Fauci unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths

You're comparing apples to oranges. Dying from the coronavirus which was airborne, is not the same as dying from the injection of a COVID-19 vaccine.

You could compare a deadly vaccine to another deadly vaccine, or a deadly virus to another deadly virus.

You miss the point. We didn't know in the beginning of aids or covid. You guys over reacted. Didn't want them getting their sweat on you. You turned out to be wrong. You over reacted because it was gays mostly. You encouraged social distancing and it turned out that did nothing. Remember guys didn't want to play against Magic Johnson? We didn't want to play against Kyree.
I want to keep this hid in this thread rather than create a new one. Be careful. Many are blind to what is really going on right now. Many are slow thinkers.... part blind, ignorant, and whatever else.

They think Fauci showed up to pacify Americans with a Capitol Hill pageantry freak show... to speak in the hot seat about some mess that happen four long years ago... and that is not the real reason at all that he showed up out of no where.

He is devilment. Where he is "IT" is. He is paced right with the timing of the release of the bird flu pandemic of sorts. I believe he is here to oversee, and move contaminants from one place to another. To move the viruses from Florida to China for a well-timed release, and they may have even gotten caught doing so as someone in Florida is telling.
Fuck that little beady eyed rat. "Up to 300,000 deaths"? And how was that magical number determined? Those Congressional Dog and Ponies are worthless. Nothing will happen to Fauci, Garland, Wray or any of the Regime leaders until Trump FIRES them.
be better, stop that profanity
There is no absolute proof of any such thing.
Can you read a graph


The top red line is the death rate of non-vaccinated
The bottom lines are the vaccinated/boosted

You clearly see the red line is higher than the other lines.
Judy Mikovits has given full details .Amongst many .
Our lovely government made sure she was censored via their media lackies.....

And slowly everything she claimed came to fruition

That alone speaks volumes

Can you read a graph


The top red line is the death rate of non-vaccinated
The bottom lines are the vaccinated/boosted

You clearly see the red line is higher than the other lines.

You trust the liars, I don't. Fauci should be in jail.
You miss the point. We didn't know in the beginning of aids or covid. You guys over reacted. Didn't want them getting their sweat on you. You turned out to be wrong. You over reacted because it was gays mostly. You encouraged social distancing and it turned out that did nothing. Remember guys didn't want to play against Magic Johnson? We didn't want to play against Kyree.
Your shameless effort to draw a parallel between AIDS and COVID-19 is disgusting.

You trust the liars, I don't. Fauci should be in jail.
Then look at the data from England, where Fauci has nothing to do with.
The same fact. The unvaccinated died at higher rates than the vaccinated.
That's just a fact that proves vaccines work.

Then look at the data from England, where Fauci has nothing to do with.
The same fact. The unvaccinated died at higher rates than the vaccinated.
That's just a fact that proves vaccines work.

View attachment 958975

One needs freed eyes and ears to see what is truly going on. Here is a tid bit, you won't believe but William Casey said it.

""We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)"
One needs freed eyes and ears to see what is truly going on. Here is a tid bit, you won't believe but William Casey said it.

""We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)"
Which has nothing to do with the data from the US, and the totally independent data from England, on the actual COVID death rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

And both graphs clearly prove that the vaccinations worked, both here and abroad.
Which has nothing to do with the data from the US, and the totally independent data from England, on the actual COVID death rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

And both graphs clearly prove that the vaccinations worked, both here and abroad.

Your thinking is typical. The hardest thing in the world to admit that there are forces in the World that are beyond are ability to fully understand. A Vax keeps you from getting whatever it is that that they are vaxing you for, this "vax" didn't do that and because of this they redefined the word Vaccine. I didn't and I won't ever take that shot. Shortly you'll be you'll fall in line to get the Vax for the Bird Flu.
Your thinking is typical. The hardest thing in the world to admit that there are forces in the World that are beyond are ability to fully understand. A Vax keeps you from getting whatever it is that that they are vaxing you for, this "vax" didn't do that and because of this they redefined the word Vaccine. I didn't and I won't ever take that shot. Shortly you'll be you'll fall in line to get the Vax for the Bird Flu.
Because of the particular course of COVID infections it opposite that of usual infectious agents. Whether it's the cold, the flu, or even the measles, the symptoms appear early, meaning the body is reacting early, which means a vaccinations starts early, thus can stop the virus before it becomes contagious.

COVID is the opposite. It multiplies and spreads befoe symptoms start. It becomes contagious before the person even knows the're sick, which also means before a vaccine knows the host had been infected. By the time the symptoms manifest, the disease has progressed. But that's where the vaccine reacts to stem the infection from progressing into serious or fatal levels.
Because of the particular course of COVID infections it opposite that of usual infectious agents. Whether it's the cold, the flu, or even the measles, the symptoms appear early, meaning the body is reacting early, which means a vaccinations starts early, thus can stop the virus before it becomes contagious.

COVID is the opposite. It multiplies and spreads befoe symptoms start. It becomes contagious before the person even knows the're sick, which also means before a vaccine knows the host had been infected. By the time the symptoms manifest, the disease has progressed. But that's where the vaccine reacts to stem the infection from progressing into serious or fatal levels.

It's ok. You do what you must as will I.
It's ok. You do what you must as will I.
You confuse how different protective agents work.
The COVID vaccine isn't like a Jedi light saber, that will deflect incoming blasters.
But more like a bulletproof vest. That only makes the effect of being shot survivable.

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