Neil Degrasse Tyson now believes in God, as he says that a great programmer created the universe and us as well

Science has evolved to the point that scientists realize that for all of this to have been accidental is a scientific impossibility.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

Yea right, like the Moon Bats believing that the universe created itself out of nothing. You know, like in magic. That doesn't even pass the snicker test.

You can accuse the entire human race as being ignorant moonbats, because we simply don't have the capacity to understand how the universe was created.

But science is beginning to come close to being able to understand.

But the problem will still be, hardly any person will be able to understand science's explanation.

So Christians can offer their explanations which will have to do for now.

Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.
Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.
I'm a Christian. What is it that you think my explanation is exactly?
Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.
Christianity does not focus much on creation. In the Catholic denomination it is hardly ever mentioned. Do most atheists believe that religion is solely about creation?
The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well
This does not equate to a belief in your specific religion's god. Many scientists are beginning to find the hypothesis that this universe is a simulation more plausible.
Fine but a simulation needs a writer/creator/programmer.......................................

If you accept this theory you believe in God
No, YOU believe in God because you're a dogmatic zealot who lacks critical thinking skills.
So you are saying the same thing about Tyson because he clearly believes that the universe had a creator

we simply don't have the capacity to understand how the universe was created.
Sure we do. I bet if you asked Tyson he would agree with me.
You're not a christian ding. We established that a couple of weeks ago when you told us you rejected your god's word in your bibles.

When you did that you also rejected your bible's teaching that creation began about 6000 years ago.
Now that admission of you not believing has come full circle to bite your ass.

I'm good with your position but you may have to work it out with the true believers who haven't lost 9/10's of their faith by throwing out their bibles.
we simply don't have the capacity to understand how the universe was created.
Sure we do. I bet if you asked Tyson he would agree with me.
You're not a christian ding. We established that a couple of weeks ago when you told us you rejected your god's word in your bibles.

When you did that you also rejected your bible's teaching that creation began about 6000 years ago.
Now that admission of you not believing has come full circle to bite your ass.

I'm good with your position but you may have to work it out with the true believers who haven't lost 9/10's of their faith by throwing out their bibles.
So you are agreeing with me that Tyson would agree with me that we do have the capacity to understand how the universe was created?

Wouldn't you need to edit your previous post then?

It's super hard to ignore the image in one's mind of the universe being created from nothing. If one truly pictures the physical process in their mind he cannot help but to see how sublime it is.
Weak minded people are programmed by their church to ignore the process of deep thinking. In this case it would lead them to having to accept that their god needed a creator, and that creator needed a creator too.

So they brush the question away with:

The god just 'is' and always has been!
The god is so great that he didn't need a creator!
Their faith!


The only thing sublime about christians is blowing smoke out of their asses.
So then your mind must be stronger than my mind, right?
Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.
Christianity does not focus much on creation. In the Catholic denomination it is hardly ever mentioned. Do most atheists believe that religion is solely about creation?
Christian backsliders are able to throw out creation by sweeping the question under the rug. That's the point I continue to make with ding.

In this instance, as with mostly everything else their bibles say, they depend on faith to carry them through.

But the thing is though, we know they aren't at peace with themselves when they are forced to resort to the 'faith' excuse.

How about you? Are you an atheist, a true and complete believer, or a conditional believer?
Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.
Christianity does not focus much on creation. In the Catholic denomination it is hardly ever mentioned. Do most atheists believe that religion is solely about creation?
Christian backsliders are able to throw out creation by sweeping the question under the rug. That's the point I continue to make with ding.

In this instance, as with mostly everything else their bibles say, they depend on faith to carry them through.

But the thing is though, we know they aren't at peace with themselves when they are forced to resort to the 'faith' excuse.

How about you? Are you an atheist, a true and complete believer, or a conditional believer?
Clearly Donald does not think his mind is stronger than my mind, the mind of a Christian.
So then your mind must be stronger than my mind, right?
I have quite a bit of confidence in your ability to think rationally and you know the reason why by now.

You have rejected the word of your god as it's written in your bibles and so by your own admission you are a conditional believer or a partial believer.

But now where do we go in the discussion when you refuse to elaborate on that which you reject and that which you still believe?

You could be ashamed of your remaining christian beliefs?
And there's little doubt that you fear denouncing any of christianity's teaching.

I'm quite happy to have you back as a test case for the other christians. Some may even proclaim themselves to be complete and true believers?
Clearly Donald does not think his mind is stronger than my mind, the mind of a Christian.
It's also clear that the difference is negligible when it comes to me being an atheist and you being a conditional believer.

And if there is anything on which we can clearly disagree as is stated in your bible, you fear to mention it.

For the record, all of the bibles are nonsense, as being my default position.
So then your mind must be stronger than my mind, right?
I have quite a bit of confidence in your ability to think rationally and you know the reason why by now.

You have rejected the word of your god as it's written in your bibles and so by your own admission you are a conditional believer or a partial believer.

But now where do we go in the discussion when you refuse to elaborate on that which you reject and that which you still believe?

You could be ashamed of your remaining christian beliefs?
And there's little doubt that you fear denouncing any of christianity's teaching.

I'm quite happy to have you back as a test case for the other christians. Some may even proclaim themselves to be complete and true believers?
So then your mind is not stronger than my mind? But I'm a Christian. How can that be?

FTR I don't find you rational at all. Nor do I find you to be intelligent. I find you to be deceitful.
Clearly Donald does not think his mind is stronger than my mind, the mind of a Christian.
It's also clear that the difference is negligible when it comes to me being an atheist and you being a conditional believer.

And if there is anything on which we can clearly disagree as is stated in your bible, you fear to mention it.

For the record, all of the bibles are nonsense, as being my default position.
I get your position. There's no confusion about your position. You want to subordinate religion and refuse respect for people of faith. That's super clear. History is littered with your type. So I know exactly who you are. I can see right through you.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

Yea right, like the Moon Bats believing that the universe created itself out of nothing. You know, like in magic. That doesn't even pass the snicker test.

You can accuse the entire human race as being ignorant moonbats, because we simply don't have the capacity to understand how the universe was created.

But science is beginning to come close to being able to understand.

But the problem will still be, hardly any person will be able to understand science's explanation.

So Christians can offer their explanations which will have to do for now.

Personally, if I was a christian I would like the 'faith' explanation the best because it offers some satisfaction to minds that can sweep the question under the rug.

You may be a little confused about this.

We don't have a clue how the universe was created.

However, after you boil down all the berries it comes to only one of two possibilities.

Either we are here because of some intelligent design or the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

Like I said, the magic idea doesn't even pass the snicker test.

Talk about sweeping things under the rug but the Big Bang Theory is that. Many scientists will tell you that is nothing more than a place holder to explain the unexplainable.

They can't tell you what was here before the BB, what initiated the BB, where the energy for the BB came from or even the physics of the BB. They come up with silly shit like "The Laws of Physics didn't exist in the BB".

The idea of intelligent design is far more credible.
Correcting Donald's errors about what other people believe is a full time job.
So then your mind is not stronger than my mind? But I'm a Christian. How can that be?
As it pertains to this discussion on religion, I've already told you that the difference is neglibible, and it will remain so until you can elaborate on how our beliefs differ.

How can that be deceitful ding?
I'm being very honest in saying that I don't believe a shred of your bibles or your christian beliefs.

Are you being deceitful on claiming to be a christian but not coming clean on what you accept and that which you reject?

Let's talk about that deceit you accuse me of.
I think you were being careless when you chose to accuse me of being deceitful.

I think you demonstrate your own deceit between you and your god, as opposed to having the courage to be honest with me.

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