Fauci unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths

Fauci and you Lefty's are imbecilic at best. You bought every lie he told you.

On August 4, 2021 Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from a “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post. Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”

Remember all the anti vax right wing radio hosts who attacked Fauci and then they died of covid because they weren't vaccinated?

On August 4, Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from a “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post. Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”
You're comparing apples to oranges. Dying from the coronavirus which was airborne, is not the same as dying from the injection of a COVID-19 vaccine.

You could compare a deadly vaccine to another deadly vaccine, or a deadly virus to another deadly virus.
On August 4, 2021 Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from a “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post. Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”

Proves nothing
Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Responsible For Up To 300,000 Deaths

Dr. Anthony Fauci cited research at a congressional COVID-19 hearing Monday suggesting that unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths.
As far as Fauci saying unvaccinated caused deaths of vaccinated people... it was also said that those wearing no masks were killing others.

Were the unvaccinated and the unmasked ones the real killers???
Proves nothing
It's the same as posting examples of people who died "with" COVID.
Remember there is absolute proof the vaccine works.

Social distancing, masks and Covid shots were not effective.
but... masks do work, for many different things.
not just for welders, painters, and firefighters... masks have always worked within the medical field to ward off disease and infections.
As far as Fauci saying unvaccinated caused deaths of vaccinated people... it was also said that those wearing no masks were killing others.

Were the unvaccinated and the unmasked ones the real killers???
You can think of it like a giant swimming pool, each vaccinated person lowers the water level, while the unvaccinated adds to the water level. The vaccine similarly doesn't prevent drowning, but increases the chances of reviving them.
but... masks do work, for many different things.
not just for welders, painters, and firefighters... masks have always worked within the medical field to ward off disease and infections.
There haven't been, and there can't be any regulated medical studies on the issue.
This can only be tested under controlled conditions, which isn't possible with general populations. The only situations with any controls was the mask wearing of medical professionals, where the type of mask doesn't translate to any other type of mask.
As far as Fauci saying unvaccinated caused deaths of vaccinated people... it was also said that those wearing no masks were killing others.

Were the unvaccinated and the unmasked ones the real killers???
He was saying that if you weren't vaccinated, you had a higher chance of dying from a covid variant, and that up to that number of additional deaths occurred because of such. This is not difficult people.
You can think of it like a giant swimming pool, each vaccinated person lowers the water level, while the unvaccinated adds to the water level. The vaccine similarly doesn't prevent drowning, but increases the chances of reviving them.
yeah but.... the unvaccinated persons won't even get into the water to do anything to the water levels (death levels)
There haven't been, and there can't be any regulated medical studies on the issue.
This can only be tested under controlled conditions, which isn't possible with general populations. The only situations with any controls was the mask wearing of medical professionals, where the type of mask doesn't translate to any other type of mask.
The medical studies on the safety of masks runs deep. They have been in place in medical journals for decades now.
online is says:

People also ask

Does wearing a mask increase the risk of infection?
  • We also provide a framework for understanding the effect of masks on the probability of infection for single and repeated exposures. The framework demonstrates that masks can have a disproportionately large protective effect and that more frequently wearing a mask provides super-linearly compounding protection.
but... masks do work, for many different things.
not just for welders, painters, and firefighters... masks have always worked within the medical field to ward off disease and infections.
BUT, as Dr. Fauci said, masks did nothing to prevent a virus. It was like putting up a chain-link fence to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.
The medical studies on the safety of masks runs deep. They have been in place in medical journals for decades now.
The problem is the effectiveness against other contagions, doesn't directly translate to COVID.
The argument is various types of masks against COVID, and that's not data we have, or can get.
BUT, as Dr. Fauci said, masks did nothing to prevent a virus. It was like putting up a chain-link fence to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.
You are undoubtedly either cherry picking comments, or taking them out of context.
It's true that masks don't prevent the virus, but they decrease the probability of transmission. And that goes up greatly with masking compliance, as source control is far more effective than destination control.
The medical studies on the safety of masks runs deep. They have been in place in medical journals for decades now.
Kindly show us your source and link stating that the masks being used and sold were effective against a virus.

Crossbody, here, I'll help you get started, you too meaner gene.


Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.


Difference between a virus and bacteria


Zooming In: Visualizing the Relative Size of Particles


1/25/2021 Masking the Science


In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol of virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.


Post | efmproject


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.

by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing


Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID
By Lisa Mair
NOVEMBER 23, 2020

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

Much Recent Pro-Mask Research Is Deeply Flawed

The only statistically significant data on preventing viral spread is for N95 masks worn indoors when one can’t socially distance, which is not the type of mask required nor typically worn by the general public.


CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
Joe Hoft
Published March 7, 2021 at 8:15am

The CDC recommends wearing masks after their study showed that related to COVID, the results of wearing masks were statistically the same as the results when not wearing masks.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don't Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All - Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks


Do Masks Work?
A review of the evidence

Jeffrey H. Anderson
August 11, 2021

“Seriously people—STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted then–surgeon general Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020, adding, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.”

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