Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners

Capitalism in action.


The definition:
We will start out with a few generalizations about the word capitalism, I’ll explain why it really is that simple and the tell you why people who think capitalism sucks are really just plain stupid.

What is capitalism?



An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.


Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of capital goods and the means of production, with the creation of goods and services for profit.

Neither of these definitions tells us a whole lot about capitalism at its core so let’s dive a little deeper.

What is a capitalist?


A wealthy person (apparently you have to already be wealthy in order to capitalize on anything) who uses money to invest in a trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism. (We’re starting to see the skew already)


Wikipedia actually redirected me to the definition of capitalism that I listed before where I quickly ended up on a page about Karl Marx’s critique of political economy and his views on the capitalist mode of production.

This is where I start to get frustrated
Lets look at one more definition (capitalize) before I get started explaining why we need to be careful of how we let people redefine words and the context in which we use them.

What does it mean to capitalize?



1: Taking the chance to gain advantage from.

2: Provide (a company or industry) with capital. For this article I will ignore this definition as it relates to the funding of businesses and the capital (money) used to start and fund business ventures.

Let’s use a little common sense
If I am capitalizing on a situation, I am simply using that situation to my benefit. Where we pervert the game is in the governance and regulation of capital and industry. When we begin picking and choosing winners and losers.

Which is really part of why it bothers me when people vilify the word capitalist or capitalism. Furthermore, the system of capitalism has served to push forward technology and innovation and has free’d more people from the clutches of poverty than any other system before it.

If you think about it, the person who tells you that capitalism is bad is actually trying to capitalize on your intellectual ignorance and sway you into thinking that their definition is the one you should believe.

As if capitalizing on a low information audience is any different than a dishonest business capitalizing on an uninformed buyer.
This is not to say that people do not capitalize on the stupidity of others (it happens all the time), but since when doe...............

Why people who think capitalism sucks are just plain stupid


Let’s use a little common sense
If I am capitalizing on a situation, I am simply using that situation to my benefit. Where we pervert the game is in the governance and regulation of capital and industry. When we begin picking and choosing winners and losers.

Which is really part of why it bothers me when people vilify the word capitalist or capitalism. Furthermore, the system of capitalism has served to push forward technology and innovation and has free’d more people from the clutches of poverty than any other system before it.

If you think about it, the person who tells you that capitalism is bad is actually trying to capitalize on your intellectual ignorance and sway you into thinking that their definition is the one you should believe.

As if capitalizing on a low information audience is any different than a dishonest business capitalizing on an uninformed buyer.
This is not to say that people do not capitalize on the st
What do you not understand about the history of anti-Chinese anti-miscegenation laws in California and federal intervention in the matter?

We clue up the prisoners starting from here: we have already pointed to the Clinton crime family which is linked to Chinese miscegenation (including real estate confiscation) of a single Michigan address as early as 1988. It was a farm, but it was also 40 acres of prime R1 real estate. It is a mistake to think that the treasonous Clintons still don't have investments in drug trafficking or real estate. The reader is directed to this trajectory. If the URL does not work, the page can be retrieved on the internet. Click on the bottom image and the one just above it for the pertinent chron for 1882.

(site not secure)
Anti-Chinese Legislation and Court Cases

We have already shown the abortionist link to the Clinton crime family at said Michigan address. Interestingly, the Religious Right's agenda oscillated between abortion issues and segregation, depending on its popularity at any given time. For example, we will show how this works regarding the twisted and biased story of Bob Jones University.
UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism
Written by Alex Newman

The United Nations and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country, and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive “climate” agreement recently concluded in Paris.

While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course “global warming,” virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. Top globalists such as former NATO chief Javier Solana, a socialist, are celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously “approved,” as the next “Great Leap Forward” — yes, the old campaign slogan of the Chinese Communist Party.


The master plan is comprised of 17 “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) with 169 specific “targets” to be foisted on all of humanity — literally all of it, as the plan itself states explicitly. “As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind,” reads the UN manifesto, entitled Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But if you love liberty, self-government, free markets, or the U.S. Constitution, you will almost certainly be wishing that the UN would leave you behind.

Officially dubbed “Agenda 2030,” the UN plot, as its full title suggests, is aimed at “transforming” the world. The program is a follow-up to the last 15-year UN plan, the defunct “Millennium Development Goals,” or MDGs. It also dovetails nicely with the deeply controversial UN Agenda 21, even including much of the same rhetoric and agenda. But the combined Agenda 2030 goals for achieving what is euphemistically called “sustainable development” represent previous UN plans on steroids — deeper, more radical, more draconian, and more expensive.

