Neil DeGrasse Tyson on morality of deniers

Once again, even if I accepted that statement as fact, did you hear Tyson call anyone a denier?

Many, many times....

[ame=]Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Climate Change Deniers - YouTube[/ame]

In that clip I heard him use the word "deny" and I heard him use the word "denial". They were used appropriately in the context in which he spoke.

I did not hear him use the word "deniers", much less use it as a pejorative.

Feel free to type it into youtube and knock yourself out.

In that clip I heard him use the word "deny" and I heard him use the word "denial". They were used appropriately in the context in which he spoke.

I did not hear him use the word "deniers", much less use it as a pejorative.

Feel free to type it into youtube and knock yourself out.

I've looked for it. I haven't found it yet. So far he comes across as reasonable and measured, choosing his words carefully.

Tactless people like Maher and the people in the link provided by the OP appear to be gleefully using him and it appears that he is getting a bad rap for the words they put into his mouth.
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In that clip I heard him use the word "deny" and I heard him use the word "denial". They were used appropriately in the context in which he spoke.

I did not hear him use the word "deniers", much less use it as a pejorative.

Feel free to type it into youtube and knock yourself out.

I've looked for it. I haven't found it yet. So far he comes across as reasonable and measured, choosing his words carefully.

Biased people like Maher and the people in the link provided by the OP appear to be gleefully using him and it appears that he is getting a bad rap for the words they put into his mouth.


As a respectable spokesperson for science, tyson loses points for just putting his ass on that show.. That or he needs a new agent badly....
Prominent scientists should be allowed to speak publicly about scientific things and their ramifications without being written off as "activists".


When they accuse sceptics of being "deniers" ( a pejorative) they have entered into the realm of political activism. That is simply a fact.
Once again, even if I accepted that statement as fact, did you hear Tyson call anyone a denier?
His term was flat earthers.
When they accuse sceptics of being "deniers" ( a pejorative) they have entered into the realm of political activism. That is simply a fact.
Once again, even if I accepted that statement as fact, did you hear Tyson call anyone a denier?
His term was flat earthers.

Thanks. That gave a good lead to google. But in the clip I just heard where he said that, he was specifically addressing what Obama said about the flat earth society.

He did use "deniers" in that clip, speaking of "science deniers".

But so far to me everything I've heard him say was reasonable.

Even if you don't like what he says, what I've heard is not as bad as some are making it out to be ... including the people who try to act like they care about saving the world from AGW but who actually seem to be more interested in scoring political points than making progress.
I've got no beef with Neil Tyson.. I just feel he needs to be more careful about
what he associates himself with.. He is a good candidate for a "spokesperson" as long
as he promotes SCIENCE and not agendas..

In an era where NASA is being instructed to address Global Muslim outreach

White House, NASA, Defend Comments About NASA Outreach to Muslim World Criticized by Conservatives - ABC News

and they are currently embroiled in a controversy over funding "sustainability models" ---- this is a time
when LEADERS in science need to step away from politics or risk losing cred...
Im stumped.......this guy is talking "morality" stuff and its the AGW alarmists that are fucking with the data all the time!!!!

Climate alarmists ignore critical data | TheGazette

Fails to pass the smell test.:up:

Those in the far left crack me up......the model of what we call "weenies". Don't agree with them, you're a racist or immoral of some other the kids in grade school who would hide behind some bully because they didn't have the balls to stick up for themselves. Weenieish.......
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Neil deGrasse Tyson: Those ?who cherry pick science simply don?t understand how? it works
When asked specifically about climate change, Tyson said that the deniers have the same “tools of science” as everyone else, they merely misuse them. “You are equipped and empowered with this cosmic perspective, achieved by the methods and tools of science, applied to the universe,” he said.

The question is, “are you going to be a good shepherd, or a bad shepherd? Are you going to use your wisdom to protect civilization, or will you go at it in a shortsighted enough way to either destroy it, or be complicit in its destruction? If you can’t bring your scientific knowledge to bear on those kinds of decisions, then why even waste your time?”

he went to Columbia, University of Texas, Harvard, etc...

"He also said that he wouldn’t debate anti-scientific people — as Bill Nye famously did last month — because “I don’t have the time or the energy or the interest in doing so. As an educator, I’d rather just get people thinking straight in the first place, so I don’t have to then debate them later on.”"

