NC up a creek

Seems like we all had the privilege to use the restroom of our sex, now we have created a "right" to equal access. Please explain how that is progress or even a right.
Is this a trick question or are you really that stupid?

Didn't figure you were smart enough to answer. Thanks for proving me correct.
Sorry but that wont get me to waste time answering such an obviously retarded question.
Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
Wait so you struck out on 98% of your post and now youre talking about rights which consisted of the last 2 words? :laugh:
So transgender is the same as gay and they are all pedophiles? WTF is wrong with your brain??!!
What's wrong with your brain that you can't read a simple sentence? BTW Transgenderism is a misnomer; it is transvestitism. No man can become a woman. No girl can become a boy.

Two different things

Better question your own brain, you are a clueless bigot
Better answer is you're a fuckin idiot. Maybe one of your Transvestites will rape somebody you are close to and love. Then maybe you'll learn a lesson why the sexes have always been separated in this matters.
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Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
Wait so you struck out on 98% of your post and now youre talking about rights which consisted of the last 2 words? :laugh:

Couldn't answer even one question I see.

The hate I see here is aimed at American females that will have to tolerate the bulk of this assault.
Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
. According to the fuckin' moron neoQueers, the answer is no.
Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
Wait so you struck out on 98% of your post and now youre talking about rights which consisted of the last 2 words? :laugh:

Couldn't answer even one question I see.

The hate I see here is aimed at American females that will have to tolerate the bulk of this assault.
Typically I dont indulge idiots with weird questions unless I see a clear benefit.
Liberals ignore sanctuary cities and go after states that don't want dicks in the ladies room. These assholes need to be defeated and never let near power again.
If the GOP doesn't exploit this insanity with political ADs, they deserve to lose. Now Obama is ordering. sectio 8 housing be built out in the wealthy suburbs without regard to felons wanting housing. Landlords will face severe lawsuits by the DOJ for not bringing these people to their neighborhoods.

It never stops, this war on America by Obama. Wake up America!
Why do liberals want pedophile men to use the same bathroom, showers and lockers that our daughters use? Can they defend that to the voting public?
Let me break it down for the stupid. You have rights and privileges. Rights are enumerated in the Constitution. You can exercise those rights up until it violates the rights of another or others.

1. Show me where public restroom access is a right.
2. Since when does every public restroom have to be handicap friendly?
3. If single sex facilities are provided, why should a person's privacy be violated by the presence of the opposite sex?
4. When using a public restroom, do you not have the expectation that you can do so with privacy from the opposite sex?
This is a perfect example of allowing anyone to flail their arms around, but it must stop if flailing cause someone to get hit.
Why do liberals want pedophile men to use the same bathroom, showers and lockers that our daughters use? Can they defend that to the voting public?

Transgendered and pedophile are two different things.

Pedophiles are people who have a sexual attraction to children, mostly those of the opposite gender.

Transgendered people are those that identify with the opposite sex in every way, from acting like them, to dressing like them, to their sexual attraction. Most transgendered people are attracted to the same gender as themselves, and they prefer adults.

Besides, most of the transgendered males that I've known over my life, when they decided to dress as a woman, it was VERY difficult to tell what sex they were, because most of them made very attractive women.

I challenge you people to go to a drag queen show sometime and find out what they are really like.
The best part of this lawsuit is the Democrats will have to defend during an election year why they want unrestricted access for sexual perverts to rape our daughters in the women's restrooms.
I challenge you people to go to a drag queen show sometime and find out what they are really like.
What for? If they are that feminine that can do what they've been doing and no one knows. If they are an unshaven fat slob pot belly pig they can use the men's room regardless of their feelings.

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