Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Cosmos and science ignorance


"The science is settled, the debate is over, all the evidence is right there under my pinkie in this one tree section!! Out of 87,000 samples we located one anomalous ring. Science = Settled!"

You Warmers are most gullible saps on the planet
There is no argument against emotion. Appeal to emotion was the genius of the Reagan Revolutions rhetoric, the Nixon Administrations appeal to authority, and the heart of the Southern Strategy. So it is today over all manner of social and policy issues, and the biggest pr push is against climate science.
People who say "the science is settled because we have consensus" are the ones who hate science and who can blame them when the Scientific process fails their theories 100% of the time?
Why would he debate a losing argument when he's totally unarmed?

What's he going to do show the only and only lab experiment that shows 200PPM CO2 causing hurricanes?

Who are you talking about?


HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... Jesus Frank thinks Tyson is "totally unarmed". Pay attention Skooks, now THIS is FUNNY.

In his AGW argument, yes he's totally unarmed

Where's the "Science"?
like I said the right has nothing left but lies.

they will defend those lies to the end.

It makes their masters big piles of money
Why would he debate a losing argument when he's totally unarmed?

What's he going to do show the only and only lab experiment that shows 200PPM CO2 causing hurricanes?

Who are you talking about?


HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... Jesus Frank thinks Tyson is "totally unarmed". Pay attention Skooks, now THIS is FUNNY.

Don't you know their petty insults erase all education their opponent ever obtained?

We are NOT dealing with rational people here.

They are idiots who are baaaaaaaing sheep.

they would believe in anything Lush Limpballs told them to think
Frank, why don't you go back to bed. The grownups need to talk.

This is certainly a point worth discussion on AGW and any other scientific topic of public interest. What I see, however, when I look for arguments on this topic is some very widespread misunderstanding as to what many members of the public believe AGW is theorized to DO. That is, a great many people believe - or claim to believe - that AGW predicts things which it does not.

Climate scientists are not predicting that every piece of matter on the planet's surface, in its atmosphere or in its ocean is going to continually increase in temperature in lockstep with the atmospheric CO2 level. Both theoretically and observationally, warming from the Greenhouse effect is relatively weak and can be and has been overcome repeatedly by transient natural phenomena. The common complaint: that people who accept AGW have claimed it can be responsible for cooling as well as warming is simply false. AGW is simply easily overcome on a temporary basis and thus temporary cooling does not falsify it. The prediction here would be that a transient cause will be found for the hiatus and that warming will resume when former conditions resume. Now this particular point is actually moot. The measured radiative imbalance at the ToA and the increased rate of warming of the deep ocean show quite clearly that the EARTH'S TOTAL HEAT CONTENT IS STILL RISING. There has been no hiatus in warming. The only thing that has changed has been the locations where that heat energy ends up. This is actually off the topic of falsification, but I couldn't let such a faulty assumption go unchallenged.

As was noted in several of the articles I read on this topic, the crucial point is not whether or not warming is taking place (I won't go into how stupid you'd have to be to challenge the thousands and thousands of direct measurements that show that it has) it is whether or not that warming has been primarily anthropogenic.

Falsifiable predictions of AGW

1) Direct measurements of the radiative imbalances at the ToA will show that the Earth is receiving more energy than it is radiating away (establishes radiative warming)
2) CO2, methane, ozone or other anthropogenic gases will be found to preferentially absorb IR radiation (establishes the Greenhouse Effect)
3) Humans will be found to be responsible for the vast majority (let's say 95%) of the CO2 added to the atmosphere since 1750 (establishes that human activity bears primary responsibility for the CO2-based Greenhouse warming since 1750)
4) By direct calculation, warming from anthropogenic GHGs will be found responsible for the majority (>50%) of the radiative forcing warming the planet (establishes predominance of Greenhouse warming over other effects)

Would anyone care to explain why any or all of these four predictions can't be falsified?
Neil has a point

just shame them and don't bother to discuss their Idiot memes with them.

They are not fit for the discussion.

That is what they say when they deny known science.

they might as well be saying "Im an idiot political dupe"

that is in fact what they are saying when they attack known sceince for their idiot political memes
I have been told by four different deniers that AGW was not falsifiable. I have yet to get an explanation for that position. What's the hold up?

Because all you do is flip on the Weather Channel and say, "See that? Manmade Global Climate Change Warming!"

That's not science
You cant deny scientific consensus and then claim your on the side of science.

YOU are anti science.

THAT is your position of GW
Frank, why don't you go back to bed. The grownups need to talk.

This is certainly a point worth discussion on AGW and any other scientific topic of public interest. What I see, however, when I look for arguments on this topic is some very widespread misunderstanding as to what many members of the public believe AGW is theorized to DO. That is, a great many people believe - or claim to believe - that AGW predicts things which it does not.

Climate scientists are not predicting that every piece of matter on the planet's surface, in its atmosphere or in its ocean is going to continually increase in temperature in lockstep with the atmospheric CO2 level. Both theoretically and observationally, warming from the Greenhouse effect is relatively weak and can be and has been overcome repeatedly by transient natural phenomena. The common complaint: that people who accept AGW have claimed it can be responsible for cooling as well as warming is simply false. AGW is simply easily overcome on a temporary basis and thus temporary cooling does not falsify it. The prediction here would be that a transient cause will be found for the hiatus and that warming will resume when former conditions resume. Now this particular point is actually moot. The measured radiative imbalance at the ToA and the increased rate of warming of the deep ocean show quite clearly that the EARTH'S TOTAL HEAT CONTENT IS STILL RISING. There has been no hiatus in warming. The only thing that has changed has been the locations where that heat energy ends up. This is actually off the topic of falsification, but I couldn't let such a faulty assumption go unchallenged.

