NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Said individual was busted for 50#'s of crack at LAX. A draft boosted her skirt
more deplorable lies.

No lie. Gubmint Authorities found dopra to have more crack than any lean White Woman could imagine. Some jig got lost down there.
No one cares what anyone did in their 20’s. Trump was a serial sex offender right up into the 2010’s and you still voted for him.
Oprah is everything Trump is not:
A real billionaire
Spends millions on helping people
A genius who won’t go around telling everyone she’s a genius like the Doofus in Chief
Cares about the poor and common man
Smart as a whip
Never sexually assaulted anyone
The list is endless.
Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me







Is that all you got?

Where is Oprah's birth certificate?..

One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
Well where it matters we are. In corporate America we are.

You know who I love? Stupid women who argue that we aren't a racist country but then when presented with the facts how women are also treated like second class citizens, all of the sudden they get it.

You don't get it because you are a white man.

I'm a white man?? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Somebody better tell the U.S. Census bureau and my parents.

Do I look white to you, ass clown (here's a hint, the avatar)?

And far as women being second class citizens, that's another crock of shit. Go spend some time in Saudi Arabia and Iran and then come back and tell me how oppressed women are in this country.
One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
Well where it matters we are. In corporate America we are.

You know who I love? Stupid women who argue that we aren't a racist country but then when presented with the facts how women are also treated like second class citizens, all of the sudden they get it.

You don't get it because you are a white man.

I'm a white man?? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Somebody better tell the U.S. Census bureau and my parents.

Do I look white to you, ass clown (here's a hint, the avatar)?

And far as women being second class citizens, that's another crock of shit. Go spend some time in Saudi Arabia and Iran and then come back and tell me how oppressed women are in this country.

Are you comparing women's rights in America to Saudi Arabia? Really?
It has been a hilarious circular firing squad for the feminists, Hollywood celebrities and media Marxists. They started by accusing Trump of being a sexual predator. And the more they yelled the more of their own took a bullet for being sexual predators.
I have laughed myself silly.
You mean they didn't deny it all and abuse their victims and the 'fake news'?
Do you mean they took responsibility for their actions?

Imagine that.
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Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.
One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
Well where it matters we are. In corporate America we are.

You know who I love? Stupid women who argue that we aren't a racist country but then when presented with the facts how women are also treated like second class citizens, all of the sudden they get it.

You don't get it because you are a white man.

I'm a white man?? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Somebody better tell the U.S. Census bureau and my parents.

Do I look white to you, ass clown (here's a hint, the avatar)?

And far as women being second class citizens, that's another crock of shit. Go spend some time in Saudi Arabia and Iran and then come back and tell me how oppressed women are in this country.

Are you comparing women's rights in America to Saudi Arabia? Really?

Yeah, I really am, tard, and plenty of other places in the world that are still very patriarchal, even if not as extreme as the Middle East
" Oprah = Obama in a dress "

thanks but no thanks.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

Just trying to cover my bases. There is always some asshole who has to point out an exception if you speak in absolutes.

I'm basicalkly talking about Oprah and Meryl Streep and the like that were friends with Harvey, but pretend they didn't know.

Brad Pitt knew that Harvey sexually harassed Anginia Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, and Pitt threatened to fuck him up if he didn't stop.

How Brad Pitt Threatened Harvey Weinstein After He Allegedly Harassed Gwyneth Paltrow
I think it's hilarious the way people are fawning over Oprah Winfrey thinking she should / is going to run for president simply because she gives one speech at an event with a bunch of self aggrandizing elitists.

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