Neil Degrasse Tyson now believes in God, as he says that a great programmer created the universe and us as well

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

He's saying he believes in God? Is that really what you got out of that?

That's insane.

What he was really saying was, "Orange man bad"

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

He's saying he believes in God? Is that really what you got out of that?

That's insane.

What he was really saying was, "Orange man bad"

Holy crap, you guys are so freakin' sensitive.

Man up.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

What I find telling is that Intelligent Design is in essence banned in Public Schools (religious), and yet this guy is able to infiltrate the media with his own take on it and it's okay........... The man is wearing a mask and it reads hypocrite. "Christians" do not adopt any old thing. They are limited by exactly what GOD reveals in HIS word. WE (Christians) realize that the FLOOD occurred. It was devastating and violent and worldwide and judgemental. We (Christians) realize that the world will one day be judged by fire. It will be devastating, violent, worldwide, and judgemental. I'm not impressed when someone who is part of the establishment presents the notion that things seem somehow manipulated, but when "Christians" suggest it, suddenly it's just some silly conspiracy theory without any proof... Read the Bible, and don't rest your laurels on the likes of Tyson ----- he is not very original.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ignored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ignored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.


The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ignored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ignored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

Tysons scientific theory that the universe is a simulation requires a creator, thus Tyson is a believer that a higher power created the universe. 100 percent of non physicist call this creator God, Tyson dislikes the word God because he knows now that he was wrong about life creating itself in a pond

You are exhibiting classic denial symptoms.

7 Common Signs Of Denial​

  • Rationalizing the problem. Although rationalizations may make sense on the surface, they often mask the extent of the mental illness problem.
  • Blaming others. It’s natural to feel defensive when someone brings up your level of drinking or drug use. However, flipping the situation around to blame someone else can be a form of denial. If you find yourself saying, “Well, it’s really my partner’s fault because she’s always nagging me,” you may be using blame to divert attention from your own problems.
  • Comparing your circumstance to others’. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether you are more or less than the people around you. Even if you seem “better adjusted, mental illness may be affecting your everyday life.
  • Pretending to be compliant. In some situations, it feels best to just nod your head and agree when someone expresses concern about your mental health. However, this is often a sign of denial. Making promises with no intent to follow through, pretending to look into treatment options, or continually apologizing may be signs that denial is a problem for you.
  • Suppressing thoughts or emotions about the problem. In the long run, it can be very harmful to suppress thoughts and feelings about your mental health. Consciously deciding, “I’m just not going to think about that now” is a sign that your illness may have gotten out of hand.
  • Feeling hopeless about your future mental health. Working through mental illness is challenging, and some feelings of hopelessness are normal. If you find yourself using hopelessness to get out of changing -- “It’s no use, I’ll always be broken” -- it may be a form of denial.
  • “My life, my problem.” People with this mentality do not believe that anyone else should express concern about their mental illness. However, this can be a way of denying the impact on your friends, family members, and other loved ones.

Denial Prevents You From Getting The Help You Need​

Denying that you have a problem is a short-term comfort that results in poor long-term consequences. If you recognize some of the above thoughts and feelings, take a moment to check whether you’re being honest with yourself and others about your mental health. Although acknowledging your problems with substance use can be scary, it ultimately can help you find an effective treatment program that will restore your good health.


The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

Dear Dusty westwall CrusaderFrank

This is nothing new.

I have met and known many who believe in the Source of Life/Creation which Theists call God, yet Nontheists do not perceive this as a "Personified" figure.

Christian Author and Healer Agnes Sanford referred to God and Nature as interchangeable.

Buddhists do not personify God as Creator, but call all Life in the Creation as a whole collective entity unto itself, similar to attributing things to Life or to the Universal as IMPERSONAL.

When we quit expecting people to see and say things the same way we do, we quit projecting and judging and can learn to hear what each other means despite these cultural and perceptual differences.

Some people refer to the earth as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. So what if some people personify Nature as Male or Female, because the Laws of Nature and Forces of Life work the same way regardless.

It fascinates me how people see and say things in their own cultural ways and native language.

My mother is Buddhist and will never quite see the world the same way Christians do who personify and talk to God in personal terms.