“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity,” reads the preamble. “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.” Ironically, the preamble even claims the UN goals will “free the hum.........

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

Some never learn truth when it stares right back at them..............
When there is a big deficit of trade that becomes a tax on our wealth. Foreigners being able to buy our country is one of the prices we pay for the deficits.

Trump is doing the right thing trying to reduce the trade deficit. We should be buying other other countries not them buying ours.
No surprise as AmeriKKKans are ALL ABOUT MONEY.

We will sale our sons & daughters, our land, as you have pointed out here, we sold our collective soul.

Hell, I even posted a thread a few weeks ago about how corporations are responsible for a huge chunk of the blame when it comes to out sourcing & IT theft.
I was told I was crazy by a few select ass holes here @ USMB. No, not crazy, just observant.
Well believe it or not folks, we AmeriKKKans have been cutting our own throats, and this land issue is the perfect example.
Never say never because it's actually true; AmeriKKKans are our own worst enemy.
OK; the irony meter just traveled to Uranus.

Money, money, money, money hungry AmeriKKKans. That's US.

But that doesn't make sense. If we were money hungry, we would want to own all the land, that makes money.

And if people from other countries are buying our land, doesn't that make them the money hungry?

Whoa! What the hell are we doing to our country when we turn over the most important land we have to foreign entities?

All across America, U.S. farmland is being gobbled up by foreign interests. So when we refer to “the heartland of America”, the truth is that vast stretches of that “heartland” is now owned by foreigners, and most Americans have no idea that this is happening. These days, a lot of people are warning about the “globalization” of the world economy, but in reality our own soil is rapidly being “globalized”. When farms are locally owned, the revenue that those farms take in tends to stay in local communities. But with foreign-owned farms there is no guarantee that will happen. And while there is plenty of food to go around this is not a major concern, but what happens when a food crisis erupts and these foreign-owned farms just keep sending their produce out of the country? There are some very serious national security concerns here, and they really aren’t being addressed. Instead, the amount of farmland owned by foreigners just continues to increase with each passing year.

And China is the biggest owner.

Farm bankruptcies are already at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession, and do we really want foreigners gobbling up even more of our farmland from farmers that are incredibly desperate to sell?

Our founders never intended for America to be for sale to the highest bidder, and hopefully more states will start passing laws that will make sure that U.S. farms stay in the hands of U.S. farmers.

A whole lot more disturbing information @ American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners

Then Americans need to stop blowing their money on crap, and start saving up and buying land.

The problem isn't national policy, or foreigners. The problem is the American people are living in debt, instead of investing.
When there is a big deficit of trade that becomes a tax on our wealth. Foreigners being able to buy our country is one of the prices we pay for the deficits.

Trump is doing the right thing trying to reduce the trade deficit. We should be buying other other countries not them buying ours.

No, that is completely backwards.

If we didn't engage in trade, everything would be more expensive. If everything is more expensive, we would be poorer, because we would have less money.
No surprise as AmeriKKKans are ALL ABOUT MONEY.

We will sale our sons & daughters, our land, as you have pointed out here, we sold our collective soul.

Hell, I even posted a thread a few weeks ago about how corporations are responsible for a huge chunk of the blame when it comes to out sourcing & IT theft.
I was told I was crazy by a few select ass holes here @ USMB. No, not crazy, just observant.
Well believe it or not folks, we AmeriKKKans have been cutting our own throats, and this land issue is the perfect example.
Never say never because it's actually true; AmeriKKKans are our own worst enemy.
OK; the irony meter just traveled to Uranus.

Money, money, money, money hungry AmeriKKKans. That's US.

But that doesn't make sense. If we were money hungry, we would want to own all the land, that makes money.

And if people from other countries are buying our land, doesn't that make them the money hungry?

AmeriKKKans are short sighted when it comes to money. Perfect example = $22 TRILLION public debt

Whoa! What the hell are we doing to our country when we turn over the most important land we have to foreign entities?

All across America, U.S. farmland is being gobbled up by foreign interests. So when we refer to “the heartland of America”, the truth is that vast stretches of that “heartland” is now owned by foreigners, and most Americans have no idea that this is happening. These days, a lot of people are warning about the “globalization” of the world economy, but in reality our own soil is rapidly being “globalized”. When farms are locally owned, the revenue that those farms take in tends to stay in local communities. But with foreign-owned farms there is no guarantee that will happen. And while there is plenty of food to go around this is not a major concern, but what happens when a food crisis erupts and these foreign-owned farms just keep sending their produce out of the country? There are some very serious national security concerns here, and they really aren’t being addressed. Instead, the amount of farmland owned by foreigners just continues to increase with each passing year.

