Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners

The "Trade makes us more wealthy" argument takes much out of context to bolster its argument.

Noting the strategic positioning of the Saudi land purchases in California and Arizona, we note that these islamists also know what's going on elsewhere:

How Nigeria and Its President Are Being Held to Ransom
How Nigeria and its president are being held to ransom
'....Islamist militants raid whole communities....Fear of Farming....fear of kidnapping was keeping so many farmers from their fields.'

This scenario could easily be played out in the U.S. Southwest, though when we say strategic, we also mean the proximity that Saudi cynicism and private joking are now to those homeless sleeping in trash in Los Angeles.

'In Lagos, Nigeria, Africa's largest city, an estimated 60 percent of all residents dedicate the majority of their monthly income to rent, even as the majority of the city's residents live in one-room dwellings.'
(Desmond, Eviction, p. 397)

An American builds tiny homes for LA's homeless and gets shut down by the city. One delirious and violent capitalist whore.

See, that's a baffling argument. You tax money from the working people, to give homeless people a free house, and then complain that Americans can't buy land, and that Foreigners are buying the land.

Do you not see the ironic contradiction there? If you taxed the American people less... they could better afford to buy land. You tax the working people more, so you can give free homes to those who don't work, and then complain Americans can't afford to buy land.

You are the cause of that. Not foreigners, or capitalism.

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