My friend and political mentor Ray Hill decided to give up his Baptist preaching early on as a teenager when he realized he was atheist, but still kept teaching about the forgiveness and free grace in life that we can all receive for the asking. So he continued teaching the same Christian charity and message of forgiveness and healing of humanity for Justice and Peace, but without the religious symbolism or rituals. He believed and lived by Restorative Justice but didn't require others to believe or call this Christ Jesus, though I recognize this as interchangeable.

God can mean wisdom, truth, love, universal laws of life or nature, perfect good will, collective knowledge or spirituality.

Jesus can mean salvation, Justice and peace for all, Equal Justice Under Law, Restorative Justice etc.

We do not have to personify these concepts to reach agreement on Universal Truth and Justice which God and Jesus represent.

It just helps that we forgive each other our differences so we can see beyond our conflicts and focus on points and principles we agree on as true and mutually beneficial.

Thank you for defending the faith in higher justice and truth. I hope as Americans with freedom of speech, we can use our freedoms and advantages to resolve conflicts and work out amenable solutions to solve problems and stop abuses, regardless of differences.

Take care, Happy Memorial Day, and thank you for standing up for what is right, true and best about America that is our responsibility to share to empower all people to achieve Equal Justice Under Law by God We Trust to be Universal.
I grew up Roman Catholic and I love Jesus as a teacher and Mentor, but I never felt comfortable with the religion.

Lately Ive gravitated toward Kabbalah and Chabad, I love the direct connection one has with a Creator who loves us and is out to do us Good.

There are many paths, pick the path that has heart - for you

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

Dear Dusty westwall CrusaderFrank

This is nothing new.

I have met and known many who believe in the Source of Life/Creation which Theists call God, yet Nontheists do not perceive this as a "Personified" figure.

Christian Author and Healer Agnes Sanford referred to God and Nature as interchangeable.

Buddhists do not personify God as Creator, but call all Life in the Creation as a whole collective entity unto itself, similar to attributing things to Life or to the Universal as IMPERSONAL.

When we quit expecting people to see and say things the same way we do, we quit projecting and judging and can learn to hear what each other means despite these cultural and perceptual differences.

Some people refer to the earth as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. So what if some people personify Nature as Male or Female, because the Laws of Nature and Forces of Life work the same way regardless.

It fascinates me how people see and say things in their own cultural ways and native language.

My mother is Buddhist and will never quite see the world the same way Christians do who personify and talk to God in personal terms.

My friend and political mentor Ray Hill decided to give up his Baptist preaching early on as a teenager when he realized he was atheist, but still kept teaching about the forgiveness and free grace in life that we can all receive for the asking. So he continued teaching the same Christian charity and message of forgiveness and healing of humanity for Justice and Peace, but without the religious symbolism or rituals. He believed and lived by Restorative Justice but didn't require others to believe or call this Christ Jesus, though I recognize this as interchangeable.

God can mean wisdom, truth, love, universal laws of life or nature, perfect good will, collective knowledge or spirituality.

Jesus can mean salvation, Justice and peace for all, Equal Justice Under Law, Restorative Justice etc.

We do not have to personify these concepts to reach agreement on Universal Truth and Justice which God and Jesus represent.

It just helps that we forgive each other our differences so we can see beyond our conflicts and focus on points and principles we agree on as true and mutually beneficial.

Thank you for defending the faith in higher justice and truth. I hope as Americans with freedom of speech, we can use our freedoms and advantages to resolve conflicts and work out amenable solutions to solve problems and stop abuses, regardless of differences.

Take care, Happy Memorial Day, and thank you for standing up for what is right, true and best about America that is our responsibility to share to empower all people to achieve Equal Justice Under Law by God We Trust to be Universal.

Thank you for the kind words Emily. I am an agnostic, but respect those who are religious because they deserve respect.

I have had many wonderful discussions about philosophy, religion, and science with a dear friend who is a devout Catholic, though in jest I must confess that I call him a filthy Papist, and he refers to me as a vile Pagan!

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

You are all getting excited about some perceived victory of religion over atheism.
At no time did he suggest there was a god. He is an atheist to his boot straps.
You guys will grab anything to defend your delusion that a god exists.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR

LOL grow up kid

He did not say that nor does he believe there is a god. Godbotherers attempt to link science to religion because their stupidity is losing relevance in mainstream America. Fabricating lies won't change it. Realising there is no God in control is what gives you credibility.

