Mark Robinson: 'I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote'

Sounds like he stands by it and many of the same Trump Humpers you agree with so much on this forum don't think you should be able to vote either, I see you have no problem with that. Do you?
I see you weren’t able to understand the explanation. So sad.
I asked you what you thought of many of the Trump Humpers on this forum who think you shouldn't have the right to vote. Now granted you are all Trump Humpers.
NOBODY thinks that. That’s just another lie that Biden Humpers Put forth, hoping people will be dumb enough to fall for it. Looks like you did.
NOBODY thinks that. That’s just another lie that Biden Humpers Put forth, hoping people will be dumb enough to fall for it. Looks like you did.
[IMG alt="DGS49"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

Apr 12, 201215,68613,0782,415Pittsburgh
The most successful, well-adjusted people in our society are/were raised in families where the Mother did not work outside the home while the children were 0-18. This doesn't deny that some people have succeeded despite a different upbringing, but statistically, there is really no question what the best course of action is.

As for voting rights, women most often vote based on emotions, hope, sympathy, and other irrelevancies.

If women didn't vote, we would never have another Democrat elected to national office. That is justification enough to repeal Wimmins' Suffrage.

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[IMG alt="Anathema"][/IMG]


Crotchety Olde Man​

Apr 30, 201419,9526,517360The Olden Days
Women entering the workforce and being able to vote has only improved this so called, great nation
Quite the opposite. It has lead to the decline of family values, the nuclear family and other values which were a core component of the ideology this nation was founded upon.

Ignore List: Population 60+ and Rising
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[IMG alt="Vastator"][/IMG]


Platinum Member​

Oct 14, 201422,0319,582950
Please run on that. Women voters will understand.
Of course "they will" .... That's why they shouldn't be voting. Thier strength falls in building of "families, not cultures, and societies. And no... you won't get participant pussy. They'll still be fucking guys like me, while passing your type over. Your consolation prize is is a hot load of spit, and a dirty magazine. While the ones you flaccidly advocate for suck us dry...

For Blood & For Soil
For Love & For Truth
For Faith & For Honor
For Our Past & For Our Future
For Now & Forever
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Here are 3 from this very thread.
Not in proper families they didn’t. Neither of my grandmothers even had a drivers license, never mind a job or bank account. My wife doesn’t have a job or a driver’s license. My mother hand church-related jobs only for most of her life (teacher and organist/choir director)z

I am glad they had the choice to do that.
It's not good or bad on its own

It's just true.

I didn't say it was good or bad. I simply explained that, if what you claim is true, the country was already leftist. We just did not count 51% of the adult population.

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