NC up a creek

Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.
Who said they wanted their daughter to share a bathroom with a rapists that wears dresses as a disguise? I guess strawmen were on sale today at Walmart.
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Transgendered people identify with those of the opposite gender in every way, from mannerisms, to dress, to who they prefer sexually. Incidentally, it's not little girls, it's full grown men that 98 percent of trangendered males will prefer.

And..................most of the pedophiles who prey on children do so with children of the opposite gender of the pedophile.

Might wanna do some research and find out the truth.
I challenge you people to go to a drag queen show sometime and find out what they are really like.
What for? If they are that feminine that can do what they've been doing and no one knows. If they are an unshaven fat slob pot belly pig they can use the men's room regardless of their feelings.

Got news for you, transgendered people have been using the bathroom of the gender they identify with for YEARS.

Besides, what would most of men do if you walked into the bathroom and saw what appeared to be a good looking female in there with you? Would you check them to see if they are male or not, or would you beat them up, or would you simply leave them alone?

I'm guessing most conservatives would opt for the violent option.
You, of all people, should understand the basic concept of Civil Right.

So, it was OK for Rosa Parks to ride the bus, but equally fine that she drink from the Coloreds drinking fountain?

A civil right applied everywhere, not just where you pick and choose.

Google "Arbitrary"
I do understand civil rights. i was just pointing out your tendency to become confused and start using logical fallacies to make an argument.

Which you are unable to define as a fallacy.

Civil Rights encompass nearly every accomodation (maybe all), they ARE NOT LIMITED.
I actually did an amazing job of exposing your post as a fallacy. Hell I wasnt even the only one.

Saying so, and delivery are two incredibly different things.
From that statement you do seem to understand that your post was false equivalence. Thanks for admitting that.

Does it also mean your a dupe
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be
Bribery is not ever a good reason to give in, especially when the party bribing you holds a weak hand.

Using the 1964 civil rights law was absurd.
Care to share your extensive legal wisdom as to why it's absurd Pops?

Discrimination is arbitrary rules that exclude simalarily situated individuals from the same accomadation or excersize of a right.

Is a male with a penis more simalar to:

A. A male with a penis


B. A woman with a vagina

Seems pretty simple.
It seems different issues confuse you. Its not as simple as "See jack run". Different issues necessitate different solutions that on the surface confuse those that are less intelligent and causes them to create logical fallacies.

You, of all people, should understand the basic concept of Civil Right.

So, it was OK for Rosa Parks to ride the bus, but equally fine that she drink from the Coloreds drinking fountain?

A civil right applied everywhere, not just where you pick and choose.

Google "Arbitrary"
Let me guess where your going with that. If transwomen are allowed to use the bathroom that they identify with, it will violate the rights of cisgender women because the would be fearful that a woman who used to be a man is peeing in one of those stall, when that cis woman WOULD NOT EVEN KNOW IT ? Did I miss anything Pops?

Nope, just that it to qualify as discrimination Women and Trans Males must be more closely related than Men to Trans Males.

Good luck with that
I do understand civil rights. i was just pointing out your tendency to become confused and start using logical fallacies to make an argument.

Which you are unable to define as a fallacy.

Civil Rights encompass nearly every accomodation (maybe all), they ARE NOT LIMITED.
I actually did an amazing job of exposing your post as a fallacy. Hell I wasnt even the only one.

Saying so, and delivery are two incredibly different things.
From that statement you do seem to understand that your post was false equivalence. Thanks for admitting that.

Does it also mean your a dupe
Nope. I was never a twin.
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Transgendered people identify with those of the opposite gender in every way, from mannerisms, to dress, to who they prefer sexually. Incidentally, it's not little girls, it's full grown men that 98 percent of trangendered males will prefer.

And..................most of the pedophiles who prey on children do so with children of the opposite gender of the pedophile.

Might wanna do some research and find out the truth.

Identify? I guess biology means nothing?

Guess we will see

What more powerful Gid is there then one that can change a persons sex!
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Transgendered people identify with those of the opposite gender in every way, from mannerisms, to dress, to who they prefer sexually. Incidentally, it's not little girls, it's full grown men that 98 percent of trangendered males will prefer.

And..................most of the pedophiles who prey on children do so with children of the opposite gender of the pedophile.

Might wanna do some research and find out the truth.

Identify? I guess biology means nothing?

Guess we will see

What more powerful Gid is there then one that can change a persons sex!
Whats a gid?
Discrimination is arbitrary rules that exclude simalarily situated individuals from the same accomadation or excersize of a right.

Is a male with a penis more simalar to:

A. A male with a penis


B. A woman with a vagina

Seems pretty simple.
It seems different issues confuse you. Its not as simple as "See jack run". Different issues necessitate different solutions that on the surface confuse those that are less intelligent and causes them to create logical fallacies.

