Nearly 13 years old the ACA has proven GOP dead wrong... again, again, and again.

The ACA did nothing to bring down health care costs. They are higher now than ever. In order to make the ACA effective, subsidies had to be increased, added on to our 30 trillion dollar debt, which increases inflation and the prices ALL Americans pay for everything, including food at the grocery.
Stamps used to be 5 cents and $6,000 per year salary was good. ACA insured more people and didnt affect affordability to others. I just showed you the charts.
When Barak put a gun to my head and forced me to get Insurance ( which was later found unconstitutional by Trump) I could not use the insurance as the deductible was 8000$. The ACA is nothing more than Washington kicking back to BIG PHARMA and the Insurance industry.
Thanks for the noise. If you want to contribute to how it is better or worse with some facts i am open. Your one experience doesnt really provide a meaningful benchmark.
For most Americans it's like not having insurance at all. Asshole Dems simply shifted the cost to the middle class to fund free shit for the deadbeats.
The facts dont support that. Show me where you are seeing that.
Healthcare costs are rising every year. Premiums are also rising.
Address the GOP dire warnings:
  1. Cost increases did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  2. Death panels are not a thing and more people are covered
  3. Out of pocket payments did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  4. You can have your doctor you want - just like before except more people are covered
Not Mother in law Story, my story.

I got priced out of PPO plans BECAUSE of the ACA.

Obama said that wouldn't happen, it did.
Every company in the world changes the offers every 2-3 years. Let's blame them all on ACA.... I dont think you have the capacity to look at the ACA objectively.
Every company in the world changes the offers every 2-3 years. Let's blame them all on ACA.... I dont think you have the capacity to look at the ACA objectively.

Right after ACA the PPOs went up by an order of magnitude, not just an increase. The ACA is what mandated that.

You can deflect all you want, the truth is the ACA made me leave the plan I wanted, despite what Obama promised.

That you can't even admit to that just shows your dishonesty, you worthless paid shill beta cuck.
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line

View attachment 747265

OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line

View attachment 747267

NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation
View attachment 747269


If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!
What was the cost of a hamburger in 1960?

Bet people can't afford hamburgers any more.

The cost side was supposed to have been addressed also. It never was. It's irrelevant what a hamburger costs.

Every year fewer and fewer will be able to afford their health care. As already noted, while some have insurance it's not worth that much if you can't afford the deductibles and co-pays.
Stamps used to be 5 cents and $6,000 per year salary was good. ACA insured more people and didnt affect affordability to others. I just showed you the charts.

Actually, its less affordable because the costs are more now. Deductibles are massive so in reality its a wash.
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line

View attachment 747265

OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line

View attachment 747267

NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation
View attachment 747269


30 million uninsured, some number as before.

Stamps used to be 5 cents and $6,000 per year salary was good. ACA insured more people and didnt affect affordability to others. I just showed you the charts.
The ACA did nothing to decrease health care costs. They are higher now than ever. The only reason the ACA is worth anything at all is because it increased subsidies which then got charged off to Uncle Sam's charge card and increased inflation. None of your stupid graphs had anything to do with what I just said. You are stuck in a feedback loop.
Address the GOP dire warnings:
  1. Cost increases did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  2. Death panels are not a thing and more people are covered
  3. Out of pocket payments did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  4. You can have your doctor you want - just like before except more people are covered

  1. Cost increases did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  2. The Premiums have spiked but the subsidies are keeping the insureds from feeling it. It is just a simple cot transference. We are paying for the rest in taxes.
  • Death panels are not a thing and more people are covered
This was over hyped by Republicans.

  • Out of pocket payments did not get worse - same trend before and after except more people covered
  • The average Max out of pocket for families now is over 17 thousand dollars. The people who are getting the subsidies to pay for their Premiums cannot pay that 17000 dollars, once again you and I are paying it for them.

  • You can have your doctor you want - just like before except more people are covered
  • No you can't. ALL Health Insurance plans are network based, not every Dr. is in every Network. There is no guarantee that someone in Ca who gets sick can walk into MAYO and have their insurance pay for it.
I do Health Insurance all day every day as a Consultant.
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?
I stand exactly where I stood in 2010…


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