Nearly 70% of Americans Support Ban on Race Based College Admissions Including a Majority of Blacks.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was debated in Congress Hubert Humphrey promised that it would not require bosses to hire those they did not want.]

If a black person who does not get a job sues for discrimination it will be easy for the company to prove that he was less qualified than the white or Oriental person who was hired, because it will be obviously true.

Would it, though?

Did you forget what I said about idiot nephews?

Here's an ugly truth: you go on Indeed, or LinkedIn, and half of those jobs they list aren't real jobs. Some of them have already had an internal candidate, and some of them don't actually have a position; they are merely testing the waters to see what the current quality of the resumes is out there. (I know this because my side business is resume writing.) They are merely doing due diligence to show they considered other resumes in case someone does sue when they give the job to the Idiot Nephew.

Now, as I said, my current day job is only because a young lady I mentored early in her career had earned a sourcing manager position, and she heard another department was looking for someone. So my resume skipped the grist mill of HR and Applicant Tracking Software and all that nonsense.

Without looking at the resumes of the other candidates, I am pretty positive that someone was more qualified than I was, and some of them might have been minorities. But I had the inside track that someone in the system was advocating for me. Although to be fair, I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and I am a veteran, both of which give me an edge. Also, as stated, I write resumes as a side business, so mine looked a lot nicer.

Now, if that hypothetical black person with 26 years of experience and maybe he has a college major that was more on point, sued for discrimination, he might have a good case. You picked a white guy with less experience and a non-relevant college major. What would have defeated his case was that our team already had very qualified blacks and Hispanics in it. Just like if a woman sued for discrimination would be defeated by the fact our team had two women at that time. (We now have four).

I should also point out that I think the hiring system itself is horrifically broken. All resumes do is prove who hired the best resume writer with a knowledge of how to beat ATS systems. As for interviewing, I often tell people, you wouldn't marry someone after two dates, but we make job decisions based on two interviews.
Would it, though?

Did you forget what I said about idiot nephews?

Here's an ugly truth: you go on Indeed, or LinkedIn, and half of those jobs they list aren't real jobs. Some of them have already had an internal candidate, and some of them don't actually have a position; they are merely testing the waters to see what the current quality of the resumes is out there. (I know this because my side business is resume writing.) They are merely doing due diligence to show they considered other resumes in case someone does sue when they give the job to the Idiot Nephew.

Now, as I said, my current day job is only because a young lady I mentored early in her career had earned a sourcing manager position, and she heard another department was looking for someone. So my resume skipped the grist mill of HR and Applicant Tracking Software and all that nonsense.

Without looking at the resumes of the other candidates, I am pretty positive that someone was more qualified than I was, and some of them might have been minorities. But I had the inside track that someone in the system was advocating for me. Although to be fair, I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and I am a veteran, both of which give me an edge. Also, as stated, I write resumes as a side business, so mine looked a lot nicer.

Now, if that hypothetical black person with 26 years of experience and maybe he has a college major that was more on point, sued for discrimination, he might have a good case. You picked a white guy with less experience and a non-relevant college major. What would have defeated his case was that our team already had very qualified blacks and Hispanics in it. Just like if a woman sued for discrimination would be defeated by the fact our team had two women at that time. (We now have four).

I should also point out that I think the hiring system itself is horrifically broken. All resumes do is prove who hired the best resume writer with a knowledge of how to beat ATS systems. As for interviewing, I often tell people, you wouldn't marry someone after two dates, but we make job decisions based on two interviews.
Once I attended a lecture on how to behave in an interview. The man giving the lecture said the most important thing is to make a friend of the person interviewing.

Bosses want to hire people they will enjoy working with, and who will get along well with co workers and customers. Many bosses dislike blacks and want to have nothing to do with them. This is rarely because of irrational color prejudice, and usually because they have had bad experience with them. I do not think anyone benefits, even the black job applicant, if those bosses are forced to hire blacks.
Once I attended a lecture on how to behave in an interview. The man giving the lecture said the most important thing is to make a friend of the person interviewing.