As was noted in several of the articles I read on this topic, the crucial point is not whether or not warming is taking place (I won't go into how stupid you'd have to be to challenge the thousands and thousands of direct measurements that show that it has) it is whether or not that warming has been primarily anthropogenic.

Falsifiable predictions of AGW

1) Direct measurements of the radiative imbalances at the ToA will show that the Earth is receiving more energy than it is radiating away (establishes radiative warming)
2) CO2, methane, ozone or other anthropogenic gases will be found to preferentially absorb IR radiation (establishes the Greenhouse Effect)
3) Humans will be found to be responsible for the vast majority (let's say 95%) of the CO2 added to the atmosphere since 1750 (establishes that human activity bears primary responsibility for the CO2-based Greenhouse warming since 1750)
4) By direct calculation, warming from anthropogenic GHGs will be found responsible for the majority (>50%) of the radiative forcing warming the planet (establishes predominance of Greenhouse warming over other effects)

Would anyone care to explain why any or all of these four predictions can't be falsified?

And yet CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decrease in nearly 100% of the samples shown to date.

Why is that?
You take a political stance on science Frankie.

Instead of accepting our BEST information at the time you accept a political driven pack of fucking lies.

there is just no way around that
when you wrap yourself in POLITICAL ideologies and trash science you are a fucking idiot
When I want to know about climate science, I do not seek out the thoughts of people who have no qualifications to address the subject.

When there is a scientific debate, I am unqualified to decide which POV is correct.

I find it rather odd that I find myself on a board, a board inhabited by people that have proven to me that they are not scientists -- in fact many here have proven to me that they are not very smart about any subject whatever-- but STILL somehow they believe themselves capable of having an informed point of view on a subject about which they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
Frank, why don't you go back to bed. The grownups need to talk.

This is certainly a point worth discussion on AGW and any other scientific topic of public interest. What I see, however, when I look for arguments on this topic is some very widespread misunderstanding as to what many members of the public believe AGW is theorized to DO. That is, a great many people believe - or claim to believe - that AGW predicts things which it does not.

Climate scientists are not predicting that every piece of matter on the planet's surface, in its atmosphere or in its ocean is going to continually increase in temperature in lockstep with the atmospheric CO2 level. Both theoretically and observationally, warming from the Greenhouse effect is relatively weak and can be and has been overcome repeatedly by transient natural phenomena. The common complaint: that people who accept AGW have claimed it can be responsible for cooling as well as warming is simply false. AGW is simply easily overcome on a temporary basis and thus temporary cooling does not falsify it. The prediction here would be that a transient cause will be found for the hiatus and that warming will resume when former conditions resume. Now this particular point is actually moot. The measured radiative imbalance at the ToA and the increased rate of warming of the deep ocean show quite clearly that the EARTH'S TOTAL HEAT CONTENT IS STILL RISING. There has been no hiatus in warming. The only thing that has changed has been the locations where that heat energy ends up. This is actually off the topic of falsification, but I couldn't let such a faulty assumption go unchallenged.

As was noted in several of the articles I read on this topic, the crucial point is not whether or not warming is taking place (I won't go into how stupid you'd have to be to challenge the thousands and thousands of direct measurements that show that it has) it is whether or not that warming has been primarily anthropogenic.

Falsifiable predictions of AGW

1) Direct measurements of the radiative imbalances at the ToA will show that the Earth is receiving more energy than it is radiating away (establishes radiative warming)
2) CO2, methane, ozone or other anthropogenic gases will be found to preferentially absorb IR radiation (establishes the Greenhouse Effect)
3) Humans will be found to be responsible for the vast majority (let's say 95%) of the CO2 added to the atmosphere since 1750 (establishes that human activity bears primary responsibility for the CO2-based Greenhouse warming since 1750)
4) By direct calculation, warming from anthropogenic GHGs will be found responsible for the majority (>50%) of the radiative forcing warming the planet (establishes predominance of Greenhouse warming over other effects)

Would anyone care to explain why any or all of these four predictions can't be falsified?

Warmer: We've eliminated all variables and can prove a wisp of CO2 will melt the polar ice caps

Skeptic: Can you show this in a lab setting?

Warmer: Er, no

Skeptic: Why not

Warmer: Because the weather is far more complex and we haven't eliminated all the variables

Skeptic: I thought you said you eliminated all the variables?

Warmer: Denier!
You take a political stance on science Frankie.

Instead of accepting our BEST information at the time you accept a political driven pack of fucking lies.

there is just no way around that

The Vostok Ice Cores, apolitical, show CO2 lagging temperature on the increase and decrease
The science that was done by consensus has the Earth as a Flat Plane supported on the back of a Giant Turtle and that was far more likely to be correct than a wisp of CO2 swamping the effects of the Sun and the Jet Stream
You take a political stance on science Frankie.

Instead of accepting our BEST information at the time you accept a political driven pack of fucking lies.

there is just no way around that

The Vostok Ice Cores, apolitical, show CO2 lagging temperature on the increase and decrease

all prove you wrong.

do you really think Lush Limpballs ass tastes that good that you will deny known science?

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