Neil Degrasse Tyson now believes in God, as he says that a great programmer created the universe and us as well

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

So is Tyson rational for believing that the universe was CREATED.

LOL go back to your cave

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

And I think it’s very relevant to talk about this because I’m going to try to show you from this passage tonight that it’s pretty convincing that God has abandoned our nation. God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Oh, this isn’t the first nation that it’s happened to, this is the story of history. Acts 14:16, the apostle Paul said, “In the generations gone by, He” – God – “permitted all the nations to go their own way.” This is the story of history. All the nations of history go their own way. So like the nations of old, like the nations past, we follow the same cycle of having the truth, rejecting the truth and being abandoned by God. C.S. Lewis was writing in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he wrote this. “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.”

God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Rubbish. People exercised their Democrat right and you dont like it. Now you threaten people with some bullshit story that some ghost will abandon the country because the republicans were chucked out.

You don't know what God is thinking and never have. You have no access to what any person or ghost thinks. You only think you are with a pathetic attempt to ridicule democrats that is was atheism that was responsible. Grow up.

So you are a believer in God.

See I knew that you would see the light

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

And I think it’s very relevant to talk about this because I’m going to try to show you from this passage tonight that it’s pretty convincing that God has abandoned our nation. God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Oh, this isn’t the first nation that it’s happened to, this is the story of history. Acts 14:16, the apostle Paul said, “In the generations gone by, He” – God – “permitted all the nations to go their own way.” This is the story of history. All the nations of history go their own way. So like the nations of old, like the nations past, we follow the same cycle of having the truth, rejecting the truth and being abandoned by God. C.S. Lewis was writing in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he wrote this. “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.”

God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Rubbish. People exercised their Democrat right and you dont like it. Now you threaten people with some bullshit story that some ghost will abandon the country because the republicans were chucked out.

You don't know what God is thinking and never have. You have no access to what any person or ghost thinks. You only think you are with a pathetic attempt to ridicule democrats that is was atheism that was responsible. Grow up.

So you are a believer in God.

See I knew that you would see the light

Now you are being silly. I'd rather be tied to a cows tail and shit to death than be tied to any religion.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ign
ored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

Beside the existence of life, the writings of the prophets, the Children of Israel, JESUS CHRIST, and the Resurrection; I not sure how else I can help you...

Luke 16:19-31​

New International Version​

The Rich Man and Lazarus​

19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

You keep believing that.
As the pastor said, you keep the faith and I'll keep the money.
It's taking you a while to wake up

Again you are in denial that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation. This discussion is not about my beliefs but about your refusal to accept the new science of creation.


I pray that you get the psychological help that you clearly need to accept that you do not determine what other people such as Tyson believe, as Tyson clearly says that the Universe was created from powerful science.

You can pray until the sun rises in West and nothing will happen. In fact, you would never dream of praying for but you're simply condescending and insulting.
If you want to believe Tyson believes in a creator, go right ahead. Why would I care?
After all, you've been believing in God etc all your life. You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc so what's another little folly with the truth.

So don't shovel your insipid remarks on me. Only when I see Tyson praying and thanking God for everything will I and every atheist on earth believe it.

If you had a life of your own the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe was created would not bother you so. That said you should look inward to solve your own personal issues instead of lashing out at me and famous physicist who really do not have to believe what you demand that we do.

Denial is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna Freud which involves a refusal to accept reality, thus blocking external events from awareness.

If a situation is just too much to handle, the person may respond by refusing to perceive it or by denying that it exist.

As you might imagine, this is a primitive and dangerous defense - no one disregards reality and gets away with it for long! It can operate by itself or, more commonly, in combination with other, more subtle mechanisms that support it.

So even if you are a doctor, you really need to see a doctor and get treated

Just how pathetic are you? It's the same old crap you godbotherers pose when you get challenged. Out comes the intellectual insults. As I said, you believe in immaculate conception and virgin births but it me who needs a doctor.

You believe what you want but my dog has more faith in a creator than him.
The arrogance of you to discipline anyone about anything is breathtaking.
You pompous sanctamonius Jesus junkies feel it's your right to convert everone to your view of reality.
You're even arrogant enough to think your going to some eternity as a reward whilst predicting the destination and punishment of those who dont concede to your ridiculous hideous God crap. How arrogant are you?