Bosses want to hire people they will enjoy working with, and who will get along well with co workers and customers. Many bosses dislike blacks and want to have nothing to do with them.

That sounds like a good reason to remove that person from ANY kind of position of authority.

This is rarely because of irrational color prejudice, and usually because they have had bad experience with them.

Boy, Jamal stuffed a lot of people into lockers. They could try taking each person as an individual, of course. That would be different.

I do not think anyone benefits, even the black job applicant, if those bosses are forced to hire blacks.

I agree. We need to remove racists from positions where they have a say in who gets hired.

JoeB131 is my nemesis here. His arguments rarely rise above insults, name calling, and obscene words. I try to avoid descending into the gutter with him. Any encounter with him makes me feel dirty.
Wow, really? I barely put you in the top ten "People who annoy me on USMB". I think you just aren't used to people calling you on your mental illness. Most either agree with you because they suffer the same debilitating racism, or they ignore you like you were a crazy stew bum screaming a lamp post.
That sounds like a good reason to remove that person from ANY kind of position of authority.

Boy, Jamal stuffed a lot of people into lockers. They could try taking each person as an individual, of course. That would be different.

I agree. We need to remove racists from positions where they have a say in who gets hired.

Wow, really? I barely put you in the top ten "People who annoy me on USMB". I think you just aren't used to people calling you on your mental illness. Most either agree with you because they suffer the same debilitating racism, or they ignore you like you were a crazy stew bum screaming a lamp post.

That sounds like a good reason to remove that person from ANY kind of position of authority.

I agree. We need to remove racists from positions where they have a say in who gets hired.
An organization works best when the members of it like each other. A black beneficiary of affirmative action who cannot do his job, does not try, and does not care. keeps the organization from working well.

A racist is someone who acknowledges black social pathology without blaming whites for it.
An organization works best when the members of it like each other. A black beneficiary of affirmative action who cannot do his job, does not try, and does not care. keeps the organization from working well.

You could say the same about a female affirmative action hire. Or someone with a disability who was hired because they were trying to fill an ADA quota. But you oddly never get upset about those.

A racist is someone who acknowledges black social pathology without blaming whites for it.
No, a racist is a sad loser who needs to hate on someone to feel better about themselves.
An organization works best when the members of it like each other. A black beneficiary of affirmative action who cannot do his job, does not try, and does not care. keeps the organization from working well.

A racist is someone who acknowledges black social pathology without blaming whites for it.

You could say the same about a female affirmative action hire. Or someone with a disability who was hired because they were trying to fill an ADA quota. But you oddly never get upset about those.

No, a racist is a sad loser who needs to hate on someone to feel better about themselves.
People should look at what people do and what people can do.
People should look at what people do and what people can do.
We need to fix the damaged created by racism. Other than that, inequality will remain the same.
We need to fix the damaged created by racism. Other than that, inequality will remain the same.
What you consider to be racism is the awareness that high rates of black incarceration and poverty are not caused by what whites did to blacks in the past or presently, but by the fact that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the demands of civilization.

The environment of sub Saharan Africa placed less of an evolutionary demand on intelligence than that faced by whites and Orientals, and more of a demand for physical aggressiveness.

If whites were responsible for black poverty, it would not be the case that American Negroes tend to be more affluent and to live longer than African Negroes.
The Jews and the Asians were mistreated, discriminated against and in some cases persecuted and mass-murdered. Where is the fix for that racism?
The Jewws and East Asians did not need for others to help them. They succeeded against the odds because of hard work and high intelligence.

Despite all that whites have done to help blacks. blacks still fail and blame whites for their problems.
You could say the same about a female affirmative action hire. Or someone with a disability who was hired because they were trying to fill an ADA quota. But you oddly never get upset about those.
There are jobs that require more strength than most women have. Women should not get those jobs unless they prove that they are as strong as the men who have them. Few women can.

