Fauci unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths

You confuse how different protective agents work.
The COVID vaccine isn't like a Jedi light saber, that will deflect incoming blasters.
But more like a bulletproof vest. That only makes the effect of being shot survivable.

I'll be ok kid.
These are the words of an idiot.
Are you an idiot or just highlighting how an idiot posts.
As you know masks, distancing, and shutting down businesses and schools were scams upon the citizens.

As usual, Democrats have to conflate issues in order to falsely score points. Democrats conflate people who are adamantly opposed to MANDATORY JABS with someone saying it does not work. Even you know that the COVID-19 vaccine did NOT work as promised. Not even close.

How can you support a free society being forced to take an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG with no long-term studies?


Your ignorance is appalling.
Turn off Fox, it rots your mind.
Show us where the masks were effective. Show us the science supporting the 6" distancing order. Show us where the jab has proven to be 100% effective in preventing someone from getting COVID and stopping it from spreading. Show us all where closing schools saved lives.
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Show us where the masks were effective. Show us the science supporting the 6" distancing order. Show us where the jab has proven to be 100% effective in preventing someone from getting COVID and stopping it from spreading. Show us all where closing schools saved lives.
You post as an idiot.
Go attempt to jerk someone else around.
You post as an idiot.
Go attempt to jerk someone else around.
You claim that I POST AS AN IDIOT. And yet, you can refute nothing I post and resort to childishly calling names.

Your shameless effort to draw a parallel between AIDS and COVID-19 is disgusting.

My Republican brother got it right away. Must be smarter than you.

He said listen. When a new pandemic or virus is spreading and we don’t know shit, we should error on the side of caution.

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