Again Tyson clearly said that the universe is likely a simulation, which would require a writer or programmer that would also be the CREATOR otherwise known as GOD

LOL grow up kid

You believe what you want but you won't see him handing over his money to some kiddy fiddling pastor like you do.
He is an atheist and dies not believe in your hideous creator theory. Grow up.

Dude you are delusional and in denial. Tyson believes that the universe is a created simulation. See a doctor and get treated

I dont care what you believe. The fact remains he is an atheist and nothing you can attempt to link him to will ever change that.
But oh the irony. You prayer numbers believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet you tell me I am ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Don't insult my intelligence.
You're just another delusional godbotherer.

We are not discussing what I believe, we are discussing that Tyson has clearly said that the universe is a simulation which if he is right would NEED A CREATOR, more commonly titled God. Since you can not accept this truth you are deflecting the conversation to me.

So argue with Tyson he is the one who believes that you are a simulation that was CREATED


You keep believing that. Next you will be telling me Richard Dawkins is a godbotherer and believes in a creator.
Don't make me vomit.

I do not have to believe that the universe is a computer simulation as Tyson believes this for me, and in such demands a scientific reason for the CREATOR


It's widely known godbotherers will adopt anything that could prove their outrageous beliefs in a god. This is no different. He has been a lifelong atheist but he mutters some words and you grabbed it. Why didn't you adopt his theories when he spoke of his atheism and evolution?
Because it didn't suit you. How conveniently but you're not an opportunist are you. Hypocrit suits you better.

Look kid, you are having psychological issues with the fact that Tyson is now a born again believer in God, as Tyson now clearly says that the universe was CREATED, which requires a clearly superior intelligence that you will never have. So Tyson has seen the light so to speak and knows that God always has seats at his table for those who come seeking. I am still not sure why you want to argue with me about what Tyson believes.


Tyson no more believes in God or a creator than my dog. Wake up to yourself.
So listen kid, you've been believing in some hideous creator long enough now so it won't matter If you believe another lie.
Have you got that KID?

Again Tyson has clearly said that the Universe is a simulation, which would require outside input to program. So genius, you want to argue with me but since the topic is Tysons beliefs you are powerless. Come back for more after you finish your milk

Cut the childish put downs. That's not a good look.

You keep believing that rubbish but when he goes to church and prays to God, let me know.
The sun will rise in the West before that happens.
You bible thumpers will grasp at anything that links your hideous beliefs to science.
That's why religion is ignored. Feeble minded racist bigots find a refuge under their gods. Hypocrisy is their only partner.

That might send your milk sour dough boy.

This thread is not about me, this thread is about the fact that Tyson believes that the Universe is a CREATED simulation which requires a CREATOR.

I repeat, Tyson is an atheist for the same reason I am. There is no irrefutable evidence a god exists. None. So unless have the Only evidence in the world, I'm staying atheist. Like Tyson.

Tysons scientific theory that the universe is a simulation requires a creator, thus Tyson is a believer that a higher power created the universe. 100 percent of non physicist call this creator God, Tyson dislikes the word God because he knows now that he was wrong about life creating itself in a pond

You are exhibiting classic denial symptoms.

7 Common Signs Of Denial​

  • Rationalizing the problem. Although rationalizations may make sense on the surface, they often mask the extent of the mental illness problem.
  • Blaming others. It’s natural to feel defensive when someone brings up your level of drinking or drug use. However, flipping the situation around to blame someone else can be a form of denial. If you find yourself saying, “Well, it’s really my partner’s fault because she’s always nagging me,” you may be using blame to divert attention from your own problems.
  • Comparing your circumstance to others’. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether you are more or less than the people around you. Even if you seem “better adjusted, mental illness may be affecting your everyday life.
  • Pretending to be compliant. In some situations, it feels best to just nod your head and agree when someone expresses concern about your mental health. However, this is often a sign of denial. Making promises with no intent to follow through, pretending to look into treatment options, or continually apologizing may be signs that denial is a problem for you.
  • Suppressing thoughts or emotions about the problem. In the long run, it can be very harmful to suppress thoughts and feelings about your mental health. Consciously deciding, “I’m just not going to think about that now” is a sign that your illness may have gotten out of hand.
  • Feeling hopeless about your future mental health. Working through mental illness is challenging, and some feelings of hopelessness are normal. If you find yourself using hopelessness to get out of changing -- “It’s no use, I’ll always be broken” -- it may be a form of denial.
  • “My life, my problem.” People with this mentality do not believe that anyone else should express concern about their mental illness. However, this can be a way of denying the impact on your friends, family members, and other loved ones.

