Nearly 70% of Americans Support Ban on Race Based College Admissions Including a Majority of Blacks.

Jews are not a race.. So white Jews could change their names.. Furthermore white Jews benefitted from every government program all other whites have. Asians, with the exceptions of the Indians on H1B Visas that guarantee them American corporate jobs once they get here, are not doing any better than blacks, hispanics or First Nations citizens. Japanese got reparations as well. It's time whites such as yourself stop telling yourself lies.

Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp., book review by Byron M. Roth

Professor Lynn explains that there are four major subpopulations of Jews, differentiated genetically by their different experiences following their expulsion from Israel in the first century AD. The most populous group, by far, are the Ashkenazi, who migrated to Western Europe...

A second group, the Sephardim, migrated to the Iberian Peninsula after the Roman expulsion, where they lived, largely under Muslim rule, until 1492...

A third Jewish group, the Mizrahim, settled in various lands in the Middle East and North Africa during various diasporas beginning about 600 BC.


The Ashkenazim, the Sephardim, and the Mizrahim are descended in part from Old Testament Israelites.
Actually, it completely undermines the argument that universities area about intellectual excellence.
Universities promote intellectual excellence in part with money from ticket sales from football and basketball games.

Universities achieve nothing by lowering standards for poor blacks who bring nothing to colleges.
Universities promote intellectual excellence in part with money from ticket sales from football and basketball games.

Universities achieve nothing by lowering standards for poor blacks who bring nothing to colleges.
So it's okay to promote stupid white people through legacies and donors as long as they bring in the money?

That's kind of fucked up.

Here's what i would like to see. Instead of HS kids going direct to college, everyone has to do two years of National Service. once you complete national service, you can get a free ride to any university that will take you.
So it's okay to promote stupid white people through legacies and donors as long as they bring in the money?

That's kind of fucked up.
College require a lot of money. They do not benefit from the presence of a lot of stupid blacks, unless they are good at football or basketball.
Actually, it completely undermines the argument that universities area about intellectual excellence.
No it doesent

No one, except maybe you, expects sports stars to be anything more than good at the game they play

But we do expect scientists with a degree in physics to be the best we can find

Anyone black or white who cant live up to the standard does not belong at the top schools
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College require a lot of money. They do not benefit from the presence of a lot of stupid blacks, unless they are good at football or basketball.

No, they don't. They WANT a lot of money, they don't NEED a lot of money.

They want to build big lecture halls while the Adjunct Professors are on food stamps.

Academia as an institution has definitely lost the plot.
No it doesent

No one, except maybe you, expects sports stars to be anything more than good at the game they play

But we do expect scientists with a degree in physics to be the best we can find

Anyone black or white who cant live up to the standard does not belong at the top schools

The vast majority of people who go to college are never going to be Scientists with a degree in physics. Most of them are going to be boring Business Administration Majors.

Let's be honest here. The purpose of college is to prove to an employer that you can commit to a four-year project and complete it. That's it.

That's why when I was let go in 2008 along with two other buyers, I found a new gig within weeks while they were still looking for months. I had a degree and they didn't. Didn't matter that these two had years of experience. Didn't matter that my degree had little to do with the job I was doing.

An ATS system pushed my resume through while theirs were spit out for lack of degree.
The vast majority of people who go to college are never going to be Scientists with a degree in physics. Most of them are going to be boring Business Administration Majors.

Let's be honest here. The purpose of college is to prove to an employer that you can commit to a four-year project and complete it. That's it.

That's why when I was let go in 2008 along with two other buyers, I found a new gig within weeks while they were still looking for months. I had a degree and they didn't. Didn't matter that these two had years of experience. Didn't matter that my degree had little to do with the job I was doing.

An ATS system pushed my resume through while theirs were spit out for lack of degree.
Of course not everyone can or should be a rocket scientist

But those that are rocket engineers should the best in their field, not some 2nd rate black kid from Harlem who was picked ahead of a more qualified white or asian applicants
Of course not everyone can or should be a rocket scientist

But those that are rocket engineers should the best in their field, not some 2nd rate black kid from Harlem who was picked ahead of a more qualified white or asian applicants

Okay, but what about the less qualified white kid who got in there on a legacy, or because his rich parents donated to a new lecture hall, or because his dad is the assistant dean, or because she bullshitted her way in on a Title IX Women's Sports Team no one really cares about?