And China is the biggest owner.

Farm bankruptcies are already at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession, and do we really want foreigners gobbling up even more of our farmland from farmers that are incredibly desperate to sell?

Our founders never intended for America to be for sale to the highest bidder, and hopefully more states will start passing laws that will make sure that U.S. farms stay in the hands of U.S. farmers.

A whole lot more disturbing information @ American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners

Then Americans need to stop blowing their money on crap, and start saving up and buying land.

The problem isn't national policy, or foreigners. The problem is the American people are living in debt, instead of investing.

When there is a big deficit of trade that becomes a tax on our wealth. Foreigners being able to buy our country is one of the prices we pay for the deficits.

Trump is doing the right thing trying to reduce the trade deficit. We should be buying other other countries not them buying ours.

No, that is completely backwards.

If we didn't engage in trade, everything would be more expensive. If everything is more expensive, we would be poorer, because we would have less money.

I think you may be confused.

When we give somebody else more money than we get from them then they can use that money to buy our country.

That is what happens when you have trade deficits. Our trading partners have a lot of our money and since they are not buying our manufactured goods or services then they use it to buy land or our business or whatever.
900 million acres total. So less than foreigners own of the auto industry, the banks, the hotels?

3-4% is not that much.
When there is a big deficit of trade that becomes a tax on our wealth. Foreigners being able to buy our country is one of the prices we pay for the deficits.

Trump is doing the right thing trying to reduce the trade deficit. We should be buying other other countries not them buying ours.

No, that is completely backwards.

If we didn't engage in trade, everything would be more expensive. If everything is more expensive, we would be poorer, because we would have less money.

I think you may be confused.

When we give somebody else more money than we get from them then they can use that money to buy our country.

That is what happens when you have trade deficits. Our trading partners have a lot of our money and since they are not buying our manufactured goods or services then they use it to buy land or our business or whatever.

Wealth is not made up of money.

Wealth is stuff.

If you put two people an deserted islands, and you give one person a billion dollars, and the other person you give all the food and supplies they could ever want.... one person is going to live in luxury on an island, while the other lives in misery with a billion bits of paper.

The only value money has, is what you can buy with the money.

So we are trading for stuff, while they are getting paper.

Stuff is more valuable than the paper. The paper only has value, in what stuff you can get with it.

Now that can be a bit harder to understand economically, so let me present this in another way....

Say we eliminate imports, and as a result the price of an automobile doubles. Can't get cheap steal, and so the cost of making cars goes up. Numerous imported cars are no longer availible, so as supply goes down, and demand remains the same, the price goes up.

So the cost of a car doubles.

Now I as a US citizen, must pay twice as much for essentially the same product. So a $15,000 Chevy Sonic will cost $30,000. I really wanted a Malibu, but now the Malibu is $44,000, and I can't afford that.

So instead I have lower quality car, than I could have had before. And even with that car, I'm paying thousands of dollars more for it, and thus can't use that money to buy other things.

Can you see that I am now less wealthy, not more wealthy?

Let me give you another, real life example.

So the blower motor in my furnace burned out some years ago.

I looked up a replacement motor, and the cost was $500. I couldn't afford it. So I went all summer long without A/C.

Before winter hit, I finally had the money saved up. However this time I decided to check out alternatives, and found a replacement motor... imported... that was only $200.

So I had two options. I could buy the domestic motor, and use up all the money. Or I could buy the import motor, and then have money left over for other things. I ended up using the money I saved, to replace tires on my car.

Importing stuff made me more wealthy. I had more wealth, in the form of a fix furnace and new tired, whereas without trade, I would have only a fixed furnace, and no money left over.

Trade makes us more wealthy. That is the reality.
We only require that one location in Michigan is pointed to with which to reveal the pathology: house.

Andylusion: 'The problem is the American people are living in debt, instead of investing.'

Hold on, Einstein.

'We have the money. We've just made choices about how to spend it. Over the years, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have restricted housing aid to the poor but expanded it to the affluent in the form of tax benefits for homeowners. Today, housing-related tax expenditures far outpace those for housing assistance. In 2008, the year Arleen was evicted from Thirteenth Street, federal expenditures for direct housing assistance totaled less than $40.2 billion, but homeowners tax benefits exceeded $171 billion. That number, $171 billion, was equivalent to the 2008 budgets for the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Agriculture combined. Each year we spend three times what a universal housing voucher program is estimated to cost (in total) on homeowner benefits, like the mortgage-interest deduction and the capital-gains exclusion.

