Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

What's amazing is that even as the right fights against equality and raising raising the minimum wage, they actually have the gall to blame Obama.

Really? How do we fight against equality? Got some examples?

supporting a minimum wage is fighting for "equality"?
where on God's earth is it written wages must be equal????

how is it the Right's fault the jobs obama "created" are minimum-wage jobs?

That's a lot of white people!! Dems are RACIST!
What's amazing is that even as the right fights against equality and raising raising the minimum wage, they actually have the gall to blame Obama.

Really? How do we fight against equality? Got some examples?

supporting a minimum wage is fighting for "equality"?
where on God's earth is it written wages must be equal????

how is it the Right's fault the jobs obama "created" are minimum-wage jobs?

You asked 3 questions. Here are 3 answers.
False. False. False.
For much of the presidency of Barack Obama, a record number of Americans have subsisted in part or in whole on taxpayer-subsidized programs.

For much of his presidency, Obama has claimed that is because he "inherited" the worst economy in modern history and that government programs were necessary in order to keep families from starving.

In 2009, Obama and fellow Democrats declared the Great Recession officially over. In spite of this, the number of Americans who have become dependent on various food assistance programs is the highest it has ever been in relation to the total population.

Ed Feulner wrote in The Daily Caller that in 2008, fewer than 30 million Americans utilized the so-called "food stamp" program, which is administered by the Department of Agriculture. Today, that figure is roughly 46.5 million.

Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

Obamerica folks. Brought to you by the community organizing kenyan who hated this country his entire contrived affirmative action life.

Here you go.....


Uhm, no. You are stupid, really, really, REALLY stupid.

Here the actual figures:

SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Data « Food Research & Action Center

45.5 million is not "almost 50 million".

You are a weird, angry, hateful freak.

What is it then in your little world?

20 people?
about 13% of White Americans are on food stamps

about 31% of Black Americans are on food stamps

libs like Statiskikhengs here; mindless morons who lie TO THEMSELVES

They along with blacks seem to have trouble with percentages.

Uhm, no.

45.5 does not round to 50. 45.5 rounds to 46. 46 is not 50 and 46 is also not "almost 50".

It's simple math, almost simple enough for a Rightie to grasp.

There is no correct number answer to the question "how many people should be on food stamps?" Depending on your view of America, answers range from zero to everybody. The richest nation on Earth has millions of children who do not get enough to eat. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
There is no correct number answer to the question "how many people should be on food stamps?" Depending on your view of America, answers range from zero to everybody. The richest nation on Earth has millions of children who do not get enough to eat. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

America didn't get to be the richest country on earth in record time by stealing from one group and giving to another... In fact that's how that same country got to be the most in debt country on earth in record time.
NOTE! 50% of the people in your numbers are Children or Senior citizens.


SNAP: Frequently Asked Questions | Snap To Health

What are some common misconceptions or myths associated with SNAP?

Stigma associated with the SNAP program has led to several common misconceptions about how the program works and who receives the benefits. For instance, many Americans believe that the majority of SNAP benefits go towards people who could be working. In fact, more than half of SNAP recipients are children or the elderly. For the remaining working-age individuals, many of them are currently employed. At least forty percent of all SNAP beneficiaries live in a household with earnings. In fact, the majority of SNAP households do not receive cash welfare benefits (around 10% receive cash welfare), with increasing numbers of SNAP beneficiaries obtaining their primary source of income from employment.

Can undocumented immigrants use SNAP?
No. Undocumented immigrants are not (and never have been) eligible for SNAP benefits. Documented immigrants can only receive SNAP benefits if they have resided within the United States for at least five years (with some exceptions for refugees, children, and individuals receiving asylum).

my State has been climbing in food stamp recipients, when President bush took office, 9.5% of citizens in the state received food stamps, and when he left office it was 14.5% received food stamps, and for last year, there was 18% reciving Food Stamps....

So the percentage increase of recipients went up drastically more, under the Bush Admin.

