Need More Proof the American Economy Is Bad For The Average Citizen?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Pet shelters are overflowing because Americans can't afford pets anymore. They are also missing appointments to spay and neuter the pets they do have because they just can't afford it anymore. After paying high prices for housing, food, and many other things, animals in shelters are low on the totem pole and are taking the hit.

Pet shelters are overflowing because Americans can't afford pets anymore. They are also missing appointments to spay and neuter the pets they do have because they just can't afford it anymore. After paying high prices for housing, food, and many other things, animals in shelters are low on the totem pole and are taking the hit.

Pets are a luxury. Only people with a good income can afford them in the first place.
Pet shelters are overflowing because Americans can't afford pets anymore. They are also missing appointments to spay and neuter the pets they do have because they just can't afford it anymore. After paying high prices for housing, food, and many other things, animals in shelters are low on the totem pole and are taking the hit.

The US economy has been bad for the average citizen for almost 40 years, thanks to the republican con that is reaganomics.
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Right ... you've never noticed that good economic news for the average citizen crashes the DJIA? ... what's good for the average person is bad for the Rich, and bad for Wall Street ...

The Middle Class should just pay their taxes and shut up ... they're not good for anything else ...

My news pets go straight to the vet's office ... shots, spay/neuter and chipping ... except the asexual pets, can't really spay/neuter blue-green algae ...
Pet shelters are overflowing because Americans can't afford pets anymore. They are also missing appointments to spay and neuter the pets they do have because they just can't afford it anymore. After paying high prices for housing, food, and many other things, animals in shelters are low on the totem pole and are taking the hit.

Humane euthanasia is the way to go, but yeah - Democrats burned the economy down for wealth and power via their CovidScam.

The disastrous introduction of millions of illegals to the picture is just icing on the shitlib Democrat poison cake.
I have eight dogs all fixed.
I would love to have even half that much.
I have one, a beagle.
Dogs are the best.
The more I learn about people, the better I like my dog.
She IS a drama queen at times.
Takes after the wife.
I think she encourages or mocks her too.
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A recent poll showed a whopping 61% of Democrats joining the 93% of Republicans and 85% of independents who say the economy is in bad condition. That means Joe Biden can't hide in his basement in 2024, he will have to hit the campaign trail hard.
What will he be tripping over in order to hit the campaign trail hard?
That's not really true. Poor people are poor because they have pets.
Definitely poorer.
I wouldn't have it any other way though.
I gave up my dog to a shelter ONCE, 35 years ago, it will never happen again.
We will go to the poorhouse TOGETHER.

You people will do or say anything to excuse the destructive incompetence of your Commander In Thief.
He's not my president, nor do his economic policies affect me very much (I'm still enjoying Trump's tax cuts).

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