Most federal housing subsidies benefits families with six-figure incomes. If we are going to spend the bulk of our public dollars on the affluent -- at least when it comes to housing -- we should own up to that decision and stop repeating the politicians' canard about one of the richest countries on the planet unable to afford doing more. If poverty persists in America, it is not for lack of resources.
Whatever our way out of this mess, one thing is certain. The degree of inequality, this withdrawal of opportunity, this cold denial of basic needs, this endorsement of pointless suffering -- by no American value is this situation justified. No moral code or ethical principle, no piece of scripture or holy teaching, can be summoned to defend what we have allowed our country to become.'
(Desmond, Eviction)

In other words, as soon as any purported collusion twixt the Clinton crime family, the Chinese, and drug trafficking which assists the confiscation of real estate is accomplished, a house in possession by the Chinese in our Michigan example is automatically in that precise class that is four-fold less poor simply due to tax benefits. There is more to the story of Gold Mountain than meets the eye.
Capitalism in action.


The definition:
We will start out with a few generalizations about the word capitalism, I’ll explain why it really is that simple and the tell you why people who think capitalism sucks are really just plain stupid.

What is capitalism?



An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.


Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of capital goods and the means of production, with the creation of goods and services for profit.

Neither of these definitions tells us a whole lot about capitalism at its core so let’s dive a little deeper.

What is a capitalist?


A wealthy person (apparently you have to already be wealthy in order to capitalize on anything) who uses money to invest in a trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism. (We’re starting to see the skew already)


Wikipedia actually redirected me to the definition of capitalism that I listed before where I quickly ended up on a page about Karl Marx’s critique of political economy and his views on the capitalist mode of production.

This is where I start to get frustrated
Lets look at one more definition (capitalize) before I get started explaining why we need to be careful of how we let people redefine words and the context in which we use them.

What does it mean to capitalize?



1: Taking the chance to gain advantage from.

2: Provide (a company or industry) with capital. For this article I will ignore this definition as it relates to the funding of businesses and the capital (money) used to start and fund business ventures.

Let’s use a little common sense
If I am capitalizing on a situation, I am simply using that situation to my benefit. Where we pervert the game is in the governance and regulation of capital and industry. When we begin picking and choosing winners and losers.

Which is really part of why it bothers me when people vilify the word capitalist or capitalism. Furthermore, the system of capitalism has served to push forward technology and innovation and has free’d more people from the clutches of poverty than any other system before it.

If you think about it, the person who tells you that capitalism is bad is actually trying to capitalize on your intellectual ignorance and sway you into thinking that their definition is the one you should believe.

As if capitalizing on a low information audience is any different than a dishonest business capitalizing on an uninformed buyer.
This is not to say that people do not capitalize on the stupidity of others (it happens all the time), but since when doe...............

Why people who think capitalism sucks are just plain stupid


This is Free Market Capitalism in a nutshell, to combat foreigners from buying up land, is Autarky Authoritarianism in comparison.
Capitalism in action.


The definition:
We will start out with a few generalizations about the word capitalism, I’ll explain why it really is that simple and the tell you why people who think capitalism sucks are really just plain stupid.

What is capitalism?



An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.


Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of capital goods and the means of production, with the creation of goods and services for profit.

Neither of these definitions tells us a whole lot about capitalism at its core so let’s dive a little deeper.

What is a capitalist?


A wealthy person (apparently you have to already be wealthy in order to capitalize on anything) who uses money to invest in a trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism. (We’re starting to see the skew already)


Wikipedia actually redirected me to the definition of capitalism that I listed before where I quickly ended up on a page about Karl Marx’s critique of political economy and his views on the capitalist mode of production.

This is where I start to get frustrated
Lets look at one more definition (capitalize) before I get started explaining why we need to be careful of how we let people redefine words and the context in which we use them.

What does it mean to capitalize?



1: Taking the chance to gain advantage from.

2: Provide (a company or industry) with capital. For this article I will ignore this definition as it relates to the funding of businesses and the capital (money) used to start and fund business ventures.

Let’s use a little common sense
If I am capitalizing on a situation, I am simply using that situation to my benefit. Where we pervert the game is in the governance and regulation of capital and industry. When we begin picking and choosing winners and losers.

