Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

When the Pope follows the Bibles teachings about helping the poor and weak while he's in the US, the far right will be calling the Pope a communist or a socialist. And they'll turn around a cry about a alleged war on Christians by the left. One can't make up the complete hypocrisy of these ignorant nutters.

it's hysterical when left-wing losers make accusations they cant back up.
where is the hypocrisy?

what part of the Bible tells us it is the role of government to take care of the poor and weak?
have you ever heard of the SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?

There's nothing in the Bible that says a government should not help it's poor. The bible makes helping the poor a priority. That's consistent with society voting to collectively help the poor.

you're talking in circles using double negatives dummy

try again

It's not my fault if you're too stupid to understand relatively simple but above crayon level concepts.

When the Pope follows the Bibles teachings about helping the poor and weak while he's in the US, the far right will be calling the Pope a communist or a socialist. And they'll turn around a cry about a alleged war on Christians by the left. One can't make up the complete hypocrisy of these ignorant nutters.

it's hysterical when left-wing losers make accusations they cant back up.
where is the hypocrisy?

what part of the Bible tells us it is the role of government to take care of the poor and weak?
have you ever heard of the SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?

There's nothing in the Bible that says a government should not help it's poor. The bible makes helping the poor a priority. That's consistent with society voting to collectively help the poor.

Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to 'pay their fair share"?

Yeah, me neither
who is more likely to be on welfare and/or food stamps in the reddest of red states left-wing idiot?


Yeah the right wing state governments do nothing to increase opportunity for their minority citizens, so after an economic downturn, the federal government has to step in to keep the poor afloat. It's pretty simple.

What does the right wing NOT DO for minority citizens?


Tyler Perry – $400 Million
Beyonce – $450 Million

Magic Johnson – $500 Million
Mariah Carey – $520 Million
Jay-Z – $520 Million
Robert L. Johnson – $550 Million

A businessman, media magnate, investor, executive and philanthropist. He is the founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), which he sold to Viacom in 2001 for $3 billion; becoming the first African American billionaire. He also founded RLJ Companies, a holding company that invests in different business sectors.

Tiger Woods – $600 Million
Diddy – $700 Million
Dr. Dre – $780 Million
(yeeeeah fight the power!!!)
Michael Jordan – $1 Billion
Oprah Winfrey – $3 Billion
Top 12 Richest African Americans 2015 - Forbes List

Boy, the free market system sure has been bad to poor minorities in this country.

Lets see. Republicans freed them. Republicans desegregated schools. Republicans voted for the civil rights act while democrats like Al Gore Sr voted against it.

Liberals, sure are losers. Liars, and fucking losers. Pushing their victimology narrative all the way.

Let me know if you want me to list the number of black doctors and other black businessmen who are great successes due to the OPPORTUNITIES given them. Like Dr Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Liberals are fucking losers.

Don't understand anecdotes and percentages or even history and logic huh?

who is more likely to be on welfare and/or food stamps in the reddest of red states left-wing idiot?


Yeah the right wing state governments do nothing to increase opportunity for their minority citizens, so after an economic downturn, the federal government has to step in to keep the poor afloat. It's pretty simple.

"after an economic downturn"?
um no leftard; those numbers have always been that way

by the way ULTRA-BLUE and MAJORITY-BLACK WASHINGTON DC has the highest rate of food stamp usage

who failed who again leftard?

I don't have a problem with the food stamps program helping the poor get nutrition. You apparently do.

The economic downturn is why food stamps increased under Obama.

You are right that minorities have fewer opportunities in both red and blue states. And yet you cry fowl when we say racism is still a problem and black lives matter.

we are being told the economic downturn is over you idiot

stop lyig to yourself

it is year SEVEN, and almost the end of it at that
the "economic downturn" isnt why food stamps increased under obama; unless it's still happening

try again

When did unemployment start decreasing, smart guy? (Hint: it wasn't 7 years ago)
When the Pope follows the Bibles teachings about helping the poor and weak while he's in the US, the far right will be calling the Pope a communist or a socialist. And they'll turn around a cry about a alleged war on Christians by the left. One can't make up the complete hypocrisy of these ignorant nutters.

it's hysterical when left-wing losers make accusations they cant back up.
where is the hypocrisy?

what part of the Bible tells us it is the role of government to take care of the poor and weak?
have you ever heard of the SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?

There's nothing in the Bible that says a government should not help it's poor. The bible makes helping the poor a priority. That's consistent with society voting to collectively help the poor.

Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to 'pay their fair share"?

Yeah, me neither

who is more likely to be on welfare and/or food stamps in the reddest of red states left-wing idiot?


Yeah the right wing state governments do nothing to increase opportunity for their minority citizens, so after an economic downturn, the federal government has to step in to keep the poor afloat. It's pretty simple.