If anyone is living in denial it's you. Following some pathetic religion because you feel guilty about your past and afraid of death is your denial.
Then there's the paedophilia involved.
What's your stand on that? If you pastor is a kiddy toddler, every time you attend church you approve if his habit. Its the only signal he can get from it.
Then there the money you donate to these fraudulent charlatans in expectation of a reward and to d r monstrates to other idiotsbif your firm belief (brainwashing).

So listen boy. Don't reply to me. I've done you over like a Sunday roast.
Stop belching your lies and insulting others.

Didn't read your ramblings as you are just not that important to my life, you have earned a one short sentence time limit

Again Tyson believes that the Universe was CREATED, and he does not need your approval to believe such.

There you go again. Now your predicting what Tyson believes. You godbotherers have no boundaries when you speak on behalf of God.
You can't help yourselves

It's not me who should give my approval
To anyone as you are suggesting. Apparently your have already done that.
I notice you never mentioned Tyson until someone stumbled across the story and massaged the words to suit th e godbotherers. Have you researched what dawkins or hitchens have said?
Of course not.
No one will believe anything but opportunism by you. You are a fraud and manufacture lies suit your religion.
So carry on with your childish school yard dribble. Every time you reply it gives me another opportunity to whack you again.

I did not predict what Tyson believes, I simply repeated what he said literally and you are too delusional to be able to either accept or comprehend the reality that Tyson has said that the Universe is a CREATED simulation.


Do you know what a simulation is? If you do, how can what he said be declared he implied there is a creator?
This is a prime example of godbotherers wanting to recruit any atheist to give their pathetic beliefs credibility.
You're as dumb as a stump.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

And I think it’s very relevant to talk about this because I’m going to try to show you from this passage tonight that it’s pretty convincing that God has abandoned our nation. God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Oh, this isn’t the first nation that it’s happened to, this is the story of history. Acts 14:16, the apostle Paul said, “In the generations gone by, He” – God – “permitted all the nations to go their own way.” This is the story of history. All the nations of history go their own way. So like the nations of old, like the nations past, we follow the same cycle of having the truth, rejecting the truth and being abandoned by God. C.S. Lewis was writing in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he wrote this. “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.”

God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Rubbish. People exercised their Democrat right and you dont like it. Now you threaten people with some bullshit story that some ghost will abandon the country because the republicans were chucked out.

You don't know what God is thinking and never have. You have no access to what any person or ghost thinks. You only think you are with a pathetic attempt to ridicule democrats that is was atheism that was responsible. Grow up.

So you are a believer in God.

See I knew that you would see the light

Now you are being silly. I'd rather be tied to a cows tail and shit to death than be tied to any religion.

I don't like"religion" either. What I have is a father/son relationship through Jesus CHRIST our Lord. But if you'd rather be tied to a cow and pooped on ------ well, so much for any consideration for true LOVE.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ign
ored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

Beside the existence of life, the writings of the prophets, the Children of Israel, JESUS CHRIST, and the Resurrection; I not sure how else I can help you...

Luke 16:19-31​

New International Version​

The Rich Man and Lazarus​

19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

You keep believing that.
As the pastor said, you keep the faith and I'll keep the money.
It's taking you a while to wake up

Again you are in denial that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation. This discussion is not about my beliefs but about your refusal to accept the new science of creation.


I pray that you get the psychological help that you clearly need to accept that you do not determine what other people such as Tyson believe, as Tyson clearly says that the Universe was created from powerful science.

You can pray until the sun rises in West and nothing will happen. In fact, you would never dream of praying for but you're simply condescending and insulting.
If you want to believe Tyson believes in a creator, go right ahead. Why would I care?
After all, you've been believing in God etc all your life. You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc so what's another little folly with the truth.

So don't shovel your insipid remarks on me. Only when I see Tyson praying and thanking God for everything will I and every atheist on earth believe it.

If you had a life of your own the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe was created would not bother you so. That said you should look inward to solve your own personal issues instead of lashing out at me and famous physicist who really do not have to believe what you demand that we do.

