Negative aspects of Sharia Law?

----do you want to know why?

Of course I do.

oh---ok The murderer of Daniel Pearl was tried in a Special non shariah court---
more like a western court for REASON----The reason is that according to Shariah
Law a muslim cannot be executed for killing a jew (a jew can be executed for
touching a Koran) Remember the erstwhile president of Pakistan Musharraf?
He is responsible for so INSULTING ISLAM ---probably one of the reasons he was
forcibly deposed (lucky to be alive) There are fascinating details of that murder that in order to understand you must know something about Shariah law. The event was videotaped by the murderers for EXCELLENT reason------if a person REFUSES TO CONVERT TO ISLAM----killing him is not a crime in shariah law. unless he is underprotection by being a member of a community that has pledged
complete subjugation to islam and muslims and pays the poll tax JIZYA and does the multitude of things that "dhimmis" must do. Since Daniel Pearl did not
qualify as a dhimmi----his refusal to convert to islam and his statement on
Zionism made his murder LEGAL UNDER SHARIAH LAW. Bottom line---
in shariah----the murderers had every right to slit the man's throat----
Till today the execution has never happened-----the man is in jail (yeah right)
If he were to be executed, Pakistanis would riot over the INSULT TO ISLAM

Remember the COLE-----USS COLE ---terrorist attack thereon in a port of Yemen----the murderers spent a few weeks in Jail and then MAGICALLY
"escaped" Hubby was born in Yemen-----his community was subjected to
the pact of Omar. His mother lost her father to illness when she was ~~eleven.
That event left her "unprotected'" and subject to enslavement by the local
Chieftain (dhimmi orphan law) The one way to save her was to GET HER OUT.
A cousin had escaped to "Palestine" years before. He supplied the BAKSHEESH money to get her out----she was married which made it legal \
for her to travel with her father-in-law and little ~~ 16 year old husband.
The endeavor took years------Hubby was born in Aden seaport------people got bribed and the little group escaped (sadly the father-in-law died in the process)
What they had done was ILLEGAL in Shariah law. The story ends well----the little
couple had nine more kids that survived and grandchildren and greatgrand. children have been POPPING OUT incessantly. These insults to islam did not go
unnoticed. In 1947 the small Jewish Aden community was subjected to a muslim throat slitting fest. Hubby was already a "Palestinian" at that point. He is kinda the LAST OF THE PALESTINIANS------sometime in the 1960s-----some arabs in the land once called British Mandate Palestine DECIDED to call themselves "Palestinians" ----a really novel idea. For almost 2000 years THE ONLY people in the world called "Palestinians" were jews living in the land that
the romans had renamed "palestina" If I had the opportunity, I would ask RASHIDA TLAIB ---"btw---when did granny BECOME a 'palestinian' " ?

There is not a body of humans in the world that have the stomach and capacity to kill 1 billion Muslims. These people are going to rule us. Wouldn't it be wiser to make it a peaceful transaction?

Of course I do.

oh---ok The murderer of Daniel Pearl was tried in a Special non shariah court---
more like a western court for REASON----The reason is that according to Shariah
Law a muslim cannot be executed for killing a jew (a jew can be executed for
touching a Koran) Remember the erstwhile president of Pakistan Musharraf?
He is responsible for so INSULTING ISLAM ---probably one of the reasons he was
forcibly deposed (lucky to be alive) There are fascinating details of that murder that in order to understand you must know something about Shariah law. The event was videotaped by the murderers for EXCELLENT reason------if a person REFUSES TO CONVERT TO ISLAM----killing him is not a crime in shariah law. unless he is underprotection by being a member of a community that has pledged
complete subjugation to islam and muslims and pays the poll tax JIZYA and does the multitude of things that "dhimmis" must do. Since Daniel Pearl did not
qualify as a dhimmi----his refusal to convert to islam and his statement on
Zionism made his murder LEGAL UNDER SHARIAH LAW. Bottom line---
in shariah----the murderers had every right to slit the man's throat----
Till today the execution has never happened-----the man is in jail (yeah right)
If he were to be executed, Pakistanis would riot over the INSULT TO ISLAM