"after an economic downturn"?
um no leftard; those numbers have always been that way

by the way ULTRA-BLUE and MAJORITY-BLACK WASHINGTON DC has the highest rate of food stamp usage

who failed who again leftard?

I don't have a problem with the food stamps program helping the poor get nutrition. You apparently do.

The economic downturn is why food stamps increased under Obama.

You are right that minorities have fewer opportunities in both red and blue states. And yet you cry fowl when we say racism is still a problem and black lives matter.

we have a problem when you have a problem with people saying all lives matter leftard, not when you say Blacklives matter
we have a problem that the Black lives want to remind others matter dont include SIX THOUSAND BLACK MURDERED LIVES not killed by White people and/or the police

try AGAIN..................

again stop lying to yourself
When the Pope follows the Bibles teachings about helping the poor and weak while he's in the US, the far right will be calling the Pope a communist or a socialist. And they'll turn around a cry about a alleged war on Christians by the left. One can't make up the complete hypocrisy of these ignorant nutters.

it's hysterical when left-wing losers make accusations they cant back up.
where is the hypocrisy?

what part of the Bible tells us it is the role of government to take care of the poor and weak?
have you ever heard of the SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?

There's nothing in the Bible that says a government should not help it's poor. The bible makes helping the poor a priority. That's consistent with society voting to collectively help the poor.

Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to 'pay their fair share"?

Yeah, me neither



EVERBODY KNOWS you're incapable of honest debate

so post more emotional propaganda
you want the Bible's teaching to dicate our policies leftard?
are you sure??

Did I say that, numb nuts. I merely corrected the fool who said Christianity does not support government assustence to the poor.

I accept biblical concepts that I like, reject those that I don't. Got it? The Bible's condemnation of gays is to me as worthy of support as the stoning of Sabbath breakers and the extermination of idolatrous civilizations.
who is more likely to be on welfare and/or food stamps in the reddest of red states left-wing idiot?


Yeah the right wing state governments do nothing to increase opportunity for their minority citizens, so after an economic downturn, the federal government has to step in to keep the poor afloat. It's pretty simple.

What does the right wing NOT DO for minority citizens?


Tyler Perry – $400 Million
Beyonce – $450 Million

Magic Johnson – $500 Million
Mariah Carey – $520 Million
Jay-Z – $520 Million
Robert L. Johnson – $550 Million

A businessman, media magnate, investor, executive and philanthropist. He is the founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), which he sold to Viacom in 2001 for $3 billion; becoming the first African American billionaire. He also founded RLJ Companies, a holding company that invests in different business sectors.

Tiger Woods – $600 Million
Diddy – $700 Million
Dr. Dre – $780 Million
(yeeeeah fight the power!!!)
Michael Jordan – $1 Billion
Oprah Winfrey – $3 Billion
Top 12 Richest African Americans 2015 - Forbes List

Boy, the free market system sure has been bad to poor minorities in this country.

Lets see. Republicans freed them. Republicans desegregated schools. Republicans voted for the civil rights act while democrats like Al Gore Sr voted against it.

Liberals, sure are losers. Liars, and fucking losers. Pushing their victimology narrative all the way.

Let me know if you want me to list the number of black doctors and other black businessmen who are great successes due to the OPPORTUNITIES given them. Like Dr Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Liberals are fucking losers.

Don't understand anecdotes and percentages or even history and logic huh?



I'll take Liberal Philosophy for $18,000,000,000,000, Alex

A. More and Bigger Government

Q. What is the Liberal response to every single problem, real or imagined

Modern liberalism.progressivism is a complete failure.... a failed ideology that only an idiot would believe in.
What's amazing is that even as the right fights against equality and raising raising the minimum wage, they actually have the gall to blame Obama.

You have to be a special kind of economically ignorant to believe what you just sad.

I do hope Bernie wins, I hope he gets his way on a lot of stuff... You peasants need to l;earn once again why the social structure of socialism fails. Sadly you got quite a bit of what you wanted under Bush and Obama yet yer still here bitching about how bad things are and blaming Republicans for it.

You got stimulus thousands of times bigger than ever done before.
You got Obamacare.
You got UE drags out for YEARS.
You got Bail outs.
You got billions given to companies Dems and Obama hand selected.
You got Union bail outs.
You got incredible expansions in welfare....

So by all means, blame all the failures on not getting a higher min wage, because 15 bucks an hour won't come with any blow back, lol.

Seriously, I can't wait for Bernie to get 15$ an hour only to see UE climb faster than the 2008 crash... Ya'll will be scrambling to blame big corp (despite mom an pa shops dropping employee's too) and this will lead you into demanding the need for more economic control.

And this is why Socialism is scary, because the more you get of it the less things work out.

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