Denial Prevents You From Getting The Help You Need​

Denying that you have a problem is a short-term comfort that results in poor long-term consequences. If you recognize some of the above thoughts and feelings, take a moment to check whether you’re being honest with yourself and others about your mental health. Although acknowledging your problems with substance use can be scary, it ultimately can help you find an effective treatment program that will restore your good health.

You can post anything you like if it gives you a warm inner glow. Tyson is an atheist and does not believe there is a creator nor God.
Why can't you get that through your thick skull?
He doesn't spend his life looking at the universe then convert just to suit the jesus junkies. Grow up.

Furthermore, I can understand him implying that if he was standing for government. That's the sort of crap godbotherers like to hear. Remember when the big idiot stood in front of the church waving a bible to suck in the Republican godbotherers?
I do. That didn't work too well.
The silent majority showed him the door.

The really sad thing is that this guy actually believes that he is an atheist yet ha clearly says that the universe was CREATED by a programmer. While he does not use the word God he describes God exactly as creationist do.

Oh well

Dear Dusty westwall CrusaderFrank

This is nothing new.

I have met and known many who believe in the Source of Life/Creation which Theists call God, yet Nontheists do not perceive this as a "Personified" figure.

Christian Author and Healer Agnes Sanford referred to God and Nature as interchangeable.

Buddhists do not personify God as Creator, but call all Life in the Creation as a whole collective entity unto itself, similar to attributing things to Life or to the Universal as IMPERSONAL.

When we quit expecting people to see and say things the same way we do, we quit projecting and judging and can learn to hear what each other means despite these cultural and perceptual differences.

Some people refer to the earth as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. So what if some people personify Nature as Male or Female, because the Laws of Nature and Forces of Life work the same way regardless.

It fascinates me how people see and say things in their own cultural ways and native language.

My mother is Buddhist and will never quite see the world the same way Christians do who personify and talk to God in personal terms.

My friend and political mentor Ray Hill decided to give up his Baptist preaching early on as a teenager when he realized he was atheist, but still kept teaching about the forgiveness and free grace in life that we can all receive for the asking. So he continued teaching the same Christian charity and message of forgiveness and healing of humanity for Justice and Peace, but without the religious symbolism or rituals. He believed and lived by Restorative Justice but didn't require others to believe or call this Christ Jesus, though I recognize this as interchangeable.

God can mean wisdom, truth, love, universal laws of life or nature, perfect good will, collective knowledge or spirituality.

Jesus can mean salvation, Justice and peace for all, Equal Justice Under Law, Restorative Justice etc.

We do not have to personify these concepts to reach agreement on Universal Truth and Justice which God and Jesus represent.

It just helps that we forgive each other our differences so we can see beyond our conflicts and focus on points and principles we agree on as true and mutually beneficial.

Thank you for defending the faith in higher justice and truth. I hope as Americans with freedom of speech, we can use our freedoms and advantages to resolve conflicts and work out amenable solutions to solve problems and stop abuses, regardless of differences.

Take care, Happy Memorial Day, and thank you for standing up for what is right, true and best about America that is our responsibility to share to empower all people to achieve Equal Justice Under Law by God We Trust to be Universal.

Actually the simulation theory is very new as it arises partly due to the inability to achieve a rational cosmological constant. See according to physics the universe is mathematically impossible with galaxies moving 5 times light speed and there is no void where the big bang would have happened and with this all universal observations are senseless when totaled together. so they create a new idea of the moment which is the simulation theory. The fact is that Tyson has no better idea what created the universe than a frog does, so Tyson created God as a computer programmer to fill his empty soul

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