NBC Poll Slaughters Joe Biden - Has No Chance to Win in 2024

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No intelligent person believes the Alzheimer's patient, who didn't even campaign, got 81 million votes, by far the most in American history, especially not when Trump got 75 million, by far the most authentic votes in American history. Not when Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties. Not one person has ever explained this anomaly, and you can't either.
dimocrap scum have stopped worrying about 'Votes'. They are more concerned about 'Ballots'.

Did the scum of the Earth get 81 million Ballots? Probably. Were they illegally and/or improperly cast? Most of them, yes.

Never forget one simple rule -- dimocraps are scum. Keep that in mind and everything else falls into place.

They, the State and Local dimocraps, sent out Ballots to every single registered person in theirj urisdiction. Dead, alive, moved, in prison, married and changed name.... Whatever. Then they mobilized their ground game of Students, Union Thugs and activists to collect them. No chain of custody so you can only imagine what happened.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Never forget that. Ever
Faux Niwz is panicking because they know tRump will get blown out.
Then why not let Trump campaign instead of being stuck in court? If you know he is going to lose, get him after the election. I mean these indictments didn't start till he announced he was running again.
No intelligent person believes the Alzheimer's patient, who didn't even campaign, got 81 million votes, by far the most in American history, especially not when Trump got 75 million, by far the most authentic votes in American history. Not when Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties. Not one person has ever explained this anomaly, and you can't either.

Did you shoot up before posting? Trump didn't get 75 million votes.
Then why not let Trump campaign instead of being stuck in court? If you know he is going to lose, get him after the election. I mean these indictments didn't start till he announced he was running again.

Actually, he declared he was running crazy early after being raided and knowing a indictment was imminent.
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