Need work?

Yeah, it can happen. But you have to admit, its more the exception than the rule.

The research I have on it is that you do the freebie to 4.99 market with small books. This earns you a reputation and gets your some name recognition. Then you go on to better things, but everyone agrees that its a 3 to 7 year process.

Not everyone can be J.K. Rowling.

Common wisdom also once said self-publishing is for no-talent hacks. ;)

My nephew really is just that good. My friend ... needs a bit of work, but I AM only on her first book, so I am guessing she improves, else how could she have a five-figure month? Also, the serious money seems to be in .99 offerings, and (as you stated) lots of them.

There's a lot more to this subject than we can probably cover in here, but it is fun chatting about it somewhere other than my writing board. ;)
Which board?

I assumed we couldn't say - but it is a work-at-home board, with a writing sub-forum.
Common wisdom also once said self-publishing is for no-talent hacks. ;)

My nephew really is just that good. My friend ... needs a bit of work, but I AM only on her first book, so I am guessing she improves, else how could she have a five-figure month? Also, the serious money seems to be in .99 offerings, and (as you stated) lots of them.

There's a lot more to this subject than we can probably cover in here, but it is fun chatting about it somewhere other than my writing board. ;)
Which board?

I assumed we couldn't say - but it is a work-at-home board, with a writing sub-forum.
Well, if you can get permission, just shoot Me a PM if they won't mind another wannabe....I'd probably not post too much anyway as I already have far to many irons in way to few
Which board?

I assumed we couldn't say - but it is a work-at-home board, with a writing sub-forum.
Well, if you can get permission, just shoot Me a PM if they won't mind another wannabe....I'd probably not post too much anyway as I already have far to many irons in way to few

Will do, I shouldn't think it matters since it is a board which does not allow political discussions.
I assumed we couldn't say - but it is a work-at-home board, with a writing sub-forum.
Well, if you can get permission, just shoot Me a PM if they won't mind another wannabe....I'd probably not post too much anyway as I already have far to many irons in way to few

Will do, I shouldn't think it matters since it is a board which does not allow political discussions.
Which would be absolutely refreshing.
Well, if you can get permission, just shoot Me a PM if they won't mind another wannabe....I'd probably not post too much anyway as I already have far to many irons in way to few

Will do, I shouldn't think it matters since it is a board which does not allow political discussions.
Which would be absolutely refreshing.

And very few men. And lots of tender ittow peelers that get stomped on rather easily.

And very few men. And lots of tender ittow peelers that get stomped on rather easily.


I'm not going to get I?


Dare to dream. ;)
Well......drat it all.


At any rate....I'm out to go watch a few episodes of Fringe. I just finished season 2 last night and I want to get a few under My belt before having to take care of other bidness.....

Later peeps.
Nope. My nephew has three books out, and he retired on the first. The third just came out on the 30th - he's been at home for a year now.

The other person I know just had a five-figure month in October. All she's written is a series which I would like to name, but there are idiots who will go write bad reviews just to mess with me.

Of course he retired. On his first book at that. What is it called?
Nope. My nephew has three books out, and he retired on the first. The third just came out on the 30th - he's been at home for a year now.

The other person I know just had a five-figure month in October. All she's written is a series which I would like to name, but there are idiots who will go write bad reviews just to mess with me.

Of course he retired. On his first book at that. What is it called?

I'd be happy to tell someone we both trust to independently verify the truth of what I'm saying. But since you don't believe me now, I'm quite certain you would think I just went and picked a self-published name off the best selling at Amazon list.
How to: Apply to become a writer - Information about our services - Paid Forum Posting Staff Forums

I know two people who post for these guys. Legitimate company, pays through Paypal. Age of company unknown, though one person has been there six years. Not sure on other.

There are some hoops to jump through. It's not 'easy money.' You need to be able to follow directions, write well, not lose your cool, etc.

[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] - if you have time to write here, you have time to get paid for it. No excuses.

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