Denial is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna Freud which involves a refusal to accept reality, thus blocking external events from awareness.

If a situation is just too much to handle, the person may respond by refusing to perceive it or by denying that it exist.

As you might imagine, this is a primitive and dangerous defense - no one disregards reality and gets away with it for long! It can operate by itself or, more commonly, in combination with other, more subtle mechanisms that support it.

So even if you are a doctor, you really need to see a doctor and get treated

Just how pathetic are you? It's the same old crap you godbotherers pose when you get challenged. Out comes the intellectual insults. As I said, you believe in immaculate conception and virgin births but it me who needs a doctor.

You believe what you want but my dog has more faith in a creator than him.
The arrogance of you to discipline anyone about anything is breathtaking.
You pompous sanctamonius Jesus junkies feel it's your right to convert everone to your view of reality.
You're even arrogant enough to think your going to some eternity as a reward whilst predicting the destination and punishment of those who dont concede to your ridiculous hideous God crap. How arrogant are you?

If anyone is living in denial it's you. Following some pathetic religion because you feel guilty about your past and afraid of death is your denial.
Then there's the paedophilia involved.
What's your stand on that? If you pastor is a kiddy toddler, every time you attend church you approve if his habit. Its the only signal he can get from it.
Then there the money you donate to these fraudulent charlatans in expectation of a reward and to d r monstrates to other idiotsbif your firm belief (brainwashing).

So listen boy. Don't reply to me. I've done you over like a Sunday roast.
Stop belching your lies and insulting others.

Didn't read your ramblings as you are just not that important to my life, you have earned a one short sentence time limit

Again Tyson believes that the Universe was CREATED, and he does not need your approval to believe such.

There you go again. Now your predicting what Tyson believes. You godbotherers have no boundaries when you speak on behalf of God.
You can't help yourselves

It's not me who should give my approval
To anyone as you are suggesting. Apparently your have already done that.
I notice you never mentioned Tyson until someone stumbled across the story and massaged the words to suit th e godbotherers. Have you researched what dawkins or hitchens have said?
Of course not.
No one will believe anything but opportunism by you. You are a fraud and manufacture lies suit your religion.
So carry on with your childish school yard dribble. Every time you reply it gives me another opportunity to whack you again.

I did not predict what Tyson believes, I simply repeated what he said literally and you are too delusional to be able to either accept or comprehend the reality that Tyson has said that the Universe is a CREATED simulation.


Do you know what a simulation is? If you do, how can what he said be declared he implied there is a creator?
This is a prime example of godbotherers wanting to recruit any atheist to give their pathetic beliefs credibility.
You're as dumb as a stump.

Your "simulation" has been going on for a rather long time. I think you need a good dose of reality. Better put the little computer toys away...

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

And I think it’s very relevant to talk about this because I’m going to try to show you from this passage tonight that it’s pretty convincing that God has abandoned our nation. God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Oh, this isn’t the first nation that it’s happened to, this is the story of history. Acts 14:16, the apostle Paul said, “In the generations gone by, He” – God – “permitted all the nations to go their own way.” This is the story of history. All the nations of history go their own way. So like the nations of old, like the nations past, we follow the same cycle of having the truth, rejecting the truth and being abandoned by God. C.S. Lewis was writing in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he wrote this. “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.”

God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Rubbish. People exercised their Democrat right and you dont like it. Now you threaten people with some bullshit story that some ghost will abandon the country because the republicans were chucked out.

You don't know what God is thinking and never have. You have no access to what any person or ghost thinks. You only think you are with a pathetic attempt to ridicule democrats that is was atheism that was responsible. Grow up.

So you are a believer in God.

See I knew that you would see the light

Now you are being silly. I'd rather be tied to a cows tail and shit to death than be tied to any religion.

I don't like"religion" either. What I have is a father/son relationship through Jesus CHRIST our Lord. But if you'd rather be tied to a cow and pooped on ------ well, so much for any consideration for true LOVE.

You are a liar. You do not have a relationship with any Jesus Christ or God. You have never interacted, heard or spoken to one.
If you think you did, you are delusional, hallucinating or both.
As for true love for a ghost, don't make me vomit.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You should have tried to promote your nonsense in the religion section.