To get a job as a professional or a manager one needs an IQ of at least 115. The higher it is after 115, the better it is. A very small percentage of blacks are that intelligent.

At the high level women are less like to excel mathematically than men. Nevertheless, the average intelligent IQ of white men and white women is roughly the same. The average intelligence for Negroes is quite a bid lower than the average for whites.

It impresses me that so many people are invested in universities that they will never be admitted to and most of them could never afford.
At the end of the day, the Universities will just find other ways to admit black students. They'll scrap the SATs and ACTs. They'll get rid of legacies and Dean's interest. They put more emphasis on "Life Story" and "Economic Circumstance".
Lets not make it too easy for the reverse discrimination crowd

Make them come up with new ways to cheat and then sue them for that too
The Jews and the Asians were mistreated, discriminated against and in some cases persecuted and mass-murdered. Where is the fix for that racism?
Jews are not a race.. So white Jews could change their names.. Furthermore white Jews benefitted from every government program all other whites have. Asians, with the exceptions of the Indians on H1B Visas that guarantee them American corporate jobs once they get here, are not doing any better than blacks, hispanics or First Nations citizens. Japanese got reparations as well. It's time whites such as yourself stop telling yourself lies.
It impresses me that so many people are invested in universities that they will never be admitted to and most of them could never afford.

At the end of the day, the Universities will just find other ways to admit black students. They'll scrap the SATs and ACTs. They'll get rid of legacies and Dean's interest. They put more emphasis on "Life Story" and "Economic Circumstance".
This is why it is important for the Supreme Court to rule against affirmative action in hiring. All the Supreme Court needs to do is to stop the government from pressuring bosses to hire blacks they do not want.
Jews are not a race.. So white Jews could change their names.. Furthermore white Jews benefitted from every government program all other whites have. Asians, with the exceptions of the Indians on H1B Visas that guarantee them American corporate jobs once they get here, are not doing any better than blacks, hispanics or First Nations citizens. Japanese got reparations as well. It's time whites such as yourself stop telling yourself lies.

The Japanese who got reparations got a fairly small amount. Blacks in California were demanding several million dollars each.

Also, the Japanese who received reparations had personally suffered during the Second World War. No living blacks experienced slavery.
We've been over this. No, it just compensates for white privilege. As I've said, I've worked with enough white people who were idiot nephews, boss's drinking buddies or side-pieces to know that merit frequently has little do with who gets hired. Connections, being able to interview well, and hiring a good resume writer have a lot more to do with who gets hired than "standards".

I'd never hire a Jew, and I probably wouldn't hire an Asian unless she was cute. On a side note, a company I worked for did have two Asians on staff, and neither one of them lasted a year. (The one lady said during her exit interview, "I don't care! My Husband's rich!")

Oh, you are still upset that your boss paid that guy more than he was paying you! As I've said, I've worked with one person in that situation, but it might have been for her Gender just as much as her race. I've also worked with a manager who was fucking the regional vice-president and used that as an excuse to terrify the entire company nationally. I worked at another company where the boss hired his drinking buddy, fired a black girl to make a slot for him, and I ended up doing HIS job, her job and my job. Another job, I ran afoul of a guy who only had a job in sales because his daddy was the sales manager.

So honestly, I don't want to hear about the Affirmative Action thing, unless you really get rid of all the nepotism and white privilege first. The American workplace is not a meritocracy.
Fortunately, most Americans disagree with you.
We need to fix the damaged created by racism. Other than that, inequality will remain the same.
How are we going to do that when you and people like you pour gasoline on the fires of racism every minute of every hour of every day? There was an old aphorism in the sixties, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem”. You are definitely part of the problem.
We've been over this. No, it just compensates for white privilege.
My white privilege consists of the fact that people who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around. My white privilege has been earned by men of my race. Most of us are reasonably intelligent and safe to be around.

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