint Authorities found dopra to have more crack than any lean White Woman could imagine. Some jig got lost down there.
No one cares what anyone did in their 20’s. Trump was a serial sex offender right up into the 2010’s and you still voted for him.
Oprah is everything Trump is not:
A real billionaire
Spends millions on helping people
A genius who won’t go around telling everyone she’s a genius like the Doofus in Chief
Cares about the poor and common man
Smart as a whip
Never sexually assaulted anyone
The list is endless.
Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me






Oh, isn't this 'nice'. Who needs legitimate debates or legitimate primaries. if there is one thing Hillary and the Democrats proved in 2016 is that the will of Democrat voters, legal primaries, fair debates, preventing election fraud, and campaign laws are HIGHLY OVER-RATED!

It seems the Liberal media and DNC are once again deciding for themselves to give the big ol' :fu: to their base, telling them, 'You can sit this one out again. We'll decide who our next Candidate will be.'

At least this time it looks like they have picked a candidate without a past history of scandal, Influence Peddling, accepting bribes, abandoning Americans to die, endangering national security, and one with whom there will be very little chance of being under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she committed right at election time.

Bravo, Democrats - you're learning.

Yep, the elite shall choose, you little people get back to cleaning our toilets.
It's very telling that Harvey Weinstein reached out to his good friend OPRAH WINFREY for support when the sex scandal broke.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
Remember you pretended Trump the billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth was your man of the people? Oprah wasn't born rich so she can relate to the people. Is Trump relating to anyone but racists and rich people?
Hillary was dead broke too. Powerful stuff living in your car and chasing rats away to eat scraps from trash cans. A poor black woman becoming a billionaire just proves America is racist.
One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.
It has been a hilarious circular firing squad for the feminists, Hollywood celebrities and media Marxists. They started by accusing Trump of being a sexual predator. And the more they yelled the more of their own took a bullet for being sexual predators.
I have laughed myself silly.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”
Remember you pretended Trump the billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth was your man of the people? Oprah wasn't born rich so she can relate to the people. Is Trump relating to anyone but racists and rich people?
Racists? Rich?

What you don't think some blacks are as stupid as some white voters?
Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.

If it weren't for racial and gender division there would be no Democratic Party.
One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
Well where it matters we are. In corporate America we are.

You know who I love? Stupid women who argue that we aren't a racist country but then when presented with the facts how women are also treated like second class citizens, all of the sudden they get it.

You don't get it because you are a white man.
Sean Spicer Dismisses Oprah Winfrey Presidential Run Because Of Inexperience

Oprah is certainly better qualified than Trump to be president. She has more business savvy and is probably worth much more financially. She didn't inherit her wealth. Forbes list her as the richest American female - at $3.1 billion.
She didn't work for her wealth either.

So how did she get started bird brain..she was poor as a child. She was abused. She is a overcomer .


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