There is no doubt that Christians are desperate to claim a well known scientist back into the believers flock.

Instead, rationally thinking people are moving the other way in increasing numbers.

And I think it’s very relevant to talk about this because I’m going to try to show you from this passage tonight that it’s pretty convincing that God has abandoned our nation. God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Oh, this isn’t the first nation that it’s happened to, this is the story of history. Acts 14:16, the apostle Paul said, “In the generations gone by, He” – God – “permitted all the nations to go their own way.” This is the story of history. All the nations of history go their own way. So like the nations of old, like the nations past, we follow the same cycle of having the truth, rejecting the truth and being abandoned by God. C.S. Lewis was writing in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he wrote this. “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.”

God has abandoned America to the effects of its sinful choices.

Rubbish. People exercised their Democrat right and you dont like it. Now you threaten people with some bullshit story that some ghost will abandon the country because the republicans were chucked out.

You don't know what God is thinking and never have. You have no access to what any person or ghost thinks. You only think you are with a pathetic attempt to ridicule democrats that is was atheism that was responsible. Grow up.

So you are a believer in God.

See I knew that you would see the light

Now you are being silly. I'd rather be tied to a cows tail and shit to death than be tied to any religion.

I don't like"religion" either. What I have is a father/son relationship through Jesus CHRIST our Lord. But if you'd rather be tied to a cow and pooped on ------ well, so much for any consideration for true LOVE.

You are a liar. You do not have a relationship with any Jesus Christ or God. You have never interacted, heard or spoken to one.
If you think you did, you are delusional, hallucinating or both.
As for true love for a ghost, don't make me vomit.

You are living a sad excuse of a life in the dark

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ign
ored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

Beside the existence of life, the writings of the prophets, the Children of Israel, JESUS CHRIST, and the Resurrection; I not sure how else I can help you...

Luke 16:19-31​

New International Version​

The Rich Man and Lazarus​

19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

You keep believing that.
As the pastor said, you keep the faith and I'll keep the money.
It's taking you a while to wake up

Again you are in denial that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation. This discussion is not about my beliefs but about your refusal to accept the new science of creation.


I pray that you get the psychological help that you clearly need to accept that you do not determine what other people such as Tyson believe, as Tyson clearly says that the Universe was created from powerful science.

You can pray until the sun rises in West and nothing will happen. In fact, you would never dream of praying for but you're simply condescending and insulting.
If you want to believe Tyson believes in a creator, go right ahead. Why would I care?
After all, you've been believing in God etc all your life. You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc so what's another little folly with the truth.

So don't shovel your insipid remarks on me. Only when I see Tyson praying and thanking God for everything will I and every atheist on earth believe it.

If you had a life of your own the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe was created would not bother you so. That said you should look inward to solve your own personal issues instead of lashing out at me and famous physicist who really do not have to believe what you demand that we do.

Denial is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna Freud which involves a refusal to accept reality, thus blocking external events from awareness.

If a situation is just too much to handle, the person may respond by refusing to perceive it or by denying that it exist.

As you might imagine, this is a primitive and dangerous defense - no one disregards reality and gets away with it for long! It can operate by itself or, more commonly, in combination with other, more subtle mechanisms that support it.

So even if you are a doctor, you really need to see a doctor and get treated

Just how pathetic are you? It's the same old crap you godbotherers pose when you get challenged. Out comes the intellectual insults. As I said, you believe in immaculate conception and virgin births but it me who needs a doctor.

You believe what you want but my dog has more faith in a creator than him.
The arrogance of you to discipline anyone about anything is breathtaking.
You pompous sanctamonius Jesus junkies feel it's your right to convert everone to your view of reality.
You're even arrogant enough to think your going to some eternity as a reward whilst predicting the destination and punishment of those who dont concede to your ridiculous hideous God crap. How arrogant are you?

If anyone is living in denial it's you. Following some pathetic religion because you feel guilty about your past and afraid of death is your denial.
Then there's the paedophilia involved.
What's your stand on that? If you pastor is a kiddy toddler, every time you attend church you approve if his habit. Its the only signal he can get from it.
Then there the money you donate to these fraudulent charlatans in expectation of a reward and to d r monstrates to other idiotsbif your firm belief (brainwashing).

