Neighbor threatens to take down American flag if patriot doesn't

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Ah, Oakland. I was wrong then, about the need to put down the bong to save the home from fire.

Put down the crack pipe.

There, that better?
Sure you will, tough guy.
Come test me and find out weak guy.

I don’t have the 30 seconds to spare it would take up out of my day, little precious. Stop fucking kidding yourself.
...I catch the fucker putting flags on my lawn and I will put a foot in his ass and then let you know about it.

No you won’t. You won’t do anything but post on the Internet like the empty ineffective, impotent, wannabe online tough guy that you are. Get the fuck over it, no one is buying the act.
Yes I will. I bet you wont show up to help the guy either. Better yet you wouldnt dare put a flag on my lawn because you know what would happen to you too.

I would take a shit on your front steps and put a “fuck you, pussy” flag in it, then wait around to be sure you got the message. You wouldn’t do a damn thing and we both know it. Your act is a failure, fraud.
Checking in....any word on the name of this so-called neighbor? Looks like a hand-written note, surely the guy in the video can figure out which one of his neighbors wrote it.
Do you know the handwriting of any of the folks in your 'hood? Are you that kind of nosy neighbor?
The pussy in the video faked it. No neighbor wrote that.

You man enough to come take my flag down, Asslips? .....

It’s taking all his ‘courage’ just to post about it online.
The ‘tough guys’ always invite but never travel. It’s one of the ways you know how full of shit they are.
Checking in....any word on the name of this so-called neighbor? Looks like a hand-written note, surely the guy in the video can figure out which one of his neighbors wrote it.
Notebook paper?

Must be a sixth grader
All right all you internet tough guys. Thread is closed to allow you to cool down, lower your dangerously high testosterone levels, and clean off your computers.
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