Which is really part of why it bothers me when people vilify the word capitalist or capitalism. Furthermore, the system of capitalism has served to push forward technology and innovation and has free’d more people from the clutches of poverty than any other system before it.

If you think about it, the person who tells you that capitalism is bad is actually trying to capitalize on your intellectual ignorance and sway you into thinking that their definition is the one you should believe.

As if capitalizing on a low information audience is any different than a dishonest business capitalizing on an uninformed buyer.
This is not to say that people do not capitalize on the stupidity of others (it happens all the time), but since when doe...............

Why people who think capitalism sucks are just plain stupid


Let’s use a little common sense
If I am capitalizing on a situation, I am simply using that situation to my benefit. Where we pervert the game is in the governance and regulation of capital and industry. When we begin picking and choosing winners and losers.

Which is really part of why it bothers me when people vilify the word capitalist or capitalism. Furthermore, the system of capitalism has served to push forward technology and innovation and has free’d more people from the clutches of poverty than any other system before it.

If you think about it, the person who tells you that capitalism is bad is actually trying to capitalize on your intellectual ignorance and sway you into thinking that their definition is the one you should believe.

As if capitalizing on a low information audience is any different than a dishonest business capitalizing on an uninformed buyer.
This is not to say that people do not capitalize on the st

You can think Capitalism is something, that doesn't necessarily make it so.

Capitalism is in fact the worst enemies of Nationalistic Conservatives.

Capitalism means free trade, which means foreigners buying up land like this here, it means outsourcing, it means importing immigrants all for profit.

It also means selling Pornography, selling illicit drugs for profit, selling Prostitution, Hollywood shoot 'em up & raunchy films, selling Gay merchandise, selling Abortions for profit, selling Che Guevara T-Shirts, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, Facebook, Google Twitter etc. all pushing the Liberal agenda.

Whoa! What the hell are we doing to our country when we turn over the most important land we have to foreign entities?

All across America, U.S. farmland is being gobbled up by foreign interests. So when we refer to “the heartland of America”, the truth is that vast stretches of that “heartland” is now owned by foreigners, and most Americans have no idea that this is happening. These days, a lot of people are warning about the “globalization” of the world economy, but in reality our own soil is rapidly being “globalized”. When farms are locally owned, the revenue that those farms take in tends to stay in local communities. But with foreign-owned farms there is no guarantee that will happen. And while there is plenty of food to go around this is not a major concern, but what happens when a food crisis erupts and these foreign-owned farms just keep sending their produce out of the country? There are some very serious national security concerns here, and they really aren’t being addressed. Instead, the amount of farmland owned by foreigners just continues to increase with each passing year.

And China is the biggest owner.

Farm bankruptcies are already at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession, and do we really want foreigners gobbling up even more of our farmland from farmers that are incredibly desperate to sell?

Our founders never intended for America to be for sale to the highest bidder, and hopefully more states will start passing laws that will make sure that U.S. farms stay in the hands of U.S. farmers.

A whole lot more disturbing information @ American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners
This is what Trump wants. Foreign investment in America.
It's not stranger than fiction: Washington apple growers vs the Chinese apple market that promiscuously invades the stores. Integrated World Capitalism is the delirium, because it operates via an axiomatic rather than a code. The capitalist machine has no code. It is demented.
The "Trade makes us more wealthy" argument takes much out of context to bolster its argument.

Noting the strategic positioning of the Saudi land purchases in California and Arizona, we note that these islamists also know what's going on elsewhere:

How Nigeria and Its President Are Being Held to Ransom
How Nigeria and its president are being held to ransom
'....Islamist militants raid whole communities....Fear of Farming....fear of kidnapping was keeping so many farmers from their fields.'

This scenario could easily be played out in the U.S. Southwest, though when we say strategic, we also mean the proximity that Saudi cynicism and private joking are now to those homeless sleeping in trash in Los Angeles.

'In Lagos, Nigeria, Africa's largest city, an estimated 60 percent of all residents dedicate the majority of their monthly income to rent, even as the majority of the city's residents live in one-room dwellings.'
(Desmond, Eviction, p. 397)

An American builds tiny homes for LA's homeless and gets shut down by the city. One delirious and violent capitalist whore.
It's not stranger than fiction: Washington apple growers vs the Chinese apple market that promiscuously invades the stores. Integrated World Capitalism is the delirium, because it operates via an axiomatic rather than a code. The capitalist machine has no code. It is demented.

What? What 'code' do you think socialism works by?


Empty stores in Venezuela.

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