So listen boy. Don't reply to me. I've done you over like a Sunday roast.
Stop belching your lies and insulting others.

Didn't read your ramblings as you are just not that important to my life, you have earned a one short sentence time limit

Again Tyson believes that the Universe was CREATED, and he does not need your approval to believe such.

There you go again. Now your predicting what Tyson believes. You godbotherers have no boundaries when you speak on behalf of God.
You can't help yourselves

It's not me who should give my approval
To anyone as you are suggesting. Apparently your have already done that.
I notice you never mentioned Tyson until someone stumbled across the story and massaged the words to suit th e godbotherers. Have you researched what dawkins or hitchens have said?
Of course not.
No one will believe anything but opportunism by you. You are a fraud and manufacture lies suit your religion.
So carry on with your childish school yard dribble. Every time you reply it gives me another opportunity to whack you again.

I did not predict what Tyson believes, I simply repeated what he said literally and you are too delusional to be able to either accept or comprehend the reality that Tyson has said that the Universe is a CREATED simulation.


Do you know what a simulation is? If you do, how can what he said be declared he implied there is a creator?
This is a prime example of godbotherers wanting to recruit any atheist to give their pathetic beliefs credibility.
You're as dumb as a stump.

Your "simulation" has been going on for a rather long time. I think you need a good dose of reality. Better put the little computer toys away...

Time is but merely the illusion in which we flow thru on our way back to dust

According to theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, time is an illusion: our naive perception of its flow doesn’t correspond to physical reality. Indeed, as Rovelli argues in The Order of Time, much more is illusory, including Isaac Newton’s picture of a universally ticking clock. Even Albert Einstein’s relativistic space-time — an elastic manifold that contorts so that local times differ depending on one’s relative speed or proximity to a mass — is just an effective simplification.

So what does Rovelli think is really going on? He posits that reality is just a complex network of events onto which we project sequences of past, present and future. The whole Universe obeys the laws of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, out of which time emerges.

Rovelli is one of the creators and champions of loop quantum gravity theory, one of several ongoing attempts to marry quantum mechanics with general relativity. In contrast to the better-known string theory, loop quantum gravity does not attempt to be a ‘theory of everything’ out of which we can generate all of particle physics and gravitation. Nevertheless, its agenda of joining up these two fundamentally differing laws is incredibly ambitious.

Alongside and inspired by his work in quantum gravity, Rovelli puts forward the idea of ‘physics without time’. This stems from the fact that some equations of quantum gravity (such as the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, which assigns quantum states to the Universe) can be written without any reference to time at all.

As Rovelli explains, the apparent existence of time — in our perceptions and in physical descriptions, written in the mathematical languages of Newton, Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger — comes not from knowledge, but from ignorance. ‘Forward in time’ is the direction in which entropy increases, and in which we gain information.

The book is split into three parts. In the first, “The Crumbling of Time”, Rovelli attempts to show how established physics theories deconstruct our common-sense ideas. Einstein showed us that time is just a fourth dimension and that there is nothing special about ‘now’; even ‘past’ and ‘future’ are not always well defined. The malleability of space and time mean that two events occurring far apart might even happen in one order when viewed by one observer, and in the opposite order when viewed by another.

Rovelli gives good descriptions of the classical physics of Newton and Ludwig Boltzmann, and of modern physics through the lenses of Einstein and quantum mechanics. There are parallels with thermodynamics and Bayesian probability theory, which both rely on the concept of entropy, and might therefore be used to argue that the flow of time is a subjective feature of the Universe, not an objective part of the physical description.

But I quibble with the details of some of Rovelli’s pronouncements. For example, it is far from certain that space-time is quantized, in the sense of space and time being packaged in minimal lengths or periods (the Planck length or time). Rather, our understanding peters out at those very small intervals for which we need both quantum mechanics and relativity to explain things.