You, of all people, should understand the basic concept of Civil Right.

So, it was OK for Rosa Parks to ride the bus, but equally fine that she drink from the Coloreds drinking fountain?

A civil right applied everywhere, not just where you pick and choose.

Google "Arbitrary"
Let me guess where your going with that. If transwomen are allowed to use the bathroom that they identify with, it will violate the rights of cisgender women because the would be fearful that a woman who used to be a man is peeing in one of those stall, when that cis woman WOULD NOT EVEN KNOW IT ? Did I miss anything Pops?

I will ask again. If no one would even know a transgender was using which bathroom, then whats the big deal?
There isn't a big deal and never was a big deal. This law has nothing to do with transgenders. It is to protect predators. When a woman is attacked. The police will certainly investigate and arrest the perp when found. The state has no interest in preventing crimes. It's function is to investigate crimes when they occur.
For a moment, I started to think that you were making sense for once when you said that it's not about transgender people. Then you on to say: "The state has no interest in preventing crimes."
Oh well, I should know better.
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Transgendered people identify with those of the opposite gender in every way, from mannerisms, to dress, to who they prefer sexually. Incidentally, it's not little girls, it's full grown men that 98 percent of trangendered males will prefer.

And..................most of the pedophiles who prey on children do so with children of the opposite gender of the pedophile.

Might wanna do some research and find out the truth.

Identify? I guess biology means nothing?

Guess we will see

What more powerful Gid is there then one that can change a persons sex!

I guess that makes a lot of the doctors up in Trinidad CO (sex change capital of the US), "Gid's" then eh?

BTW................yet another good question...............if a person was born male, then got sexual reassignment surgery, do they still have to use the male restroom? Remember, the law says whatever sex you were at birth, but says nothing about what could happen when you become an adult.

Nope, NC screwed the pooch on this one. If they hadn't started that stupid law, most conservatives would be ignorant of this issue, and would have continued to use their bathrooms in peace.
Make your stand North Carolina, and don't sell your children out to this corrupt administration and it's minions. You will have the support of 95% of this nation. Enough is enough already.

You must resist-

the devils who have made it into high places in this nation, and for whom now demand that your children be brought before their throwns finally. It has come to pass that your children are required by them now, and you will be made fools of in all of this if you don't make your stand finally. They are exposed as to who they are, and who their allies are, now cut them off, and then show them that you will not be bullied for no amount of leverage that they try and use against you going foward. Take note of their groups who have come together on this, and never forget who they are. Boycott them in anyway you can America, because you see their entire circle exposed now, and you are more strong in your morals than they are, and don't you ever forget it. What is more important than your children ?

They (the evil ones) are at your doorstep now, so will you let them in ? The idea that Hollywood and this government can get together to bully this nation into submission by way of threats to hold back funds or cancel concerts and etc. just goes to show how weak they think you have finally become. They think you will offer up your wives and children for MONEY ?
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Liberals are red boned Fascist deep down inside. now they cheering a tyrant Federal government coming down on YOUR VOTES, your say in YOUR STATES
So transgender is the same as gay and they are all pedophiles? WTF is wrong with your brain??!!
What's wrong with your brain that you can't read a simple sentence? BTW Transgenderism is a misnomer; it is transvestitism. No man can become a woman. No girl can become a boy.

Two different things

Better question your own brain, you are a clueless bigot
Better answer is you're a fuckin idiot. Maybe one of your Transvestites will rape somebody you are close to and love. Then maybe you'll learn a lesson why the sexes have always been separated in this matters.
This sexual predator crap has got to stop. It is so fucking stupid that I can't stand it. Do you actually have a brain of your own or can you do nothing more than regurgitate the horseshit that you've been force fed ? Trans people are not transvestites and they are not out to rape anyone.

The fact that you do not have the intellect to understand transgender or the emotional maturity to have some compassion for them is your problem and your problem only.
Liberals are red boned Fascist deep down inside. now they cheering a tyrant Federal government coming down on YOUR VOTES, your say in YOUR STATES

They're pushing it too far on this one. Just from people we are acquainted with, I didn't hear as much negativity over SSM as I am on this
We see now where the DOJ is headed with this. They want "MEN" only rest rooms and "WOMEN" only rest rooms compared to "WHITE" only rest rooms and "COLORED" only rest rooms from the past.
Soon it will be viewed as a civil rights violation to have gender segregated rest rooms and locker rooms.

Did you ever believe you would see something like this in your lifetime ?
Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans
A new CNN/ORC poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose bills restricting the right of transgender Americans to use the restroom corresponding with the gender they identify with, an issue that has received renewed national attention…

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.

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