Remember the COLE-----USS COLE ---terrorist attack thereon in a port of Yemen----the murderers spent a few weeks in Jail and then MAGICALLY
"escaped" Hubby was born in Yemen-----his community was subjected to
the pact of Omar. His mother lost her father to illness when she was ~~eleven.
That event left her "unprotected'" and subject to enslavement by the local
Chieftain (dhimmi orphan law) The one way to save her was to GET HER OUT.
A cousin had escaped to "Palestine" years before. He supplied the BAKSHEESH money to get her out----she was married which made it legal \
for her to travel with her father-in-law and little ~~ 16 year old husband.
The endeavor took years------Hubby was born in Aden seaport------people got bribed and the little group escaped (sadly the father-in-law died in the process)
What they had done was ILLEGAL in Shariah law. The story ends well----the little
couple had nine more kids that survived and grandchildren and greatgrand. children have been POPPING OUT incessantly. These insults to islam did not go
unnoticed. In 1947 the small Jewish Aden community was subjected to a muslim throat slitting fest. Hubby was already a "Palestinian" at that point. He is kinda the LAST OF THE PALESTINIANS------sometime in the 1960s-----some arabs in the land once called British Mandate Palestine DECIDED to call themselves "Palestinians" ----a really novel idea. For almost 2000 years THE ONLY people in the world called "Palestinians" were jews living in the land that
the romans had renamed "palestina" If I had the opportunity, I would ask RASHIDA TLAIB ---"btw---when did granny BECOME a 'palestinian' " ?

Convert or die. Right? Easy. Convert. What am I missing?

"Blah blah blah. I am a Muslim. Other magic words. Yadda yadda yadda." = life

Kill any arrogant moron who can't understand power.

It sounds like you rid the population of idiots and create a more cohesive and moral nation.

If that is what you want-----you CAN HAVE IT. Conversion to islam is very easy.
You need know nothing at all------just repeat a phrase phonetically that is
only a few words long. I have no doubt that some shariah compliant nation
will accept you. I am amazed by the community of jews which is hubby's origin that resisted the simple solution for SO LONG. ----(uhm---yemen? "a cohesive and moral nation" ROFLMAO )

As a 40 year old man I could refuse to convert and die based on principles. I wouldn't lose much. However, if I was caring for a three year old Jewish girl and she is given the choice to convert or die I would force her to convert immediately.

I don't think dying when given those two choices is the best option. I could be wrong though. I just never seen a strong case for it.

I understand as do millions of others who preferred to preserve the lives
of their children-------or even their own. It is the same option that the mother
of my mother-in-law faced. She preferred to relinquish her 12 year old daughter
to a very uncertain fate. She was a widow with another daughter who was
far too sickly to be interesting to the local muslims-------she stuck it out and then----
some 15 years after losing her daughter-----they were reunited. Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

If the law says, "Wear your seatbelt" then wear your seat belt.

If the law says, "Convert to Islam" then convert to Islam.

If you don't want to be killed a speeding train then don't jump in front of a speeding train. Other than killing rebellious people, are there other drawbacks to serving an Islamic theocracy? Like certain burdensome hats that you have to wear or anything? or maybe a painfully boring ceremony for a specific holiday that you have to endure? Surely there has to he something more than being forced to change the name of your invisible friend who lives in the sky. It just has to be bigger than that.
If you can find no drawbacks or negatives about Sharia law, you must know very little about it.

Yes. This was precisely my point. They kill people who break the law but what are those laws?

I find it highly likely that I can live up to their standards and avoid being killed.
If you can find no drawbacks or negatives about Sharia law, you must know very little about it.

Yes. This was precisely my point. They kill people who break the law but what are those laws?

I find it highly likely that I can live up to their standards and avoid being killed.

most people accept your opinion which is why the 'UMMAH' is so large. In fact---
Maimonides agreed that a good way to avoid being killed was "fake a conversion
to islam"------he did it with a scimitar at his throat------but later fled to another land.
Long ago----when I was young-----a Pakistani educated surgeon told me about the
famous doctor---who was born a jew but converted to islam and THEN became
a famous doctor.. I asked his name and the answer was MAIMONIDES------It is good to know the realities of history.
One advantage would be that everybody would know exactly what was in the religious book. Christians tend to ignore parts, or make shit up. You mention a verse in the Koran, and everybody would know if it is really there or not.

