Need work?

I looked into one of these jobs a long time ago. I'm a fantastic typist, very fast, very accurate. I have great spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. So, I looked into a job doing transcription. Not legal, I don't have much of a legal background.

Anyway, I was going to have to buy a foot pedal for my computer, I was all right with that. But then after I signed up and was just about to get my foot pedal I noticed something. All the typing jobs were legal, for which I'm not really qualified. But they sure wanted me to order that foot pedal.

That's the kind of response I'm used to. And once again that's what happened.

If anyone wants a fantastic typist/transcriptionist, capable of legal although I don't have much experience in that area, former IBM Executive Secretary for 10 years, plus 35+ years of other office/administrative experience...give me a ring.

I once applied for a legal secretarial position even though I had no experience in that specialized field. When they saw my resume and interviewed me they offered me the job over five well-qualified legal secretaries who had applied...they told me that. :) I didn't take the job, for various reasons.

So when I apply for these work-at-home positions you think they'd be anxious to hire me, wouldn't you. I find it a little suspicious when they're more concerned with me purchasing a foot pedal. With my qualifications, they should give me the damn foot pedal.

Meanwhile, I continue to go to work every day so I can be assured of income.

Incidentally, if you're wondering what I mean by "fast" typist...I have a typing test on record on a Selectric TYPEWRITER doing 146 wpm.
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However, I will take another look, see what's out there. I'm not sure I want to stay home full time and work right now, but I sure would like to supplement my income!

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