NC Governor trying to walk back anti-gay rights law?


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Looks like North Carolina governor is beginning to see the light........or maybe it is just a reflection from the coin of the realm the state is about to lose? So much for the right-wing claiming they have the always trumps beliefs. He has issued an executive order that walks back parts of the controversial law he signed just last month. Tsk, tsk....let's see what else he rescinds before he starts to feel the pinch.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory on Tuesday attempted to walk back parts of a controversial law that is seen as discriminatory to LGBT people — yet reinforced a provision in the law that restricts transgender people from using the bathroom that aligns with their identification.

McCrory said he's using an executive order to expand government equal employment policies to include sexual orientation and gender.

He also said that he would ask legislators to reinstate the right to sue for discrimination in North Carolina, which was restricted by HB2, the legislation hesigned into law last month that overturned many anti-discriminatory practices enforce by local governments in the state.

N.C. Gov. Tries to Walk Back Parts of Anti-LGBT Rights Law
Looks like North Carolina governor is beginning to see the light........or maybe it is just a reflection from the coin of the realm the state is about to lose? So much for the right-wing claiming they have the always trumps beliefs. He has issued an executive order that walks back parts of the controversial law he signed just last month. Tsk, tsk....let's see what else he rescinds before he starts to feel the pinch.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory on Tuesday attempted to walk back parts of a controversial law that is seen as discriminatory to LGBT people — yet reinforced a provision in the law that restricts transgender people from using the bathroom that aligns with their identification.

McCrory said he's using an executive order to expand government equal employment policies to include sexual orientation and gender.

He also said that he would ask legislators to reinstate the right to sue for discrimination in North Carolina, which was restricted by HB2, the legislation hesigned into law last month that overturned many anti-discriminatory practices enforce by local governments in the state.

N.C. Gov. Tries to Walk Back Parts of Anti-LGBT Rights Law
McCrory is concerned republicans will fall prey to their own politics of division and fear.

File under:

“Seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Will changing the law change the opinions behind the law? No. There will just be some other way of dealing with the degenerates.
McCrory is concerned republicans will fall prey to their own politics of division and fear.

It is already too late for that......conservatives all seem to cringe in fear of their own shadows, even though they all carry guns! :badgrin:
Will changing the law change the opinions behind the law? No. There will just be some other way of dealing with the degenerates.

Yeah, we know.........shoot 'em down. That's the conservative Christian way.
Will changing the law change the opinions behind the law? No. There will just be some other way of dealing with the degenerates.
Americans are subject solely to the rule of law – not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly, this NC measure is proof of that.

And the above quoted post is proof that fear and bigotry are alive and well in America, and that laws protecting the rights of transgender Americans are very much warranted and in need.
Disgust is not fear. These are perverts, degenerates. It's not like these are nice normal people.
Disgust is not fear. These are perverts, degenerates. It's not like these are nice normal people.

Have you ever met one? I think people that make hateful comments like many conservatives do are the ones that are not nice normal people. Their fear has given in to paranoia...they perceive everyone that isn't a loony looking right-winger to be aggressive and out to get them. Trump supporters are the most scary!

"Disgust is not fear. These are perverts, degenerates. It's not like these are nice normal people."

Of course it’s fear – like most on the right you fear change, diversity, and dissent; like most on the right you’re an authoritarian reactionary who seeks to compel conformity through force of law, such as the NC measure.

Transgender Americans are neither ‘perverts’ nor ‘degenerates,’ they are in fact nice, normal people.

You’re ignorant as to who transgender people are, you feel threatened by their desire to not conform to your subjective opinion of ‘how things should be,’ and as a consequence of your fear and ignorance you hatefully lash out at transgender Americans with lies that they’re ‘perverts’ and ‘degenerates’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
mccrory is trying to save his 'legacy' which is now just a legacy of hate and bigotry....two words

roy cooper....for governor
And now, those Trump supporters are going to have to accept that Trump doesn't think there is a problem with transgenders using the bathroom they feel aligns with the sex they identify with.
I don't care what Trump's opinion is. He's entitled to his opinion like anyone else. If the state does not want to protect the people from degenerates the people will have to do it themselves.
I don't care what Trump's opinion is. He's entitled to his opinion like anyone else. If the state does not want to protect the people from degenerates the people will have to do it themselves.

Yes, because there has been so many reported crimes by transgenders........bwahahaha! What we need protection from are the idiots with guns, but conservatives think everyone is entitled to carry a gun...even the loonies while they cower in fear of people that have never harmed anyone.

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