How anti scientific can one be to say he won't debate. So, he has some doubts about his science that he knows he won't win. LOL................way to go Neil!!!!!hahahahahaahaha, he gets no respect from me with that attitude.

To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....
Im stumped.......this guy is talking "morality" stuff and its the AGW alarmists that are fucking with the data all the time!!!!

Climate alarmists ignore critical data | TheGazette

Fails to pass the smell test.:up:

Those in the far left crack me up......the model of what we call "weenies". Don't agree with them, you're a racist or immoral of some other the kids in grade school who would hide behind some bully because they didn't have the balls to stick up for themselves. Weenieish.......

Lying, cheating and conning the public is "moral" when you're trying to save the world. That's how the liberal mind sees it, anyhow.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Those ?who cherry pick science simply don?t understand how? it works

he went to Columbia, University of Texas, Harvard, etc...

"He also said that he wouldn’t debate anti-scientific people — as Bill Nye famously did last month — because “I don’t have the time or the energy or the interest in doing so. As an educator, I’d rather just get people thinking straight in the first place, so I don’t have to then debate them later on.”"

How anti scientific can one be to say he won't debate. So, he has some doubts about his science that he knows he won't win. LOL................way to go Neil!!!!!hahahahahaahaha, he gets no respect from me with that attitude.

To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....

The reality is that he's a fucking coward, just like all the other warmist cult members.
Funny how he speaks of destroying civilization when science is responsible for weapons including nuclear warheads and the missile technology to deliver them anywhere.

And I have yet to see compelling proof that the earth being a few degrees warmer will be the end of civilization
global warming non-deniers are gullible lemmings being used as tools for an agenda to share the redistribute the wealth of Western nations to poorer nations

idiots and hypocrites
global warming non-deniers are gullible lemmings being used as tools for an agenda to share the redistribute the wealth of Western nations to poorer nations

idiots and hypocrites

Like most things climate change is broken down into 2 camps

The disaster nuts and the denial nuts.

The truth as usual lies somewhere in the middle
Once again, even if I accepted that statement as fact, did you hear Tyson call anyone a denier?
His term was flat earthers.

Thanks. That gave a good lead to google. But in the clip I just heard where he said that, he was specifically addressing what Obama said about the flat earth society.

He did use "deniers" in that clip, speaking of "science deniers".

But so far to me everything I've heard him say was reasonable.

Even if you don't like what he says, what I've heard is not as bad as some are making it out to be ... including the people who try to act like they care about saving the world from AGW but who actually seem to be more interested in scoring political points than making progress.

On CNN Brian Stelter asked him about the media's coverage of climate change and other science issues.

Tyson was emphatic in his response:

I think the media has to sort of come out of this ethos that I think was in principle a good one, but doesn't really apply in science. The ethos was, whatever story you give, you have to give the opposing view, and then you can be viewed as don't talk about the spherical earth with NASA and then say let's give equal time to the flat-earthers. link

He lost me right here as a fan. What other science issues? That the earth is flat?
More CO2 and warmer is great for crops, so of course, the Death Worshiping AGWCult had to make it Evil
global warming non-deniers are gullible lemmings being used as tools for an agenda to share the redistribute the wealth of Western nations to poorer nations

idiots and hypocrites

Like most things climate change is broken down into 2 camps

The disaster nuts and the denial nuts.

The truth as usual lies somewhere in the middle

The distribution of "denial nuts" is much broader than the "disaster nuts".. If you even
presume not to accept the WORST DISASTER scenarios of the Global Warming lore, you are STILL a denier.. We ARE "the middle"...
There are people who don't believe that pi is an irrational number.

You don't invite them to your math symposia and give them equal time to speak about why you should ignore all the math which follows from the assumption that pi is irrational.

That's pretty much the gist of what I hear from Tyson.
Funny how he speaks of destroying civilization when science is responsible for weapons including nuclear warheads and the missile technology to deliver them anywhere.

And many of the scientists involved with nuclear weapons got into the politics of it. Including Einstein, who regretted sending that letter to FDR encouraging him to build the bomb. So by denialist standards, Einstein is thus a fraud, nothing but a political hack.

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