The problem is, ANY criteria you use for admissions is subjective. GPA's can vary from school to school. My B- GPA at a Catholic HS would have been an A+ average at a CPS School. SAT testing is rife with coaching. THere was a commercial on today where Huntington Learning Centers promises they can get your kid a higher score and the school of his choice.
Okay, but what about the less qualified white kid who got in there on a legacy, or because his rich parents donated to a new lecture hall, or because his dad is the assistant dean, or because she bullshitted her way in on a Title IX Women's Sports Team no one really cares about?

The problem is, ANY criteria you use for admissions is subjective. GPA's can vary from school to school. My B- GPA at a Catholic HS would have been an A+ average at a CPS School. SAT testing is rife with coaching. THere was a commercial on today where Huntington Learning Centers promises they can get your kid a higher score and the school of his choice.
I would end all the legacy admissions

But if its a private school like USC they can admit anyone they please

And I dont want to set their admission policy for them

But without question state schools should be merit based only
I would end all the legacy admissions

But if its a private school like USC they can admit anyone they please

And I dont want to set their admission policy for them

But without question state schools should be merit based only

You definitely want to set admission policy for them, as long as it's screwing people of color.

The ironic thing is, you would never get close to qualifying for an Ivy League School. You just aren't that smart. But dammit, you are going to make sure that black kids don't get that sweet opportunity, either.
You definitely want to set admission policy for them, as long as it's screwing people of color.

The ironic thing is, you would never get close to qualifying for an Ivy League School. You just aren't that smart. But dammit, you are going to make sure that black kids don't get that sweet opportunity, either.
I cant tell private universities what their admission policy must be

But state schools should be merit based only

If that means most black people along with most students of all colors cannot qualify for Berkley and have to attend San Diego State so be it
I cant tell private universities what their admission policy must be

But state schools should be merit based only

If that means most black people along with most students of all colors cannot qualify for Berkley and have to attend San Diego State so be it
Exactly. And kids will go where they qualify, regardless of color.

And I’m not surprised that most people are opposed to Affirmative Action, either. The majority of Americans do not approve of race-based decisions, which is what AA is.
Exactly. And kids will go where they qualify, regardless of color.

And I’m not surprised that most people are opposed to Affirmative Action, either. The majority of Americans do not approve of race-based decisions, which is what AA is.
I understand that a degree from Harvard opens doors that wont open for a kid who went to Texas Southern

But I only respect graduates in the STEM subjects and have ZERO respect for Ivy Leaguers with social science degrees who end up running the universities
I understand that a degree from Harvard opens doors that wont open for a kid who went to Texas Southern

But I only respect graduates in the STEM subjects and have ZERO respect for Ivy Leaguers with social science degrees who end up running the universities
Claudine Gay majored in black studies. That is worthless. It is indoctrination that tells blacks that whites are responsible for black problems, and ignores the way blacks are responsible for their own problems.
You definitely want to set admission policy for them, as long as it's screwing people of color.
Charles Murray said that when he was at Harvard if he saw a black student or instructor he thought the black person had to be more intelligent than he was to overcome the difficulties he did not need to in order to overcome to get to Harvard. He said that there is no reason to feel that way any more.

When Claudine Gay was chosen to be the president of Harvard every editorial, every column, every news story in the Harvard Crimson praised the decision. Virtually every comment posted to the Harvard Crimson said that Gay was an unqualified beneficiary of affirmative action.

I drew attention to the fact that Gay would be the first president of Harvard who had never written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings.

Several days later all of the critical comments had been deleted. It turned out that we were right, but the Harvard Crimson did not apologize to us.

You like that, don't you JoeB131? You think it should be illegal to mention unflattering facts about Negroes.
I cant tell private universities what their admission policy must be

But state schools should be merit based only

If that means most black people along with most students of all colors cannot qualify for Berkley and have to attend San Diego State so be it

Here's the thing, state universities usually aren't the problem. Most blacks can hit the minimum requirements, no problem.

But it amuses me when someone who is barely literate tries to tell us who universities should admit.

My own view is that Elite Universities should be required to be diverse because we have given them an outsized role in government and corporate realms.

And I’m not surprised that most people are opposed to Affirmative Action, either. The majority of Americans do not approve of race-based decisions, which is what AA is.
40% of Americans think that people and dinosaurs co-existed. This is a case where you let your betters make the important decisions.
No, they aren't. They just adopted the fucked up religion.
How can this be true if Judaism is not a race?


Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.


Do Gentiles become a lot more intelligent when they convert to Judaism?

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