Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

yes, thats why the flu vax is different each year. the other difference is the flu vax works.
Actually there are two main strains of the flu. And using trends to try to calculate which one is going to be more prevalent and they use that vaccine that year. I don't understand why they don't just combine the two and treat for both. Fact is, they do the best they can to protect us.
Mess ? I realize pandemics are difficult for anyone to deal with, but calling it a mess doesn't help anything. And I know what I read. Believe whatever you wish it's your right.

It was and an absolute mess. I wouldn't be overstating to say maybe the biggest government debacle in the new century. No...I think that's safe.

Closed businesses
Can't visit DYING relatives in hospitals
No funerals
No weddings
Don't wear a mask!
Wear a cloth mask!
Don't wear a cloth mask, wear a surgical mask!
Don't wear a surgical mask, wear a KN95!
Wait, if you got the vaccine, you don't need a mask!
Back to masks!
Mental health emergencies
Didn't treat other conditions OR do cancer screenings for months/years
The vaccines and
The vaccines and on yea

Stann. Pretty much nothing went RIGHT.;

The newest one starts with a B
Correct, they mutate all the time as long as there are plenty of places, in this case people, to do so. Although it does affect other animals.
And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.
Our local TV station reports if the person was vaccinated or not and gives your age. In every case the people that were not vaccinated were younger people that were dying. And every vaccinated case they were quite a bit older. If they were just published all the data you'd see that these people were immune suppressed to begin with in both cases.
Correct, they mutate all the time as long as there are plenty of places, in this case people, to do so. Although it does affect other animals.
The story I read was on Yahoo
About a man who came back from a trip to Disney World

His wife and 2 kids were okay
He was sick as the proverbial dog

Started with a sore neck
He said he was running a fever
But got so cold that he wrapped himself up in a blanket
It was and an absolute mess. I wouldn't be overstating to say maybe the biggest government debacle in the new century. No...I think that's safe.

Closed businesses
Can't visit DYING relatives in hospitals
No funerals
No weddings
Don't wear a mask!
Wear a cloth mask!
Don't wear a cloth mask, wear a surgical mask!
Don't wear a surgical mask, wear a KN95!
Wait, if you got the vaccine, you don't need a mask!
Back to masks!
Mental health emergencies
Didn't treat other conditions OR do cancer screenings for months/years
The vaccines and
The vaccines and on yea

Stann. Pretty much nothing went RIGHT.;
Fine, for me it worked, I'm still alive. I'd hate to see the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations if they did nothing. As it is there were 552 million cases of covid so far and 6.34 million deaths. Relatively mild for a pandemic; if this had happened 50 years ago I'm sure the numbers of deaths would be 10 or 100 times that.
I hate Texas
A small group of extremist Republicans have taken over the government in Texas that is the problem. Texans are beautiful people friendly giving and not uptight the complete opposite of who is representing them at the current time. Now that they have made second class citizens of all women in the state and have attacked the gay community I'm hoping that the people will realize what's happening and how bad it is and will start voting democratic and knock all these fools out of office. They absolutely don't know what they're doing. They think they're solving problems when all they're doing is creating dozens of more problems.
A small group of extremist Republicans have taken over the government in Texas that is the problem. Texans are beautiful people friendly giving and not uptight the complete opposite of who is representing them at the current time. Now that they have made second class citizens of all women in the state and have attacked the gay community I'm hoping that the people will realize what's happening and how bad it is and will start voting democratic and knock all these fools out of office. They absolutely don't know what they're doing. They think they're solving problems when all they're doing is creating dozens of more problems.
Must be why everyone is fleeing Leftard States and moving to Texas. And illegals really avoid Texas too, no Latinos in Texas.
A small group of extremist Republicans have taken over the government in Texas that is the problem. Texans are beautiful people friendly giving and not uptight the complete opposite of who is representing them at the current time. Now that they have made second class citizens of all women in the state and have attacked the gay community I'm hoping that the people will realize what's happening and how bad it is and will start voting democratic and knock all these fools out of office. They absolutely don't know what they're doing. They think they're solving problems when all they're doing is creating dozens of more problems.
Blatant lie. Must be why all those corps and other people are coming here. Yep really bad here.
Except billions of dollars in campaign contributions and kickbacks.

Tell me, why does the government prevent you from suing big Pharma for damages the mystery jab causes?
You are correct about the campaign contributions and kickbacks. And once again, like big oil, Republicans have received more contributions than Democrats. So what does that tell you if your theory is correct. Pharma is showing congress with cash even as drug makers rush to... August 10th, 2020. In 14 out of 16 elections stating to 1990, pharmaceutical industry packs have given more money to Republicans than Democrats. Fully affecting 2/3 of Congress.
You are correct about the campaign contributions and kickbacks. And once again, like big oil, Republicans have received more contributions than Democrats. So what does that tell you if your theory is correct. Pharma is showing congress with cash even as drug makers rush to... August 10th, 2020. In 14 out of 16 elections stating to 1990, pharmaceutical industry packs have given more money to Republicans than Democrats. Fully affecting 2/3 of Congress.
Doesn’t matter, swamp creatures have brainwashed you into thinking the mystery substance injected will keep you safe so they can rake in the big profits.

And you willingly complied like a sheep.

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