BS alert. Most muslims never read the Koran-----in fact even literate muslims
are not literate in Arabic. Those who memorize the text phonetically----do not always know what the words mean. Go tell an Iranian "you know all of the Koran" and he
is likely to laugh in your face. As to muslims from southeast asia----English is far
more important than is Arabic. It is also true that most americans have not read
the bible-------I have-----feel free to ask questions (in fact I read the Koran too---
but that fact is washed out because I liked the BHAGAVAD GITA far more)
Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

I suppose I am insensitive when I assume these two groups are arrogant dummies. Do Sudanese Christian's not learn the Christian ethic of humility and submission to authority?

right---you are insensitive. and not too bright. I grew up with Christians and spent lots of time in church and "sunday school" I never heard about the "ethic"----GIVE
UP JESUS IN ORDER TO LIVE. That "submission to authority" thing was invented
and INSERTED by the ROMAN EMPEROR---Constantine------so transparent to anyone with a brain. It was more like "SUBMISSION TO CONSTANTINE"
Well, five times a day, every airplane on the planet would have to either land, or fly towards Mecca.
Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

I suppose I am insensitive when I assume these two groups are arrogant dummies. Do Sudanese Christian's not learn the Christian ethic of humility and submission to authority?

right---you are insensitive. and not too bright. I grew up with Christians and spent lots of time in church and "sunday school" I never heard about the "ethic"----GIVE
UP JESUS IN ORDER TO LIVE. That "submission to authority" thing was invented
and INSERTED by the ROMAN EMPEROR---Constantine------so transparent to anyone with a brain. It was more like "SUBMISSION TO CONSTANTINE"

So the Bible is a forgery?
Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

I suppose I am insensitive when I assume these two groups are arrogant dummies. Do Sudanese Christian's not learn the Christian ethic of humility and submission to authority?

right---you are insensitive. and not too bright. I grew up with Christians and spent lots of time in church and "sunday school" I never heard about the "ethic"----GIVE
UP JESUS IN ORDER TO LIVE. That "submission to authority" thing was invented
and INSERTED by the ROMAN EMPEROR---Constantine------so transparent to anyone with a brain. It was more like "SUBMISSION TO CONSTANTINE"

So the Bible is a forgery?

not a FORGERY------a bit edited There is no way to keep the mind of the
editor out of any writing
Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

I suppose I am insensitive when I assume these two groups are arrogant dummies. Do Sudanese Christian's not learn the Christian ethic of humility and submission to authority?

right---you are insensitive. and not too bright. I grew up with Christians and spent lots of time in church and "sunday school" I never heard about the "ethic"----GIVE
UP JESUS IN ORDER TO LIVE. That "submission to authority" thing was invented
and INSERTED by the ROMAN EMPEROR---Constantine------so transparent to anyone with a brain. It was more like "SUBMISSION TO CONSTANTINE"

So the Bible is a forgery?

not a FORGERY------a bit edited There is no way to keep the mind of the
editor out of any writing

Should we assume the parts we like are genuine and the parts we dislike are edited by a biased party?
Today---the largest number of kids subjected to the filth of the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW---
are Sudanese Christians and the Zoroastrians of Iraq

I suppose I am insensitive when I assume these two groups are arrogant dummies. Do Sudanese Christian's not learn the Christian ethic of humility and submission to authority?

right---you are insensitive. and not too bright. I grew up with Christians and spent lots of time in church and "sunday school" I never heard about the "ethic"----GIVE
UP JESUS IN ORDER TO LIVE. That "submission to authority" thing was invented
and INSERTED by the ROMAN EMPEROR---Constantine------so transparent to anyone with a brain. It was more like "SUBMISSION TO CONSTANTINE"

So the Bible is a forgery?

not a FORGERY------a bit edited There is no way to keep the mind of the
editor out of any writing

Should we assume the parts we like are genuine and the parts we dislike are edited by a biased party?

ASSUME nothing-----read it with an educated and prepared mind. I think that ROMANS was written by PAUL? ----who was Paul? the son of greek converts
to Judaism------who grew up VERY HELLENIZED and, clearly, interested in
creating a form of Judaism FOR THE WORLD (at that time the world was THE
ROMAN EMPIRE) Submission to authority is a VERY ROMAN CONCEPT---
especially to IMPERIAL ROME -------there is nothing even in the NT that suggests that JESUS, HIMSELF advocated submission to Rome. He was, clearly, a Pharisee-----the very antithesis of submission to rome. Why do you think that Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple courtyard?

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