In part two, “The World without Time”, Rovelli puts forward the idea that events (just a word for a given time and location at which something might happen), rather than particles or fields, are the basic constituents of the world. The task of physics is to describe the relationships between those events: as Rovelli notes, “A storm is not a thing, it’s a collection of occurrences.” At our level, each of those events looks like the interaction of particles at a particular position and time; but time and space themselves really only manifest out of their interactions and the web of causality between them.

In the final section, “The Sources of Time”, Rovelli reconstructs how our illusions have arisen, from aspects of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. He argues that our perception of time’s flow depends entirely on our inability to see the world in all its detail. Quantum uncertainty means we cannot know the positions and speeds of all the particles in the Universe. If we could, there would be no entropy, and no unravelling of time. Rovelli originated this ‘thermal time hypothesis’ with French mathematician Alain Connes.

The Order of Time is a compact and elegant book. Each chapter starts with an apt ode from classical Latin poet Horace — I particularly liked “Don’t attempt abstruse calculations”. And the writing, translated from Italian by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell, is more stylish than that in most physics books. Rovelli ably brings in the thoughts of philosophers Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl, sociologist Émile Durkheim and psychologist William James, along with physicist-favourite philosophers such as Hilary Putnam and Willard Van Orman Quine. Occasionally, the writing strays into floweriness. For instance, Rovelli describes his final section as “a fiery magma of ideas, sometimes illuminating, sometimes confusing”.

Ultimately, I’m not sure I buy Rovelli’s ideas, about either loop quantum gravity or the thermal time hypothesis. And this book alone would not give a lay reader enough information to render judgement. The Order of Time does, however, raise and explore big issues that are very much alive in modern physics, and are closely related to the way in which we limited beings observe and participate in the world.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

What I find telling is that Intelligent Design is in essence banned in Public Schools (religious), and yet this guy is able to infiltrate the media with his own take on it and it's okay........... The man is wearing a mask and it reads hypocrite. "Christians" do not adopt any old thing. They are limited by exactly what GOD reveals in HIS word. WE (Christians) realize that the FLOOD occurred. It was devastating and violent and worldwide and judgemental. We (Christians) realize that the world will one day be judged by fire. It will be devastating, violent, worldwide, and judgemental. I'm not impressed when someone who is part of the establishment presents the notion that things seem somehow manipulated, but when "Christians" suggest it, suddenly it's just some silly conspiracy theory without any proof... Read the Bible, and don't rest your laurels on the likes of Tyson ----- he is not very original.

ID’iot creationism is not “in essence” banned from the public schools, it is “with specific reference” banned from the public schools.

Religious indoctrination in the public schools is a violation of the Constitution. That has been affirmed repeatedly by the courts.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

What I find telling is that Intelligent Design is in essence banned in Public Schools (religious), and yet this guy is able to infiltrate the media with his own take on it and it's okay........... The man is wearing a mask and it reads hypocrite. "Christians" do not adopt any old thing. They are limited by exactly what GOD reveals in HIS word. WE (Christians) realize that the FLOOD occurred. It was devastating and violent and worldwide and judgemental. We (Christians) realize that the world will one day be judged by fire. It will be devastating, violent, worldwide, and judgemental. I'm not impressed when someone who is part of the establishment presents the notion that things seem somehow manipulated, but when "Christians" suggest it, suddenly it's just some silly conspiracy theory without any proof... Read the Bible, and don't rest your laurels on the likes of Tyson ----- he is not very original.

ID’iot creationism is not “in essence” banned from the public schools, it is “with specific reference” banned from the public schools.

Religious indoctrination in the public schools is a violation of the Constitution. That has been affirmed repeatedly by the courts.

And I believe firmly that government sponsored "religious" atheism has been systematically spoon fed to the public school students of this country without any considerations of anyone or anything else... And that is a the crime against freedom and impressionable young adults. And these "liberal" government officials fabricated "no fault" divorce, devalued human life, normalize homosexual behavior, and confuse gender. All this is being carried out in the name of the NATIONAL RELIGION ---- MATERIALISTIC ATHEISTIC HUMANISM, which has gone unchallenged in public institutions since 1963 and began insidiously in 1946, when the Federal government assumed control of all the community run schools with FEDERAL FUNDING.
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