Part of this is because during President Bush, there was a STRONG ADVERTISING Marketing strategy to let people know that they were eligible for food stamps, we had TV ADS running left and right, under the bush Admin, telling people to check and see if they were eligible.
in 2013 sequestration, congress cut 39 billion to food stamp spending.

the numbers are and will continue to go down, whether there is a need or not.
Love that gif Stephanie

that's about how all his fan base of voters saw him at first. And then the REAL jerk appeared and they voted him and his party out of control of congress in under SIX years of his reign of terror over us. these libs here still thinks everyone is thrilled and all happy campers over that thug and their nasty party.
There is no correct number answer to the question "how many people should be on food stamps?" Depending on your view of America, answers range from zero to everybody. The richest nation on Earth has millions of children who do not get enough to eat. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

is that an actual thing?
This is a means tested long as salaries stay low or the average median income goes down, there will be food stamp recipients.
Love that gif Stephanie

that's about how all his fan base of voters saw him at first. And then the REAL jerk appeared and they voted out him and his party out of control of congress. these libs here still thinks everyone is thrilled and all happy campers over that thug and their nasty party.
Most people have tunnel vision on a lot of things. On the food stamp issue and programs I do have to say that many people need it. The worst part of it though is that it supplements and subsidizes so many other things that are just plain wrong in our society. Too many things out of control at this point and it will take some time to untwist the mess that has been made over the last seventy-five years.

I'd have to go back to the Kissinger statement ”If you control the food supply, you control the people” and the beginning of the agendas from that and bring it all forth from there to say "where did it all go wrong".
about 13% of White Americans are on food stamps

about 31% of Black Americans are on food stamps

libs like Statiskikhengs here; mindless morons who lie TO THEMSELVES

They along with blacks seem to have trouble with percentages.

Uhm, no.

45.5 does not round to 50. 45.5 rounds to 46. 46 is not 50 and 46 is also not "almost 50".

It's simple math, almost simple enough for a Rightie to grasp.

Title is STILL "Nearly 50"
when it is 45 million receiving them, it is not nearly 50 million, it's simply 45 million!!!!
The biggest benefit of the SNAP program we still call "food stamps" are the giant food production and packaging corporations. We are not just providing food to people, we are also spending taxes to prepare the food. We allow and encourage the recipients to purchase frozen foods that are fully or partially cooked and can be prepared to completion simply by heating them up or microwaving them. We are using food supplemental funds to pay for convenience of someone else preparing the meals for the recipients of the provided food. They are of course far more expensive than the raw foods that can be eaten as they are or need full preparation. Take the frozen processed food off the list along with unhealthy snacks like chips, ice cream, sugary soda's, etc. and the cost of food to keep the poor healthy and nourished with healthy foods can be drastically reduced.
The big corporations will not allow sensible and pragmatic solutions to be implemented. There is just to much profit in frozen pizza and frozen waffles. To much profit in potato chips in that entire aisle of 100 different flavors and types of unhealthy snacks we call chips of some sort or another. To much profit in sugary soda pops, candies and sweets.
I don't think people get it....

Food stamps are not a socialist welfare scheme, they are a corporate welfare scheme...

Look Walmart don't have to pay a living wage when the government will pick up the pieces and supplement their wages...

So Walmart, McD,.... all lobby against minimum wages... They find enough dumbasses who can't figure out if you don't pay a living wage then the government is going to assist them.

So here is your choice, put in a higher minimum wage or prepare to pay for more food stamps?
I don't think people get it....

Food stamps are not a socialist welfare scheme, they are a corporate welfare scheme...

Look Walmart don't have to pay a living wage when the government will pick up the pieces and supplement their wages...

So Walmart, McD,.... all lobby against minimum wages... They find enough dumbasses who can't figure out if you don't pay a living wage then the government is going to assist them.

So here is your choice, put in a higher minimum wage or prepare to pay for more food stamps?

Why do liberals always leave out the higher product costs that go along with the higher min wage?

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